Rejected then married

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Natasha was feeling upset. She had just gotten married a few weeks ago. She was having a little trouble adjusting to their confusing family way of life, but overall, she was confident that she could adjust to the family.

Her cousin, Dolly, was getting married into the Makwana family, and she was invited along with her grandmother as their poor relatives. She didn't even want to come, but her masi insisted that she support her cousin Dolly.

She had a good relationship with her cousin, but with the wedding, she would be considered a poor relation, and treated as such. She hated coming over when she knew that her great aunt, Kamini Thakkar, was going to be around. Her great aunt always insulted her family, and her Daama made her promise never to fight back in that regard, so she always smiled tightly and walked away.

During the wedding, Dolly married Chirag, but circumstances made it possible that Natasha had to marry Dhawal. The once rejected prospective groom of Natasha's. She was now married to Dhawal due to her great aunt's tricks.

She was now married, her grandmother was being taken care of, and her inlaws seemed nice.

She was taking it slow in getting to know her husband, Dhawal, though they go to the same college, they weren't friends.

Natasha had her own set of friends that were separate from his. Dhawal, along with his mother and brother, had come to her grandmother to ask for Natasha's hand in marriage. She didn't know why they chose her, as they were a well-to-do family, and she belonged to a middle class family.

What Natasha didn't know was that Amrish Makwana had asked Dhawal to marry Natasha as he felt guilty. Amrish had found out about the shared past they had shared. Natasha's family had lost their lives in saving their father. Their father, Arvind, was saved many years ago, but the Pandya family had lost their lives. A few years ago, at Arvind's deathbed, he made Amrish promised that he would find the family and make sure that they made them a part of their family. Amrish had found out who the family was a few months ago and realized that Dhawal and Natasha went to college together.

"Natasha the only child of Dev and Rishita Pandya, the only surviving child of the Pandya family, was working at her family store, Pandya Store, and taking care of ailing grandmother, as well as trying to get an education. Amrish was impressed with Natasha. He knew she would have a little bit of a hard time adjusting to his family, but he was confident that she would be a great asset to his family. He knew that his mother would be hard to convince since Natasha belonged to a middle-class family, but he knew that she would always honor his father's last wish.

When they had arrived to see her, Natasha was surprised to see one of the boys from college at her home. She was confused. Her grandmother seemed happy to see them, but she didn't know why the guests were there. But she greeted them nicely and sat them with her grandmother while she got the snacks and tea ready for them. Shortly after, she had everything ready and served when she got a weird feeling as the Makwana's were smiling at her. She smiled nervously back.

"Chutki, the Makwana's have come with an offer of marriage for you." stated Suman, making Natasha look up in surprise. She looked at Dhawal, who was looking at her with a serious look, then his mother, Amba, and then Amrish. She opened her mouth, then closed it a couple of times. She closed her eyes, then opened them. Nope, they were still there. It's not a dream.

"Chutki, why don't you take Dhawal to the balcony and talk. Find out more about each other, and then come down." stated Suman. Natasha nodded and got up and led Dhawal to the balcony.

She looked at Dhawal and said, "Say no to the marriage. Please." Surprising Dhawal

"Why?" asked Dhawal

"I have rejected many guys. I will not get married. I always get the guys to reject me. I will not leave my grandmother alone. You may be a nice guy. Or the perfect guy. But I will not get married and leave my grandmother alone. She has already lost her whole family. Her husband, then her children along with their wives, and 3 grandchildren. The only surviving grandchild is me. My grandmother wants me to be married and settled, and then she thinks that she will leave me alone and finally be able to be reunited with her family. So if I don't get married, she won't leave me. So please reject me." stated Natasha

"So what about if the right man comes into your life, will you say no?" asked Dhawal

"There's no such thing as right man. There is a best man for you. You see, a right man can become the wrong man. The right man is usually their at the right time or wrong time, but not around all the time. The best man for you will be someone who lets you make mistakes, helps you, and supports you while accepting the same from you. Someone who wants the best for me without wanting something in return. I don't want someone who is right for me at the time. I want someone who is the best for me all the time. You see, if I ever get married, I want my husband to think my grandmother as his grandmother. So it's best that you please say no." stated Natasha.

Dhawal didn't say anything but got up. Natasha followed him back down. As they came back to the sitting area. Suman looked up in expectation. "Chutki?"

Amrish asked Dhawal, "Dhawal?"

"It's a yes from me." stated Dhawal, shocking Natasha speechless. She opened and closed her mouth a few times.

"Chutki, please. Tell me?" Suman said, pleading.

Natasha shook her head, with tears in her eyes. She didn't want to disappoint her grandmother, but she didn't want to say yes either. She was happy but everyone else was disappointed. She looked at Dhawal, and he was smiling. She couldn't figure it out. She told him to say no, and she was sure he was going to say no, but he ended up saying yes. Why? She needed to find out why. She figured that she couldn't find out now, but tomorrow at college, she will find out why he said yes.

Suman was sad that her Chutki was getting wasn't engaged. Suman was sad to see the Makwana family go, but her Chutki's cousin was getting married, and they would be at the wedding in the following weeks. So she hoped that maybe there would be someone there that her granddaughter would find to marry.

Dhawal looked at Natasha and saw her confused face. He was smiling inwardly, as he knew if Natasha knew what he was thinking, she would probably smack him. He was originally was going to say no or he was thinking of asking her to say no but when he met her and realized that Natasha was the one, Amrish had picked out for his bride, he became very happy. But she asked him to say no, he was surprised. When he said yes, she was surprised but she surprised him when she said no. But he wasn't going to give up. He was determined to marry her. Looking at her, he knew that she wanted her questions answered. Probably tomorrow at college. He smiled as they left Pandya Niwas.

Dhawal was still smiling when he arrived at Makwana house. Amrish saw him smiling and asked him, "What's going on? You haven't stopped smiling since we left Pandya Niwas."

"Natasha wanted me to reject her. She doesn't want to marry because her grandmother will be alone. She wants to marry into a family that will accept her grandmother as their family, too. She wants to marry a person who will be the best person for her, not the right now person for her. She was so shocked when I said yes. She, then, said no. She probably wanted to smack me. I was going to say no, as I like a girl at my school. But to my surprise, the girl that I like is the girl that you chose for me. She's Natasha. I want to marry her. No one else." stated Dhawal, surprising Amrish.

"But she said no." said Amrish

"So, I will get married to her only. I am Dhawal Makwana. I will change her mind. I will marry her.

The next day, Natasha was looking for Dhawal all over the college, and when she found him, he was with his buddies. "Excuse me, I need to have a word with your friend. I promise he will be back soon." as she dragged him away from his friends.

"What the hell, Dhawal! You were supposed to reject me! You're lucky that I rejected the proposal, " said Natasha angrily.

"Well, I thought about it. And I don't want to. I want to get married to you." said Dhawal

"Are you crazy? You don't even know me or like me?" stated Natasha

"Actually, I do like you. If I didn't, I wouldn't have said yes. Yes, it's true that we don't know each other, but I want to know you. I am going to marry you."

"Seriously? Are you an idiot? I rejected you. We are not getting married." asked Natasha

"Well, the truth is that I like you. I've liked you since the first day of college. You are stubborn, dramatic, sweet, and caring. I've seen how you care for your grandmother. I want to marry someone like that. So I didn't say no. I want to marry you." replied Dhawal

Natasha was shocked at Dhawal's words. She didn't know what to say. She turned around and walked away. Dhawal smiled at her confusion and walked back to his friends.

A few weeks later, Dhawal and Natasha were married along with her cousin Dolly. Natasha's cousin was marrying Chirag, Dhawal's brother. When Natasha arrived at the wedding, Amba let it slip that Natasha rejected Dhawal. Kamini refused to let Dolly marry Chirag unless Natasha married Dhawal

Dhawal was a protective and supportive husband. After they had gotten married, Amba let it slip that the Pandya family was the ones that lost their lives in saving Arvind Makwana. Natasha wanted to leave at the time, but both Dhawal and Suman had convinced her not to do. Suman had convinced her that it was fate, while Dhawal convinced her in his own way by asking her a chance as he refused to let her go. They were married, and they needed to work through their problems. He wasn't a quitter, and neither was she. Slowly, she had started to understand him and opened up to him while he was doing the same.

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