Overcoming the defeat

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Natasha had given up. She had lost her love. She was watching Dhawal get ready to marry his bride. Both Baraats had arrived at the hall. Everyone was dancing and enjoying while she was enduring. Smiling while trying not to cry. She needed to leave as soon as Chiku and Isha got married. She made arrangements, she signed over Pandya Store's property papers to her brothers, and made arrangements so the papers were being delivered shortly.

She saw her sister in laws along with Golu and went to say her goodbyes. When she told them that she was leaving, she shocked them. The protested, but Natasha quietly asked them for this favor.

"Please, Bhabi. I've lost. I thought I had true love on my side. But I didn't. Everything is finished. I need to leave, I will be leaving right after Chiku and Isha's wedding. Besides, it's better. Ma would find something to blame on me, whether I have done it or not. If not, blame, I will be taunted. I don't want to hear any taunts. I can't. I don't have any strength to fight. That's why I will be leaving." said Natasha

"But Natasha -" interrupted Hetal Bhabi

"I'm done, Bhabi. My love wasn't true. I lost. My wish is that Dhawal is happy. " Natasha smiled weakly.

"Golu, come here." as she kneeled down to Golu's height.

"Yes, Chachi," said Golu

"Today, I will become your Masi. Okay."


"Golu, remember that I will always love you. Whether I am close or far. Here, this is one of my most precious things in the world. I need you to take care of it. " Natasha took off her bracelet and on Golu's wrist, wrapped in a way that it wouldn't come off. Golu gave a hug and took off running.

"Bhabi, please take this mangalsutra also." asked Natasha

"But Natasha -" responded Hetal

"Bhabi, everything is finished. I'm leaving town shortly. I just wanted to say bye to my sisters. And say that I love you." she smiled.

The ladies finally conceded to Natasha, and all gave a hug to her, saying her goodbyes. Just as Natasha was finishing her goodbyes, Chirag walked up. "I wasn't invited to this party?" he asked.

"No, Chirag Bhai. I was going to look for you next. I wanted to say thank you for being my brother. You looked after me even after the annulment. It's true that I grew up with brothers, but I was always taken care of them. And when Chiku came back, it seemed that I gained an elder brother, a little reckless but brother none the less. But you, Bhai, gave me the fun-loving one. The one that teased protected me. Made me smile when I was upset. I love you, Bhai." she tearfully smiled.

Chirag had a worried look. "Natasha, what's going on?"

"Bhai, I am leaving town. I will leave as soon as Chiku and Isha get married. My ride will be here shortly." She gave a quick hug to them all and walked away. What she didn't realize was that Dhawal was watching her every move and was suspicious.

The papers will be delivered, and Natasha handed them over to her brothers, with Chiku protesting loudly. She promised that she would keep in touch. Chiku was about to protest more when Natasha was able to convince him to relax and enjoy his wedding. Chiku thought that he had more time to convince her to change her mind, not realizing that she was going to leave right after the wedding.

Dhawal was watching Natasha and realizing that something was going on. Suddenly realized Natasha was leaving. He didn't know how he figured it out, but he knew he did. He saw Chirag close by and called him over. "Where is Natasha going?" He asked without any delay.

Chirag was double minded to answer.

"Bhai, please. Where is Natasha going?" Dhawal asked again.

"She's leaving town. She's defeated. With everything that has happened in the last few days. She's finally given up." said Chirag, shocking Dhawal.

Dhawal got up and left. Chirag was left shocked but didn't know what to do but didn't follow him as Isha came down to the mandap. Shortly after, Isha and Chiku were married. The Pandya family smiled and wished them well. Natasha walked up to them and said, "Welcome to the family, Bhabi. Chiku, promise me never to hurt her." Raising her hand for Chiku to agree to the promise. Natasha smiled when he agreed. Gave them both a hug. As they got busy in getting their blessings, Natasha quietly slipped out.

Dhawal walked back towards Mandap. He saw everyone except Natasha. "Where's Natasha?" he asked.

Everyone looked around and said, "She was just here."

"Damn it! She's flown the coup again." muttered Dhawal

"Good! She should stay away. You're going marry Suhani, " stated Amba, not realizing that Dhawal was ignoring her.

"Chirag, I'm going to go get her." stated Dhawal

"Dhawal, she's leaving town. You need to let her go. You're getting married to Suhani, " said Chirag

"I am not marrying Suhani. I am marrying my wife! I'm done living without her. I am never letting her go! Now, I am going to go get her, and then we will get married. And if anyone has a problem, they can leave." yelled Dhawal, shocking Amba and Amrish.

Then Dhawal rushed out, calling Natasha's cell, but she wasn't answering. He was thinking of going to the bus stand when he had a thought. She would surely go to the Pandya Store site. Just to say goodbye to her family. He rushed to the site, where he saw Natasha walking around, saying goodbye. When he got closer, she noticed him. She was surprised. He was supposed to be getting married. She turned around and started to walk to her ride when Dhawal grabbed her hand.

"Not so fast, Natasha," said Dhawal, turning her around towards him.

"What are you doing, Dhawal? Have you gone crazy? Why are you here? You should be getting married to Suhani?" questioned Natasha.

"I'm right where I should be. I'm not crazy. And I'm not getting married to Suhani. And I'm here to bring back my wife back." said Dhawal, smiling.

"Dhawal, stop it! It's not funny. I have already accepted it. I got the message Loud and Clear last night. I was blamed for the situation last night. I must have engineered it, so you would have had to leave your Sangeet. Please leave. I don't want to blame again." cried Natasha

"Natasha!" he shook her. "Enough! I did not blame you! Do you know how worried I was. I never blamed you! Yes, Ma, Amrish Bhai, and Suhani did, but I did not! There was no point in saying anything since everyone knows the truth except for them. Why make it worse by protesting. They wouldn't have believed anything except what they wanted to believe. I didn't care about anything but trying to find out that you were ok. I needed to know that you were ok. You are my wife! And no paper is going to tell me that we aren't married anymore. So we are going to get married again. And hell with anyone that tries to break up us again."

"Dhawal" interjected Natasha

"Natasha, no! I know you love me just as I love you! You wouldn't have tried so hard to stop the wedding. We are getting married again. The annulment was a mistake. But I had to get back to Pandya store somehow." stated Dhawal

"The families are not going accept it. You should leave." said Natasha.


"It's not going to work. Everyone is against us, " cried Natasha, going down to her knees.

"It is going to work. It's Ma and Amrish Bhai that are against us. That's fine. After the wedding, we'll move out. But I am not leaving you. You are my family! My Life! Please agree! Say yes!" hugging as he also sank to his knees.

Natasha finally nodded against his chest. He felt the movement, and he pulled her a little away from him and looked at her. He looked at the questionly.


He smiled in relief. Then, he hugged her tightly like he wasn't ever going to let her go. He pulled her up and said, "Let's go. Everyone is waiting for us."

Not much later, they arrived at the wedding venue. It looked like Suhani and her family had left. With only Dhawal and Natasha's family left.

"Natasha!" her sister in laws were so happy that they had a group hug.

"Ladies, you can catch up later. We need to get these two married again." interjected Chirag.

"Natasha, your outfit!" exclaimed Dolly

"Dolly Bhabi, I didn't plan to get married today. I wore my sister of groom outfit. It's too late anyway."

"Don't worry, Bhabi. Sheesh went to Pandya Niwas and picked up one of dresses that Natasha had. Otherwise, I will change my jacket. Either way, I am marrying Natasha in the next 10 minutes." stated Dhawal.

"Natasha, Sheesh is already here with your mother's dress and Raavi's. Go pick one and change quickly."

The girls quickly grabbed Natasha and took her to get changed. Shortly after, Natasha was brought down by Sheesh, Mithu, and Chiku. Hetal gave back the mangalsutra that Natasha had given her earlier. Pranali got Natasha's bracklet from Golu. Natasha was quickly married to Dhawal again.

Natasha was confused at how quickly things changed. She was leaving town a few hours ago, and now she was re-married to Dhawal again. She wasn't sure if she did the right thing. She loves Dhawal more than anything, but Ma and Amrish Bhai will never accept her. Dhawal was going to get hurt due to the problems between her and her inlaws. She had accepted it yesterday that she had lost her love. Between his re-marriage, Amba and Amrish, they would never work. She thought if she left, it would make it easier for everyone.

Dhawal touched Natasha's shoulder, "Come out of Daydream land?"

"Hun?" questioned Natasha

"I've been calling you for a few minutes. You were in such deep thought, " said Dhawal

"Sorry. I'm just thinking." looking at him.

"Dhawal, Natasha. We can do this ceremony later if you want. I know your mother and brother must be very angry." said Suman

"No, Daama. I will bring Natasha home today." stated Dhawal

"Isha will have a proper send-off, and Natasha will have a proper welcome." said Amrish from the entrance.

Natasha looked shocked when she saw Amrish and Amba at the entrance. She thought they had left. She quickly moved behind Dhawal, trying to hide. Dhawal put his hand over hers and shook his head. He pulled her from behind him and brought her beside him. And wrapped his arm around her. "No need to be scared." he quickly told her.

She smiled and held out her hand for him to grab. Their bracelets connected. Dhawal smiled, grabbed her hand, and brought it to his lips to kiss, bringing a teary smile on Natasha's face.

"Ready?" Dhawal asked. Natasha nodded with a smile.

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