Hide and Seek Bride Part 2

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Dhawal dropped Natasha off first and told her that he would come in about 10 minutes.   

Natasha rushed towards her room without anyone seeing her.   She couldn't believe the changes that happened in the last few hours, actually in the last 24 hours.  She couldn't help but blush at the thought of last night.    She thought how close they became last night.  They actually took the step forward in their marriage, but they weren't married last night.  But today they were.  She was so confused.  She wasn't sure if she was happy.  Or was afraid to be happy.  

The next thing she knew was that someone was hugging her from behind.  "Dhawal, someone might come in." 

"I locked the door.  No one is going to come in."  stated Dhawal.  "I just wanted to hug my wife." 

"Dhawal, I am so confused.   Happy or am I afraid to be happy?  We weren't even together yesterday, and today, we are married.   I don't know what to feel?" said a panicked Natasha, who had started walking back in forth, in the room.   She kept covering her eyes and uncovering them.

Dhawal smiled at her actions.

"Natasha, don't worry.  Everything will be fine.  We will expose Amrish Bhai.  We will pay off the loan.  And we will move out and make our life together."

"Dhawal, it's not going to be easy.  We still have to finish college, get jobs, and expose Amrish Bhai.   How are we going to manage it all."

"We will manage.  And we have support.  We will finish college and get jobs.  I was planning to get a job when I found out about the loan.  At the time, I thought  you needed to pay Sundeep, so I had told Bhai that I intend to look for a job and help pay off the loan."  said Dhawal, pulling Natasha into a hug.

Natasha looked surprised at hearing Dhawal.   She was touched that he wanted to help pay the loan without any help from Amrish Bhai.  He had wanted to stand on his own two feet.  She was feeling so proud of him.  She tightened the hug.

"I think you should go to your room.   We need to be careful."  said Natasha

Dhawal agreed and then gave her a quick kiss and left the room, leaving her blushing. 

The next morning, Natasha was ready for college. She got Dhawal's  breakfast ready and brought it to his room when she noticed that he was ready to go out, too.  "Dhawal, where are you planning to go?" 

"College.  I missed a lot.  I need to catch up on all that I have missed.  I can't afford to miss any more classes.   If I do well on the assignments and the exams, I have a great chance.  Then, I will start looking for a job later this week."  said Dhawal

"Dhawal, you still haven't recovered fully.   You can use my notes.  I will help you with your assignments."  said Natasha

"Natasha, thank you.  And don't worry too much.  I will take it easy.  And you and Katu will be there to keep an eye on me.  I promise I will take it easy."  said Dhawal

"Ok.  Then eat your breakfast.  You need to take your meds afterward.  And you have to listen to me, no questions asked." ordered Natasha

"Yes, Boss!"  teased Dhawal


"Ok, ok.  I promised I would listen. Now eat and then we'll leave."  said Dhawal.

They quickly ate and left the room.   As they were leaving the house, Amrish stopped them, asking where they were going.  

"Mots, we are going to college.  I can't miss anymore.  We will be back after college."  said Dhawal, walking out the door with Natasha following him.  

As they were coming home, Chiku called Dhawal.  "Dhawal, we found a few things, but I'm not sure if you want to hear this."

"What is it?" asked Natasha, as the phone was on the  bluetooth, and she could hear the conversation too.

"Well, Isha and I were talking about our parents.   Natasha, I think our family lost their lives trying to save their father.  Isha was telling me that her father was in Somnath Bank during the earthquake, and a family of strangers lost their lives trying to save her father.   Our family lost their lives at the bank during the earthquake." 

"Is that true, Natasha?"

"I don't know.  We lost our whole family that day.   Bade Papa, Bade Ma, Muma, Chachu, Chachi, Krish Chachu, and Prerna Chachi all passed away in the bank during the earthquake.   Papa had stopped for some sweets and was supposed to meet them at the bank.  He never made it.   He passed away trying to help people get to safety.    We lost our whole world that day." wiping her eyes.

"Chiku, let me take Natasha home.  We will call you later." said Dhawal, as he wanted to take Natasha home soon, as she was very upset.  Soon, they arrived home, and Natasha rushed towards her room.    Everyone was in the sitting room and was confused at the way Natasha ran towards her room without greeting anyone.  As Dhawal walked in, Hetal asked, "Dhawal, what happened?  What's wrong?  Why is Natasha upset?  She didn't even greet anyone."

"Bhabi, Natasha is upset.  She found out some news that brought some bad memories." said Dhawal

"What news?"  asked Amrish

 "Fifteen years, her family was the ones that lost their lives trying to save our family.  She lost 7 members of her family in the bank, and the 8th was lost trying to save other people near a sweet shop.  Her father was to join them in the bank, but he stopped off at a sweet shop before he was to head over to the bank."  said Dhawal

"What!" responded everyone.  "How did you find out?" asked Chirag

"Chiku called as we were coming home.  Ishu and Chiku were talking about our parents and found the connection.  He called and informed us.  Natasha lost her whole world when the earthquake happened.   Eight members of her family died.  I'm going to check on her." said Dhawal as he went upstairs to check on Natasha.

Dhawal walked into Natasha's room and didn't see her, but then he glanced around and saw her in the corner huddled up crying.   He went to her, quickly picked her up, and took the bed.    She quickly wrapped her arms around him and held him tight.

Meanwhile, downstairs, everyone was sitting down in shock.

"I can't believe it.  She was so young when she lost everyone.   She must have been 5 years old, " said Hetal

"Actually, she was 7 years old, I was 8 years old, Sheesh was 6, and Mithu was 5 years old."  said Chiku as he walked in with Isha.

"Ishu," smiled Amba

"Ma. Bhai" Isha greeted everyone.

"Natasha?" asked Chiku

"Ma, I hope you don't mind.  We were already on our way when Chiku called Dhawal.  We didn't realize that they were in the car, and Natasha heard everything.  We got here as soon as we could."

"So you came for Natasha only?  Why?" asked Amba

"Listen, Sasu Ma.  I don't want to disrespect you, but you make it hard.   My sister was only 2 months old when she was kidnapped.   She was brought home after 7 years.   She never had the love of a mother.    When she came home, she got the love of 4 mothers.   A full family.  We were only happy for a few months when the earthquake happened.  And then I had disappeared.  She lost it all."  said Chiku

"Chiku!" Natasha yelled as she ran down the stairs, with Dhawal following, making sure she didn't fall.   Natasha rushed into Chiku's arms.  "Chiku.  They left me.  Why?  Everyone leaves me, "  she cried.

"Sssh. Chutki.  We are here.  I will never leave you.  Sheesh.  Mithu.  Daama.   We will never leave you."  said Chiku

"I will never leave you.  You're mine, and I'm yours.  Get that in your head now and forever."  Dhawal said as he grabbed her out of Chiku's arms into his.  

"And Natasha.  You're our sister.  And sisters don't leave, "  said Dolly, with Pranali and Hetal nodding in agreement.

Natasha looked towards Chiku and asked, "So it's true.  15 years ago, our families world was destroyed by the earthquake."

"Yes, Chutki.  Everything changed 15 years ago." he said as he wiped her eyes.  He looked at Dhawal, who was holding her in his arms.  

"Chiku, does Daama, Sheesh, and Mithu know?"asked Natasha.  

"Actually, Sheesh and Mithu know.  We haven't told Daama. We didn't know how to tell her." said Chiku. 

"Chiku, where's Sheesh and Mithu now?" asked Natasha

"Sheesh and Mithu are at Pranav's."  

Natasha looked at Dhawal, and he nodded.  "Let's meet with the boys before they let anything slip to Daama." said Natasha

"Wait, wait.  What just happened?  I'm confused."  yelled Amrish

"Bhai, let me explain.  Natasha and Chiku are going to meet with Sheesh and Mithu to make sure they don't let anything slip out to Kaki until they are ready to let her know.  Simple, "  said Chirag

"Actually, Chirag, I will be going with them too." said Dhawal

"Me too," said Isha.

"Why don't you call them here?"  asked Hetal  "You can relax and talk as long as you need."

"Chiku, who's with Daama?" asked Natasha.

"Kanta Massi is with her." said Isha.

"Fine.  Call the boys, Isha."  said Chiku.

"Bhabi, Chiku.  Have a seat.  I will make tea."  said Natasha as she went towards the kitchen, with Hetal, Pranali, and Dolly following her.

As they stepped into the kitchen, Natasha was pulled into a hug by all her sisters.   

"We are never leaving you.  Remember that!  I never want to hear you say that everyone leaves you.  We are sisters.  And sisters don't leave." Pranali said while Hetal and Dolly nodded.   What they didn't realize was that Dhawal and Chirag had followed them and were watching them from the doorway.  Dhawal smiled and motioned Chirag to follow him.

Dhawal led Chirag towards his room.

"Chirag, I need to tell you something, but you need to keep an open mind."  said Dhawal

"Promise me." said Dhawal

"I promise,"  said Chirag

"I am leaving this house soon,"  said Dhawal

"What!  What are you talking about? " said Chirag

"Listen to me.  Amrish Bhai has been playing with my emotions and feelings.    He's been manipulating me from the start.  He wanted me married to Natasha for Pandya Store, and I agreed.  I fell in love with her, Natasha brought Isha Di back, and Amrish Bhai decided that Natasha had to go.  So he manipulated your father in law.  He got the papers made for the demolition of Pandya Store, knowing that would destroy our relationship.   Natasha was broken.  Amrish Bhai asked me to divorce Natasha, and I did.  I never wanted to divorce her.  Then he brought Suhani to our lives, and I refused to marry her.  Then he told me that Natasha got Chiku and Ishu married.  In my anger, I agreed to marry Suhani.  Then then that awful day, where I accused Natasha.   Then I asked for forgiveness and asked her to marry me again.  She refused and left.  I had my accident.  Then Amrish Bhai bought Sundip's company and blackmailed her to take care of me.  She has to pay 45 Lakhs to Bhai in six months.   He, also, brought Shashank into our lives.  He wanted to make sure that Natasha would never come back to me.  He knew how much I loved her, how I couldn't live without her, and he was doing everything to keep her apart from me."  Dhawal cried in Chirag's arms.

"Ssh.  Calm down.  Tell me your plan, "  said Chirag

"Nothing much.  We need to collect more proofs.  We need to finish college.  Get jobs.  Pay off the loan."

"What about Natasha.  Has she forgiven you.  Will she marry you?" Chirag asked

"We got married yesterday." Dhawal said sheepishly

"Great news.  She's perfect for you. "  Chirag gave Dhawal a hug.

"She's my soulmate." said Dhawal

"And, as for the loan, we will all help.  Don't worry.  Do your thing. I will help too, " said Chirag  "Now let's go down.  Everyone is probably waiting or wondering where we are." 

Dhawal followed Chirag down, as they were walking down the stairs, Dhawal noticed that Sheesh and Mithu had arrived.

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