Supporting Natasha

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Dhawal couldn't  believe what he was seeing.   His mother was disrespecting Natasha, and Natasha was allowing it.   Natasha just ate out the bowl that his mother ate out of and washed her hands in.   

Once dinner was over, Dhawal grabbed Natasha's hand and pulled her towards their bedroom.

"Natasha, what was that downstairs?  Why didn't you take a stand?  Why didn't you let Ma disrespect you like that! Why did you stop me from defending you?"  asked Dhawal

"Dhawal, think.  If you defended me or got angry at them, nothing would be accomplished.  We could get angry, then we could leave.  We would be happy, but what about the Bhabi's? They would be suffering.   They would be under Maa and Amrish Bhai's control, under their orthodox thinking.  We need to change their mindset."  said Natasha 

"I don't know, but I will figure it out.  I left my phone downstairs, let me go get it."  said Natasha.

Natasha came back to the room upset.    She turned on some music to make some noise.  She was in tears, she couldn't speak, she rushed into Dhawal's arms, and just cried.  "I'm sorry," she cried over and over again.

"Ssshh.  What's going on?  You were fine when you left here a few minutes ago.  What happened?" asked Dhawal.

"Maa is blackmailing me.  Why me?  First Amrish Bhai and now, Maa.   But Maa, how can someone be so cunning?"  asked Natasha.

"What is it?"  asked Dhawal

"I have to get everyone sign a contract stating that everyone has to listen to me.  Otherwise, I will break the family.  I would leave and take you with me.  Why me?  Always, my happiness comes so close and then disappears.   Since I was a  baby, this has happened.  I have never complained.  We finally got married again, and I thought maybe my happiness was here to stay. " Natasha cried in his arms.

"Ssshh. I am confused about what you just said.  What do you mean happiness disappears from you," asked Dhawal

"I was 2 months old when Shweta Ma kidnapped me.  She was Chiku's birth mother.  I came home after 7 years.  I was already sick by then.  The reason I lost my kidneys was Shweta Ma.  It was then discovered that I was the missing Pandya.  Dhara Ma gave me her kidney, so I lived.  That is why Chiku is so overprotective of me and vice versa.   Then my family, my bade parents, my parents, and both sets of chacha and chachi's died in the earthquake.  They died trying to save a man stuck at the bank.  Then, we also lost Chiku in the chaos of the earthquake.   My whole world disappeared 15 years ago.  And nothing was the same again.  We got married, and I was starting to feel happy again, and then you know what happened."

"And I promise you that you will be happy I am always with you.  Now, let's beat this game of Maa's.   But first, let's me call Chirag."  said Dhawal

Dhawal and Natasha went to the washroom, and they knew that nobody could listen in there.   Dhawal called Chirag and put the call on speaker.  Natasha quickly explained what was going on, shocking Chirag and Dolly.    Dhawal explained that he was going to let Maa think that her plan was a success.   But he needed their help, as he didn't want to break his relationships as he had done a while ago.  Dolly agreed and said that she would get Pranali on board, and then they would get Hetal Bhabi included.  It was agreed that Dolly and Chirag would  protest but would quickly sign the contract.   Dhawal hung up, and they went back to their bedroom.   Natasha hugged Dhawal.  He nodded. He motioned her to start the game as he quickly signed the contract.

Natasha called everyone out and got the signatures.  Amba faked crying and also signed the contract with Pranali and Bhavin supporting her.  Taking her to the bedroom afterward.  Chirag and Dhawal glanced at each other.  Dhawal motioned to Natasha to head over to the terrace.   Chirag, Dolly, and Dhawal headed up to the terrace to hide.

Natasha was crying on the bench when Amba showed up.  Amba said, "Congratulations.  The first step to your destruction."  

Natasha begged her to stop, but Amba was not stopping.  She threatened her, "If you don't listen or if you rip the contract.  Then your brother will get the video, and then Esha and Yash's marriage will break.  You wouldn't want to at do you?"  Amba laughed as she left the terrace.

Natasha kept on crying when Dhawal rushed to her to confort her.  After Dolly hugged her, "Ssshh.  Natasha, how much will you cry?  And why are you crying?  We are with you, and we will win this battle just like the other ones." 

Chirag put his hand on Natasha's head in blessing.  "Natasha, we are with you.  You know, I always said that you are perfect for Dhawal, but now I will say that you are perfect for our family."  

Natasha tearfully smiled.  "We should go to our rooms.  Maa might come back."  everyone agreed, as they quickly left, but Dhawal grabbed his phone that was recording.  He made sure that it if was recorded, and then he also left the terrace.

The next few days were filled with Natasha being arguementive and insulting. After a couple of days, Natasha went over to Pandya Niwas with Dhawal.

When Chiku saw them in Pandya Niwas, he started to leave the room, and Natasha stopped him.

"Chiku, are you so angry with your sister that you can't be in the same room with her?"  she cried, going down to knees.  Dhawal tried to help her, but Daama grabbed his  arm and shook her head.  Chiku turnbackked and saw that she was kneeling on the ground crying and couldn't stop himself.  He picked her up and sat her down on the sofa while he kneeled on the ground in front of her.

"Chutki, I can never be mad at you.  You are my Chutki.   You suffered so much because of me.   All I ever wanted to was is to protect you."  cried Chiku

"And that all I want to do for you.  You're my brother.   I would protect with all my power.  So why did you think that I would let you take the wrong path,especially if it goes against our family."  said Natasha

"Chutki, they deserved it!" said Chiku

"Actually, only Amrish Bhai and Ma deserve your hatred.  They rest were innocent.  Especially Golu.  And we taught never hurt the innocent.  As for Dhawal, that was between us.  We were husband and wife, foughtght, made up. It goes in a circle." said Natasha

"Fine!    We do it your way."  said Chiku

"Thank you!  Thank you!  You are the best brother.  Love you!" she jumped into his arms, making him unbalanced that they fell on the floor.

"Your childish habits haven't gone away." Chiku said, lying on the ground.

"Nope.  I have 15 years of habits to pester you with." Natasha said as she sat on his stomach.

"Now, I have to talk to you about the papers.  Please, I know you will get angry, but please remember we are Pandya.  Remember, we didn't want to hurt you but didn't want to go the wrong path.  You were acting like Amrish Bhai, and I won't let you do that.  I will go to any lengths to have my brother back."

"Fine.  I kind of already know but spill  your guts."  said Chiku

"First of all, I was the ghost at the Makwana house. Stop laughing, Chiku!"  Natasha yelled when Chiku started laughing.

"You though you could be scary as a ghost, you, my midget." laughed Chiku

"Stop calling me midget and let me continue."  said Natasha

"Go ahead, my little ghost."  said Chiku while Esha and Dhawal were giggling.

"Fine,  Dhawal came with me. Then, we faked a wedding between Shashank and myself as a plan between Shashank, Dhawal, and I.  The plan was for us to find the papers and then get married.  Dhawal and I not Shashank and I.  Dhawal came as Ruby as he was fasting for me, and I had fasted for him.  We needed to break each other's fast.  Also, we were trying to convince you to return the papers, but you were stubborn.  Then we thought to grab the papers.  But we couldn't find the papers.  Then I convinced Bhabi.    She didn't want to, but I had convinced her.   It was for the betterment of our family.  She finally agreed.  I thanked her.  And then, I married Dhawal in jail, but what I didn't know was that Maa would blackmail me with your marriage.  She made a video of me thanking Esha Bhabi.   She wants me out of Dhawal's life. Otherwise, she will send the video and break your marriage.   Please, Chiku, don't get angry.  I am begging you.  Please, don't destroy your marriage.  I promised if you want, I will stay away from you.  I will even leave town, but please don't let Maa destroy your marriage."  cried Natasha

"Maa, is willing to hurt me like that?  Dhawal?  Does she hate me that much?"  Esha cried.

"No, Esha.   No body can hate you.   Maa can't control you or Natasha.  She wants control, but I promise you.  She won't be controlling any one of you.   I won't let her hurt either one of you."  said Dhawal, hugging Esha.

  "Finally, my family is slowly coming together."  smiled Daama

"Yes, it's becoming our family. Not my family or your family.  It's our family, "  said Dhawal

Chiku finally decided to let his anger go.  "Fine, we will fix our family, and then have the perfect family.  Happy" 

"Since we are confessing, I was the one who tipped the reports that day of Pranali Bhabi's clinic opening.  I even know who  brought the expired medicine in." said Chiku

"It was Sasu Maa and Bhavin Bhai.  They didn't want Pranali Bhabi opening her clinic.  They hoped with the expired medicines that Pranali Bhabi would lose her medical license."  said Chiku, shocking the rest of the family.

"Esha Bhabi, Dhawal, I am sorry, but I have to put a stop to this.   We need to confront Maa before she plans something else."  said Natasha 

"Natasha, I think Holi will be the greatest time to do it.  You see, Maa's confidant is Chhabali.  Special wali Thandai, we should be able to find more things."  Everyone agreed that would be the plan.

A few days later, at the holi event, first insulted Amrish as per Amba's plan.  Then Dolly secretly made Chhabali drink the special thandai.   Once it had taken effect, Dolly and Pranali prodded Chhabali into spilling Amba's secrets.   Luckily, Chirag had recorded the conversation.   Once Chhabali had said everything, she passed out.  

Once the event was over, everyone was relaxing.  Luckily, Chhabali was the only one drunk, and she was sleeping off the effects of the drunkness.

"Maa, Bhai.  I have something to say."  said Esha  "I'm pregnant."  Surprising, everyone.  Everyone congratulated her, whereas Amrish gave a half-hearted congratulations.  

"I am so happy for you.  My Eshu is going to have a baby." said an excited Amba

"Actually, Maa, you will never meet my child."  said Esha, shocking everyone.

"What?  Eshu Beta, why would you say that.  I'm your mother."  said Amba

"Mother, you Maa.  A mother supports her children.  Not put obstacles in their path.  You were blackmailing Natasha with my marriage.  You were going break my marriage up?"  yelled Esha

Amba looked nervously around.  When Chirag pulled out his phone and pressed play.

Amba looked scared and furious at the same time.  She looked at Amrish out of the corner of her eye.  He was looking furious at the recording of being played.  Everything that Amba did before the wedding was  being aired out.  All the games she played, faking falls and blaming the daughter in laws.  Playing mind games with them.  Pitting them against them as she didn't want them to join together as a family, she wanted to be separate, as this was a way to control them.

When her sons heard that, they looked disgusted.  Finally, Chirag's recording was over, and she thought that she could talk her way out of it, and blame Chhabali for it all, instead, Dhawal started his recording, and she couldn't refute any of it, as it was all in her voice.  She was blackmailing Natasha in clear words.  She was ordering Natasha to insult Amrish, argue with Amrish.   Amrish was looking furious now.  His mother, the one he trusted over everyone, betrayed him.  He couldn't even speak.

"My own children betrayed me!" cried Amba

"Betrayed!  You even have the guts to claim betrayal.  You betrayed me, Maa.  You were destroying my marriage.  I love Natasha.  I would die for her.  I will kill for her!  And you thought you could destroy my marriage!  WE have been watching you since the day of our marriage.  I thought my mother was an angel, but she's a snake.  Heck,   I am ashamed to say that Amba Makwana is my mother!" yelled Dhawal, holding Natasha's hand.

"Dhawal, you are forgetting yourself.  She is our mother."  yelled Bhavin

"You're mother.  Do you know the reason Amrish Bhai went to jail during my engagement.  Alcohol was brought by our mother into the party so she could get Natasha drunk, and I would break the engagement.  The second time Amrish Bhai almost went to jail was when Maa and you, Bhavin Bhai, brought expired medicines into Pranali Bhabi's clinic.  You are lucky that Natasha and the Bhabi, covered for you otherwise, Amrish Bhai would have gone to jail, and of course, the media found out, and Bhai's company shares suffered and so did his reputation, all because of you and Maa."  yelled Dhawal

"And as when Chiku took over the property, why wouldn't he do it.   After all, Amrish Bhai did the same to him.  So I don't blame him.  I do regret that Natasha spent all that time trying to help us, and only to get stabbed in the  back by Maa.  Dhawal was right, I am ashamed to be Amba Makwana's son."  said Chirag.

"Maa, you won.  The video that you were going to send Yash.  Well, we saw it.  And we made a decision.  Yash and I are moving out of town.  Away from you.   Like I said, you will never see my child."  said Esha

"Eshu."  Amba was crying

"Bhabi, what do you mean you are moving.  You can't leave!  Chiku?"  Natasha rushed into Chiku's arms.  

"Ssshh.  We are just moving.  I got a job,  and Esha doesn't need the stress, so we decided we needed to leave town.  You haven't lost me, crazy.   You are my sister.   You will be visiting, and we visit too."  said Chiku

"How about I move with you.  You'll need help with Bhabi.  Someone needs to take care of her." said Natasha, surprising the Makwana's.

"No!" yelled the Makwana's excluding Amba and Bhavin.  The younger Makwana's were surprised as Amrish had yelled No.

"Chutki, you will not go.  I will be going with Chiku and Esha."  said Daama

"But Daama. What if Bhabi needs me? "  said Natasha

"No.  You can come to welcome the baby.   But for now, you need to stay with your family."

"Daama, I can't stay here.  I won't stay here."  said Natasha.

"Fine, Chutki.  Go get your stuff."  said Chiku.

"No!"  yelled, everyone

"Listen, I just taking her home.  She's stressed.  I just want her to rest." said Chiku

"Fine, but I am coming too then."  insisted Dhawal.

"Okay.  Fine.  Chiku, Esha.  Let's go.  Dhawal, you bring Natasha home soon."  said Daama

Dhawal nodded and headed upstairs to his room.  

"Natasha, pack my clothes along with yours,"  Dhawal said as he walked into the room.

"Why?" asked Natasha

"Cause I am going too.  Actually, Daama and Chiku already left.  I will be taking you to Daama's."  said Dhawal

"Dhawal, you should stay here.  Everyone is hurt here.  You need to support them."

"WE are here for that.  Dhawal needs to support you now.  You guys go, spend a couple of days with Kaki, and  then we can figure out what to do next." said Chirag from the door.

Natasha and Dhawal quickly packed a bag,  and went downstairs, with Chirag following them. 

"Amrish Bhai, I am sorry  for hurting you.  Insulting you and arguing with you.  If you can,  please forgive me.  I didn't want to do any of that."  Natasha said as she folded her hands in an apology.

She quickly went to Hetal Bhabi and Pranali Bhabi, "I am sorry Bhabi's.  Please forgive me.  I didn't want to hurt you either, " Natasha cried, folding her hands.

Both Hetal and Pranali grabbed her hands and pulled her into their arms.  "Ssshh, pagali.  No need."  Dolly excited joined them and had a group hug. 

"Now, you go with Dhawal, but I want you back in a few days.  This house is empty without you."  said Hetal.

Dhawal led Natasha towards his car.   Natasha didn't say anything.  Once they were situated in the car, Dhawal drove to Sadar Bazar.   "What's going on, Natasha?  We were working together fine, the last couple of days.  What happened today that you are distancing yourself from me.?" asked Dhawal

"Nothing.  You are imagining things."  replied Natasha.

"Imagining things.  Then why would you want to leave me.  Answer me!"  yelled Dhawal.

Dhawal took a deep breath and parked to the side as he didn't want to get into an accident.

"I didn't want to break your family up!"  Natasha yelled back.

"Damnit, you are my family.   Don't even think of saying those words again."

"Did you not see our family was together, after all these years.  You are the one.   We will slowly fix everything, but you need to stop trying to run away."  softly ordered Dhawal."Now sit back, rest up.  And we'll be at Daama's shortly.

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