The Repentance Part 2

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Siddart was shocked that a man had interrupted his wedding and took his bride away from him, along with the little girl, Naveli, who Bittu had become very attached to in such a short time.  He needed to find out who Dhawal Makwana was.  Siddart was looking into Dhawal when he found out that Natasha was indeed his wife.  And the little girl, Naveli, that she had gotten attached to was indeed her daughter.

He had found out that other things, that he thought he could use to get her to come back to him, so about four months after she was taken away, he decided to go to Somnath, and bring Bittu back with him to Mumbai.

Siddart arrived at the Makwana house, and everyone was home that day.   Siddart walked into Makwana house when he saw that the door was open, and the kids, along with Bittu, were playing on the main floor.  Bittu was chasing Naveli, another boy and girl around.  She was smiling and laughing.

"Bittu!"  called out Siddart

Everyone stopped what they were doing, while Dhawal stood up, tightening his fists in anger.

"Dart!" smiled Natasha as she rushed towards him and grabbed his arms.  "Friends," she pointed to the other children.  Then she dragged him along towards Pranali.  "Sister.  Pranali Bhabi."    She smiled at him whereas Dhawal was furious.  He was calming himself as he didn't want to scare Natasha.

"Bittu, I want to take you home."  said Siddart

Natasha smiled, then got sad, looking at Dhawal and Naveli.  Siddart realizing that he was losing his Bittu showed her a video of Daama's funeral that he had gotten.   Natasha froze as she saw her Daama and fainted in Siddart's arms.  Dhawal was now extremely furious, and he quickly made his way to Siddart and grabbed Natasha out of his arms.

"Pranali Bhabi, can you check her!"  As he laid Natasha on the sofa.  Dhawal turned back towards Siddart and pushed him.  "How dare you come into my home, and try to hurt Natasha.  If you ruined any progress that we have made in the last four months, I promise you, I will bury you so far that your sister will have a hard time finding you!" Scaring Siddart as his sister was his world.

As Pranali finished checking Natasha out, Natasha was coming out of her faint.  "Pranali Bhabi, you?  What are you doing?"  Natasha stood up and stepped away from her.

Dhawal and Siddart looked up in surprise as Natasha wasn't talking like a child.  Natasha tilted her head and took another step back, "What's going on?"  She asked out loud.

"Bittu, ou are ok.  Let's go back to Mumbai. "  Siddart went to grab her arm when she stepped back, "Who's Bittu, and who are you?"

She looked around, and she was scared as everyone was looking at her.  She kept on stepping back until Dhawal grabbed her arm and said, "Careful, you are about to fall over the step."

She pulled her arm out of his grasp and, looking towards Siddart, said again, "Hello, who are you?"

"I am Siddart.  I am your friend.  We lived in Mumbai until your husband found you.  You had lost your mental stability.   We were supposed to get married."  shocking Natasha

"So you were going to marry a woman that didn't know right from wrong as she didn't have the capabilities to be mentally sound.  Is there something wrong with you?  Why would you marry a woman who is legally not capable of making a decision.   You took advantage of me!  Stay away from me!"  as she ran up the stairs to Dhawal's room.

"Before you leave, I want to see what you had shown, Natasha.  Like I said, if you ruined any progress we had made, I will make your life a living hell."  yelled Dhawal, grabbing the phone out of Siddart's hand as Bhavin and Chirag grabbed Siddart.  He quickly sent to video himself and deleted it.   He also saw a few folders named Bittu, which he also forwarded to himself before deleting the folders.  He quickly went through the phone to make sure everything was deleted.  He handed back the phone.  "Leave Somnath, and never come back!  Nor contact my wife!"  as Bhavin and Chirag threw out Siddart.

Dhawal rushed upstairs to his room where Natasha was.  When he walked in, he saw that Natasha was packing her clothes, crying.  He locked the door as he knew that they needed this discussion.

"Stop, Natasha!  You aren't leaving!" yelled Dhawal

"Watch me!  I'm done with you!"  yelled Natasha, pushing past him to grab more clothes.

"Stop it, Natasha.  If you leave, I promise you.  I will burn down Pandya Store, as it is mine now.  I will tear down Pandya Niwas into a pile of dust.  Your brothers will be fired and never  be able to hold a job as I will make sure that they won't be able to do anything.  You won't be able to meet Naveli!"

"You ungrateful cold bastard!" cried Natasha

"I don't care!  You are not leaving!"  Spit out a furious Dhawal

"I hate you!" 

"Stop, Natasha.  You aren't going anywhere.  We are a family.  Yes, we had our ups and downs.  Yes, you lost Daama, we lost Amrish Bhai, and you lost your senses.  But you have finally regained your senses."  said Dhawal

"How long have I lost my senses."  asked Natasha, trying to calm herself down.

"After Naveli's birth.  I was angry with you and blamed you for Amrish's death.   I didn't know that he sacrificed himself to protect you and Naveli.  I failed you yet again.  But I won't let that happen again.  I didn't know that Ma was working against us yet again.  Even in my hatred, I loved you only.   I needed you near me.  You were supposed to go to Daama's until my anger cooled down, but you disappeared, and my anger peaked.  I went to pick you up, and you weren't there!  I had sent you there after Naveli's birth so I could calm down, Hetal Bhabi could calm down, as she still  blames you, and you disappeared.  We promised to stay together no matter what.  We promised ourselves to trust in each other and faith in each other.   I knew things were hard, I knew we could work it out."  Dhawal said, shaking her.

"First of all, back off."  Natasha tried to push Dhawal away from her.

"No," said Dhawal shocking her with his refusal.  She took a deep breath.

"Who's Naveli?  You keep on talking about Naveli?" asked Natasha

"She's our daughter.  She's 6 years old.  Very like you.  She thinks Pranali and Bhavin are her parents.  As I stayed away from her.  She looks like you.  I also got consumed in the running the  business."  stated Dhawal

"I want to meet her."  said Natash,  walking towards the door when Dhawal stopped her. "Wait.  We need to finish our conversation.  Then you can meet her."  stated Dhawa,  grabbing her arm.

"No! I want to meet her now!" yelled Natash,  pulling her arm out of his grasp and opening the door and walking out.  Dhawal caught up to her and grabbed her hand, leading her towards Naveli.

Dhawal introduced Natasha to their daughter.  Naveli grabbed the other hand and pulled her along towards Pranali.   "Mummy, look, I have a mumma too.  Makar Mawana said she's my mumma."

"Yes, beta.  That is your mumma.  I am your Bade Ma.  And Papa is your Bade Papa.  Dhawal is your Papa.  So, no calling him Makar Makwana."  said Pranali, smiling.

"Ok.  Bade Ma.  Maumma."  Naveli smiled, walked around Dhawal, and rushed out of the room.

"Pranali Bhabi.  Thank you for loving Naveli, for taking care of her when I couldn't."  cried Natasha

Pranali smacked Natasha on the head.  "Did you forget we are sisters.  Your daughter is my daughter, and my son is your son.  I will always be with you."  Pranali said as she hugged her.

"Wait a minute.  You have a son!  I'm a Masi!"  Natasha hugged Pranali.  "I am so happy for you."

"Choti Ma!"  Dhawal said as he smiled at them.  Pranali looked shocked.  Natasha looked confused.  "Why do you look shocked?"  asked Natasha

"I haven't seen Dhawal smile in 7 years.  I am glad you are back and you are better."  Pranali said, making Natasha smile.

"Natasha, let's go  We need to finish our talk." grabbing Natasha's hand and pulling her out of the room.  Dhawal pulled Natasha back into their room, locking the door as they entered.

Natasha sat on the sofa and looked at him annoyed.  Dhawal was pacing in front of her.

"There will be no divorce ever.  Whatever issues we have will work through it.  We have a daughter, and we are not going to give up on each other.  I know we have before, but never again.   We both have strong tempers, so I know we will get mad at each other.  You will get angry with me.   You can't leave me but I can give you a place that you can go to.  The office apartment.   My place away from here.  You need space you can go there.  The first time we got married, we didn't understand each other, but we were working towards the understanding.  Then, the second time, the trust was weak.    You didn't trust me to be your support, and we lost Chiku and Esha.   Then we started to work together, and we lost Amrish Bhai and then Daama.  And I lost my trust in you.  Then you disappeared.  Then Sheesh and Mithu left for Delhi.  So I rented out Pandya Niwas and hired a manager for Pandya Store, so you would have something to fall back on when you came back."  stated Dhawal shocking Natasha.  He hired a manager for Pandya Store.   She opened and closed her mouth a couple of times, finally closed her mouth, and waited for him to continue.

"If you ever disappear on me again, I promise you I will destroy everything in my path.  I love you, I loved you when we first married.  I loved you when we married the second time.  I love you in my hatred, and I love you still.   I will earn your forgiveness, but you can't leave me."  said Dhawal.

"Fine." stated Natasha

The next few weeks, Natasha and Dhawal were very cautious with each other.   Things in the Makwana house were a stalemate.   Hetal Bhabi and Golu ignored Natasha or taunted her, and Natasha just ignored them.  She was slowly rebuilding her relationships with Chirag, Dolly, and Pranali.  She was discovering a new relationship with Bhavin as she barely had one before.  Amba had changed, but Natasha was cautious with her. Natasha loves spending time with the little ones in the house.   She felt that she was living her childhood through them.   But Dhawal, she was getting used to.  This new Dhawal was strict, yet the old Dhawal seemed to pop up at times.  

A few weeks after the incident, Hetal was taunting Natasha, "I lost my husband because of you!  Just leave!  WE don't want you here!" 

Finally, Natasha had enough. "It wasn't my fault!  I was trying to save him.  I was holding on to him, with all my strength.    I need help to pull him up.  Where were you?  Where was everyone? He released his watch so he could protect me.  He didn't want me to fall in.   That is what family does.  My family sacrificed their lives for Papaji over twenty years ago, I have never blamed the Makwana family for that.  So why is that different from what happened to Amrish Bhai."  

Natasha and Hetal seem to forget the rest of the family were watching their fight.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Hetal

"The earthquake.  My parents, aunts and uncles.  They were ones that sacrificed their lives for Papaji.  I have never blamed the Makwana family for my loss.  I was 7 years old.  I had been kidnapped as two month old.  I returned to my family as a 7 year old.  Then I had happiness for a few months before it was taken away from me.  Do you know how it feels like to finally have a family and then lose it in moments.  You are an adult.  You also lost your world, your husband.  But you had the rest of the family with you.  I was 7 years old.  I lost everyone, 8 members of my family.  Chiku disappeared.  Daama lost her children, so she did the best she could with 3 children under the age of 7 at her age.  Then I grew up, got married, and once again, my world was turned upside down.  I was married for a deal.  Then this family demolished Pandya Store.  Then I was divorced a deal.  Again, I lost.  Then we get married, and I lose my brother.  Amrish Bhai and I finally made up, and I finally felt that I got my brother back.  Only to lose him, he sacrificed his life for me.  I am pregnant, and I didn't even enjoy what was supposed to be the best experiences of my life. Why?  Because I am blamed.  And now I don't care!  Whatever you throw at me, I will now return the favor.  You want to blame me, fine blame  me.  Then I will do the same.  You ignore me, fine, I will ignore you." said Natasha

"What can you blame me for?"  said Hetal

"You forgot yourself.  Last week, I had overheard you.  You were angry that all of Amrish's wealth was going slip out of your hands if the family stayed together.  You were angry that the family was coming closer.  And you were angry.  You blamed me.  You want to break the Makwana family as revenge for losing Amrish Bhai."  said Natasha, making Hetal pale as her deed was coming out.

The next thing Hetal knew was that she got slapped by Amba.  "How dare you!"

"Enough!"  yelled Dhawal, shocking both Natasha and Hetal

"Dhawal," whispered Natasha

"No more!   Bhabi, if you can't accept Natasha.  Fine, we will move out.   As for the company, Bhai had already split the company into four shares after the issue of Chiku had arrived.   I was managing Golu's share until he got older, but if you want, you are more than welcome to take over.  But if you try to tear the family apart, I will buy you a house, and you can live there with Golu."  stated an angry Dhawal.  Dhawal then grabbed Natasha's hand and pulled him along as he went to their room.

"Hetal, you are going to the wrong path!  And you will only lose.   I was doing the same thing.   Ignored the signs.  And then God took my strength.  My Amrish.  Only then did I realize what I was doing was wrong.  I tried telling you that over the years, but you don't listen.  You are going the same path I did when I lost my husband.  I used my children as tools as weapons.  And then what happened, you all were hurting.   You are still hurting, but the difference is that you are turning your hurt into revenge, while my other children are turning their hurt in indifference."  yelled, Amba. 

 "Ma, Natasha knew all those years ago that her family was the ones to lose their lives in saving Papa, and she never said a word."  Chirag said.

"I know.  This is all my fault.  I used to instigate you boys against your wives.  I hated Natasha, I turned the family against her.  Your brother knew Natasha didn't kidnap Golu, but still, we put the  blame on her, we hired a girl to blame her.  He knew it was Esha. I had filled Amrish's ears against Natasha.   All because I thought I was going to lose control over my household.  I had asked Shalini Dave to go after Dhawal and Natasha, not realizing she was after Amrish.  And I lost him because of her.  Natasha wasn't to blame. I was wrong."

Hetal angrily left the room, while everyone else looked at each other.

Meanwhile, in Natasha and Dhawal's room

"Stop dragging me whenever you feel like," Natasha said, pulling her arm out his grasp.

"Why didn't you tell me about Hetal Bhabi."  asked Dhawal

"There's nothing to say.  Hetal Bhabi is angry." said Natasha.  "I want to ask you something." 

"Go ahead." said Dhawal, accepting the change of subject.

"I want to go visit my brothers."  said Natasha

"I can't this week.  Maybe in a couple of weeks we can go."  said Dhawal

"I can take Naveli and go.  They won't come here, but I can go there."  said Natasha

"No.  I will take you in a couple of weeks.   You aren't leaving.  Nor will you take Naveli.  I will take you in a couple of weeks."  stated Dhawal.  Natasha was so angry at Dhawal that she left the room in a huff.   As she was leaving the house to get fresh air, Naveli came with her.   Natasha decided to take Dhawal up on his offer and headed to the office apartment.

Dhawal thought enough time had passed and went looking for her.  Natasha wasn't in the house, nor was Naveli.    Dhawal received a voicemail from Natasha.  "Makar Makwana.  We are at the apartment."  Naveli left him a voice message.  His daughter was refusing to call him Papa, but it was his fault.  He needed to get to the apartment and try to sweet talk his way into getting his girls forgiveness.

As he was leaving, he let Pranali know that he was going to go to the apartment where Natasha and Naveli were.  Hetal overheard and said, "Why do you need to follow them?"

"Bhabi, they are my wife and child.  And yes, I wasn't there for them for 7 years.   I had never intended to be away from Natasha this long.   I was angry at Natasha after Amrish's death.  But it wasn't her fault. She was correct.  She was pregnant.  Amrish slipped.  She couldn't hold onto his weight along with Shalini.  Amrish made the decision to release his watch.  He saved her life by giving up his.  And in my anger, we didn't even enjoy her pregnancy.  I am sorry if this hurts, but your anger is destroying you.  And I don't think Amrish Bhai wanted that for you."  As he walked out the door.

When he arrived at the apartment, he smiled.  His girls were sleeping on the sofa, with the tv on.  He knew it was probably Naveli that wanted to watch tv as Natasha didn't watch tv.   

"Natasha, Natasha." he woke up Natasha, and she carefully moved Naveli around her and got up.

"Natasha, come here."  he pulled her in his arms, with Natasha stiffen up.

"Natasha, I know you are angry with me.  I am trying.  Please meet me halfway.  I promise. We will go to Delhi next week.  I have gotten my meetings changed, and I need to be in the office this week.  Please."   He felt Natasha nodded against his chest. 

"Now, we will spend the night here.  Just the three of us.  I also need to get forgiveness from our daughter.   She holds grudges like you."  said Dhawal

Natasha smiled.  And pointed to the room that was filled with their pictures.  

"I couldn't show my love for you two before, so I would come here to feel close to you.  I knew you were in Mumbai.  I was angry that you left me, I didn't know you were unwell. Otherwise, I would have brought you home right away.  And Naveli was in front of my eyes, but I couldn't show her my love.  She looks exactly like you.  So I would take her pictures, and I had them framed here, along with yours.  So whenever I was missing you, I would come here.  This was my sanctuary.  Our place.   That is why I told you that come here when you are angry or need some space."  Dhawal told her.

"Mumma, I am hungry."  Naveli woke up and was asking for food.

"What do you want to eat.  I will order it." said Dhawal, surprising her.

"Makar Makwana." whispered Naveli.

Dhawal kneeled in front of Naveli.

"Naveli, who am I?"  asked Dhawal

"Makar." Naveli started to talk, but Dhawal put a finger on her lips.



"Papa.  I am sorry.  I was a bad Papa.  I was hurting, and I hurt you.  I promise I will be a better Papa from now on." Dhawal apologised to Naveli.

"Ok, Papa." Naveli said, shocking Dhawal as she called him Papa for the first time.

Dhawal picked her up and hugged her tightly, tears coming out of his eyes.  His daughter called him Papa for the first time.

Natasha smiled at him.  Naveli was trying to wiggle out his hold when he put her down.  And she rushed to Natasha, "Mumma, hungry."

"Natasha, I will order food now.  Then we can figure out dinner later.  I have clothes here for all of us.   So we will stay the night and go home tomorrow."  

Natasha nodded and smiled.

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