How They Got You

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Gibbs : 2 months old

(Based off of the Episode 'Judgment Day',in Season 5)

After discovering the body of Jenny Shepard,Gibbs was heart broken,he had lost another lover. They had been dating for a little over two years,bar the last six months which were spent apart due to a 'mission'. Jenny had followed rule #7 pretty well,so Gibbs had bought it,and let her go no questions asked.

5 months later Jenny had returned from her 'mission',but took off an extra 2 weeks for personal time. Gibbs got worried when she called in at the end of the 2 weeks and said that she was sick and couldn't come in for a few more weeks.

And that brings us to the present,with Gibbs carrying cans of gasoline into Jenny's house. He opened one of he cans ready to pour it over everything. But stopped when he heard a faint cry coming from another room,Gibbs put the can down and followed the small noises. They led him to the spare room,Gibbs opened the door and saw a crib in the corner. He walked over and peered inside,you looked up at him and gave him a gummy smile. Gibbs looked around the room and saw a chart hanging on the wall beside the crib,the title read,'Feeding chart'.

Looking down at his watch,Gibbs realized you were awake because you were hungry,he looked back down at you,to which you smiled again. This time he couldn't help but smile back,you reminded him of his lost lover....wait what? Gibbs took a closer look and sure enough you had the same (pick a feature) as her.

Gibbs picked you gently and cradled you in his arms,then took you into the kitchen to feed you. He borrowed the car seat from Jenny's car and took you to NCIS with him,after he got there he brought you straight to Ducky for a DNA test.

While Ducky had you Gibbs went back to Jenny's house to gather some of the baby's stuff and burn the house down. Gibbs finished his task and went back to NCIS were he found you in the hands of Abby,who was sitting in his chair and the test results on his desk. He walked over and grabbed the file,flipping through the pages until he got the mothers name. 'Jenny Shepard'. Gibbs sighed and looked down at you,he wasn't the only one who lost someone.

"What's wrong boss?" Tony asked walking over to also look at you sleeping comfortable in the goth girls arms.

"That's Jenny's baby." Gibbs answered and everyone around him gasped,then gave you sympathetic looks. Then Tony piped up again

"But who's the father?" Gibbs handed the file to tony while he thought,'Is this why she left? was there even a mission at all? Did she not stay faithful to our relationship?'

"Well?" Gibbs snapped angered by his thoughts,Tony kept rereading the name before finally looking up his boss.

"Um...It's you,boss?" it came out more of a question then a statement.

"What!" Gibbs said taking the file back from Tony and going straight to the fathers name.

'Leroy Jethro Gibbs'

Tony : 5 years old

Tony was getting ready for work,when a knock rang through his apartment. Tony quickly ran a comb through his hair while giving a "coming" shout.

When he opened the door,there you stood with a bruised face and an envelope in your hand. you just stood there quietly and slowly handed him the paper with his name on it. Tony took the letter and read it,

Dear Tony Something,

This is (pick a name you don't like),you may not remember me,but oh do I remember you. Anyway this brat is yours,I don't want her anymore and she knows that,if you don't want her either just drop her off at an orphanage or leave her on the street for all I care.

And if you ever want a repeat of all the wonderful things we did 'that' night,call me! XOXO

xxx-xxx-xxxx (her name)

Tony looked back down at you,you had your head down and wouldn't make eye contact. He brought you inside and tried to get you to sit down,but after three minutes of you not moving what so ever,he gave up and went to the kitchen. Tony pulled out his phone and called the one person he knew would help him...Gibbs

"Gibbs." He answered.

"Hey boss,I need a favor." Tony scratched the back of his neck.


"I need some time off and (her name) arrested for child abuse." Tony spoke the last part in anger.

"Ya got proof?"

"Yeah and a confession." He said looking down at the paper in his hand.

"I'll send McGee to-"

"No boss,I'd rather you came." Tony peeked around the corner and saw you still hadn't moved,"And bring Ducky." Gibbs gave an 'Okay' then hung up,Tony Put his phone in his pocket and went back into the room with you. He look at you small,hurt form.

"You hungry?" He asked and saw your eyes flicker towards him before quickly returning to the floor. Tony frowned,what had you been through to make you like this. "I'll take that as a yes."

Tony crouched down and slowly held out his hand,"Come on." He urged softly. You very slowly looked up at his hand and thought about it,after a few more seconds of debating you reached your hand out and placed it in his larger one. Seeing how scared you were Tony didn't move right away,instead he gently squeezed your hand and pulled you towards him so you standing right in front of him. He saw you tense up and think about taking your hand back, slowly he reached up and rubbed your shoulder.

"It's okay,I'm not going to hurt you,I promise." Tony saw tears in your eye,not from fear but what looked like shock and happiness,so he gently pulled you towards him and carefully wrapped his arms around you,hugging you. Your breathe hitched and you tensed more,for a second Tony thought he had pushed it to far,but the thought quickly disappeared as your little hands came up to grip his shirt as you hugged back.

McGee : 7 years old

The death of a local petty officer had McGee asking some questions at the near by orphanage. He was walking with one of the head ladies that worked there,she was answering his questions quickly and honestly as she did her daily routines. McGee went to ask her another when they walked into one of the bedrooms so the lady could change all the sheets on the beds,but you were sitting on your bed with a magnifying glass trying to read a book about computers.

The lady sighed and told McGee to wait there as she walked over to you,she snatched the magnifier and book from your hands and told you to go play with the others.

"But they pick on me and push me around." You spoke trying to get the lady to listen,but she just turned around and back handed you.

"What have I told you about back talking me,now go!" She said sternly and pointed to the door. McGee's heart broke as he watched tears run down your face as you grabbed your cheek and ran for the door,tripping several times. The lady walked back over to him and smiled,

"Sorry about that,she thinks she gets special treatment for being half blind." She rolled her eyes and went back to doing her job,McGee on the other hand stood there full of anger and sadness but too shocked to move. After he got a grip on himself he walked over to the lady,

"I'm sorry, did you say she was blind?"

"'Half' blind but she has good hearing." McGee couldn't help the 'what the hell' look that washed over his face.

"So you slap her for not wanting to be bullied,then send her 'running' out the door,straight to them?" he said trying to control his anger.

"Why do you make it sound so bad."

"Because it is!!" McGee almost shouted,the lady just rolled her eyes and went back to her work. He couldn't take anymore of this lady so he left that room and went to find the front desk,once he got there,he asked for some adoption papers for you. The girl at the front desk laughed at McGee as if had told a joke,when she realized he was serious she stopped laughing and cleared her throat.

"Why?" She asked and McGee deadpanned.

"So I can get her away from you crazy people and give her a half way decent life." The girl just snorted and handed him the papers, "Go and retrieve her while I sign these, I WILL be taking her home today." He said as he grabbed a pen from the desk.

"You can't do-" McGee glared at her,

"Do it or I'll have all of you arrested for child abuse within the hour." After that the girl turned and hauled tail out of there to get you ready. Twenty minutes later McGee was carefully leading you to his car,making sure to tell you when ever there was a hole or step. He took you to NCIS to drop off the information he received from the orphanage,McGee sat down in his chair ignoring the stairs he was getting from his team,while you stood beside him trying to see what he was doing.

Tony balled up a paper ball and threw it at McGee,it never hit him though,because you had caught it mid air and threw it back at DiNozzo and hit him in the face without even looking away from McGee's computer screen.

Gibbs proceeded to sit up straighter in his chair and look between you and McGee,

"Is there something you'd like to share,McGee?" The man in question looked up from his computer and sighed.

"Not yet boss,the orphanage didn't know anything about it except for what they heard on the news and-"

"Not about the case McGee."

Ziva : 1 years old

The man Ziva was chasing through this old storage building,was the murderer of five FBI agents,twenty-four NAVY officers,and fifteen civilians,his name....Dean Salem.

If the victim was male,Salem would hot wax their entire body and leave them to freeze in a small meat cooler,then hang the body from the side of a building. If the victim was female,he would slit their wrist and rape them as they bled out,then leave their bodies in parks or on sidewalks.

Dean Salem had escaped the cops several time,the FBI twice,and NCIS once before Ziva had became part of the team,but she was NOT going to let him get away this time. Unfortunately for Ziva,Dean had already planned on her following him and had a trap waiting,but what Dean wasn't prepared for,was for Ziva to be one step ahead of him.

Ziva was gaining on him,she was in arms length then an explosion went off causing them both to fall on the ground. When Ziva opened her eyes the building was in flames and Dean wasn't there,she sat up and winced,bring a hand to her head it was wet,she must have hit her head when she fell,Ziva tried calling Tony and Giggs on the walky talky that was on her belt,but there was only static coming through.

Ready to give in to the darkness that coming over her,Ziva placed her walky talky down and her eyes started to close,until a s tiny cry was heard from somewhere near by. Ziva wouldn't let there be another victim due to this man,so she gathered all her strength and pulled herself to her feet. She followed the crying to a small room off to the side and opened the door,she gasped at what lied in front of her.

You wiggling around on the floor by your dead mother who happened to be one of the victims wife,trying to get clean air into your tiny lungs. Ziva rush over and scooped you up in her arms,you stopped crying and gave a few coughs before snuggling into her chest. She quicly grabbed a cloth from the floor and placed it over you and and her shoulder,trying to keep as much smoke out as possible.

The building was starting to fall apart,Ziva jogged around careful not to bounce you to much,as she looked for an exit. She finally found a door that lead out side,Ziva pushed the door open and started walking towards the ambulance,an EMT ran over and tried to help her. She pushed them away walked over to Gibbs and Tony who was about to make her turn around and get checked out,she quickly handed you to Gibbs before blacking out into Tony's arms.

Ziva woke up in a hospital bed with a bundle on her side,she looked down and saw your sleeping form tucked in with a little (F/C) blanket. She smiled at how tightly you held her finger while asleep,then frowned,you were alone now,you had no family. Ziva had been thinking about having a family for a while but would never admit it,so she decided that she would keep you.

The door to her room opened and her hole team walked in,'how was she going to explain this?'

Ducky : 3 years old

The team finally got a hit on the man they were after and were rushing out of the building towards the cars to go hunt him down. About an hour later ducky got the call to come and examen the bodies,so he called for his helper and young friend Jimmy Palmer,to gather their equipment and take it to the vehicle.

Once Ducky and Palmer arrived at the scene they went to go count the number of bodies and start filling out paperwork. First they did the suspect and shooter of the other victims,then there was two women,three men,but the one that got Ducky the most was a family of four all laying next to each other with their arms still around each other. Ducky did the father first,bullet to the head,the mother a bullet to chest,the older child had a broken neck,and the younger child had been stabbed and was the last one to be done.

Ducky knelt down and started examining the small childs body,approximately 3 years of age,( eye color),(hair color),and ......a heart beat! Ducky quickly called Palmer over with a stethoscope and placed it gentle on your chest.........bum bum..........bum bum.....

You were still alive,but loosing blood quickly! Ducky started going through all the steps he knew to stop the bleeding and keep you alive. Palmer ran over to Gibbs rambling about one still being alive and Ducky needing him before passing out,Gibbs quickly went and found ducky kneeling over you firmly yet gently keeping pressure on your open wound.

"Watch ya doin Duck?" Gibbs knelt down to his friends level.

"Trying to stop the bleeding,Jethro this young one is still alive." Gibbs stood up and started yelling into his ear pieces for someone to call an ambulance.

"Theres an ambulance on the way."

"I fear she won't make it that long." Gibbs nodded his head,carefully he bent down and picked you up while keeping pressure on your bleeding wound. Ducky followed him to the car and opened the back door for him.

"Tony,get over here and drive them to the hospital!" Ducky shouted. DiNozzo ran over and jumped in the driver seat,then raced off towards the hospital. As hard as it was Ducky forced himself to finish his work before heading to the hospital to see you. He had done profiles for all the victims and got McGee to look your family up,it was your family that had been laying around you and you didn't have any other living family members.

So he decided to adopt you.

Abby : 5 years old

Everyday for the last two months on the way home Abby would catch a little girl watching her from a distances,if she tried to approach her the girl would run away and hide. But today was different,Abby left a little earlier then usual and went to the spot she knew the little girl would be waiting,not long after she spotted the girl sneaking around and trying to hide from everyone one in sight. She was almost at her spot when she saw Abby standing there and froze,Abby slowly waved at the little girl and pulled a little goth doll plushie out of her purse. The little girls eyes lit up and she slowly started walking towards Abby,she stopped right in front of her and hesitated before reaching out and taking the doll into her hands.

The little girl hugged the plushie and signed {Thank you},Abby smiled and signed back {Your very welcome,what is your name?}

{ (Y/N) } You signed then added {Your really pretty,I like your shoes,whats your name?}. Abby smiled and answered all your questions,she learned you were born deaf and a nice old lady taught you how to sign,the two of you talked until it started getting dark and Abby had to tell you good bye. You gave her a hug and thanked her for the pushie again before running off into the night.

Over the next couple weeks this became your routine,until one night you didn't show up,Abby was worried but figured you had to do something so she went home. The next day same thing,Abby sat there worrying but Promised if you weren't there tomorrow she would call Gibbs,next day still no you so she pulled her phone out and did just that.

After twelve hours searching they finally found you....and sixteen others,the kidnaper was a woman who had an obsetion with china dolls and decided she want make and sell live ones of her own,so she would take little girls,dress them up,and sell them. Abby told Gibbs she was going with them to get you back and wasn't taking no for an answer.

Tony kicked the door down to the womens house and entered gun raised ready to fire,everyone followed in behind him and started searching. The house was clear,not a soul in the entire place,that is until Abby noticed the corner of rug flipped up. She walk over and pulled it out of the way revealing a basement trap door,Gibbs knocked on the door and shouted 'NCIS open up!'.

There were a couple whimpers heard from below the floor,Gibbs opened the door and walked down the stairs. Abby decided to wait upstairs out of the way and pray you were down there,a few minutes later girl after girl was brought up out of the dark hole. After all the girls were taken out of the house Gibbs came walking up the stairs with you in his arms and Tony with the old hag,the second you saw Abby you jumped out of Gibbs arms and ran over to her,giving her a bone crushing hug.

Abby took you back with her to NCIS and had Ducky give you a check up,then she took you to the bullpin so you could meet everyone. Abby introduced you to everyone while you just waved,but when you got to Gibbs you look to abby and signed,{Is he the one who carried me out?}. Abby nodded her head,you looked back to Gibbs and signed {Thank you Mr.Gibbs}. Gibbs chuckled and signed back {Your welcome and you can call me Gibbs.} You,Abby,and Gibbs all smiled to each other while Tony leaned towards McGee and asked him what just happened.

Later they found out you had no family so Abby took you home with her.

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