The Past Unfolds

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Why did you bring me here? What can be accomplished here? You've only been here a few months, but I have known them a long time. They will never change." said Esha

"Esha Didi, do you think I don't know that. Do you know how I got married? I was in love. I thought Dhawal loved me. Instead, the only reason for the marriage was Pandya Store. They wanted Pandya Store. So yes, I know what kind of people they are. But you asked me the reason for bringing you here?" Natasha looked around and noticed that everyone was just looking at them.

"Esha Didi, you were away from Mumma, your brothers, for 3 years. Imagine what your mother went through, not knowing where her daughter was. Was she safe? Is she happy? She was probably dying every day even though she was being strong for her family, " asked Natasha

"Why do you care?" asked Esha

"Because I have been there." replied Natasha

"What do you mean?" asked Dhawal

"Did you know at birth, I was named Sanchi Dev Pandya." said Natasha

"Then why is your name Natasha?" asked Dolly

"I was two months old when I was kidnapped by Chiku's birth mother. Chiku was adopted by Bade Papa and Bade Mumma. I was born shortly after. Our family was so happy, but Shweta Ma wasn't. She wanted Pandya Store and tried multiple times but always failed. Her last resort was kidnapping me. It wasn't that she wanted me; all she wanted was money. After I was kidnapped, she got me started as a child artist. All she wanted was the money she could get from me." Natasha looked around and saw that her sister-in-laws were looking shocked. Dhawal looks upset. Amrish Bhaiya was trying to look uninterested.

"I was found by my family after 7 years. By then, Shweta Ma had named me Natasha. When I came home, Mumma would call me Sanchi, but I would refuse to answer. First, I refused to believe that the Pandya's were my family, but slowly, they won me over. They were convinced that I was their daughter, but my maternal grandfather wanted confirmation, so they had gone for DNA test, which came out positive. I didn't even know what a mother's love was, and all of sudden, I got 4 mothers, 4 fathers, and a grandmothers love. I was reunited with my brothers. You see, in our family, we were never treated any different. We were everyone's children. It never mattered who's biologically we were. We were all of their kids. Then, one day, Mumma asked me what I wanted to be called. I told them I was Natasha Pandya."

Hetal Bhabi had tears in her eyes while everyone was quiet.

"You were away from your mother for 3 years, but I was away from my mother for 7 years. For 7 years, my mother didn't know whether I was dead or alive. She suffered every day. Even after Sheesh was born, she still looked for me, suffering for me. She once said that finding me was the happiest day in her life, that it was complete. That her family was complete,' Natasha said while wiping her eyes.

"Do you know that my only wish for this house was to be part of the family. That is all I ever wanted. Cause after I was kidnapped, my family was broken. Everyone had guilt over my kidnapping and blamed each other. So the brothers had split. Bade Papa stayed with Daama. Papa, Chachu, and Kaka all left and went to different parts of the country. But no one was happy. Seven years passed when they came back to Somnath when Daama got sick. There was still blame around, but Shweta Ma got greedy again and tried stealing the Store again. And then she was caught, and I was brought home. Everyone forgave her, and we had a few great months. Our lives were going great. We were moving to a bigger home, so all of us could live together. Papa decided to open a second shop and even got approved for the loan for it. So they had all gone to the bank finish the formalties when the earthquake hit. My family helped as many people they could, but they all lost their lives. They refused to leave each other." said Natasha. As she looked around the room, she saw that they had a shocked look on their faces.

"So, yes, Esha Didi, I had a reason for bringing you home. Cause no mother should have to go through the pain of not knowing where their child is. And if I can fix it, I will." said Natasha

Esha looked Natasha will pain in her eyes.

"Do you know Esha Didi that my life has been a rollercoaster since the day I was born. I was kidnapped as a baby, came home as a 7 year old, then experienced what a happy family was for a few months, then lost it all. My parents, Bade Papa, Bade Mumma, Chachu, Chachi, Kaka, and Kaki, all in one moment. They left in the morning and came back lifeless. Do you know a mother's pain when her young children leave the house for an errand and come back dead. It wasn't just one child. It was 8 of her children! Her 4 sons, along with her 4 daughter in laws! She had also lost her eldest grandchild during the quake due to him visiting Shweta Ma. But she had to be strong, and she raised us. She started over!" cried Natasha

"I agree, that Mumma had a hard life when Papa passed away. And Amrish Bhai had to grow up very early, but that doesn't mean that only the Makwana's have been dealt with pain. I've dealt with pain all my life. And I would never intentionally hurt anyone"

"Bhabi," Esha started towards her.

"No, it's okay," Natasha responded as she wiped her eyes.

"I'm sorry. Didn't want to make things despressing." Natasha started to leave the room to go to her room. As she was walking up the stairs, Amrish said, "Pooja will be held in a half hour. Everyone can get ready, we will not wait for anyone, whether they are a daughter-in-law or a daughter of this house." Natasha paused her step, then continued on towards her room.

Natasha was finishing the final touches when Dhawal walked into the room. He smiled when he saw how beautiful she looked.

"Natasha, I am sorry," Dhawal started saying

"It's ok." As she got up to go downstairs.

"Wait, Natasha," as he grabbed a jewlery box. As he opened the box, she saw that there was a beautiful waist chain. He grabbed the ends of the waist chain and then turned Natasha around as he slowly tied the waist chain around her waist. "Now, it's perfect."

Natasha looked at Dhawal in shock.

"Ready. Let's go down. Everyone is probably waiting for us." stated Dhawal.

Natasha nodded as she quietly followed him down.

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