Whats Been Happening After They Got You

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Your father would read to you every night before bed and tell you how much he loves you until you fell asleep.


After Ducky gave you a check up him and Gibbs left, Tony asked you if you wanted another pancake, you hesitantly nodded and sat at the counter quietly. Tony got an idea and made you a smily face pancake, with a syrup smile, butter eyes, whipped cream hair, and chocolate chip freckles. When he put the plate down in front of you, you gave him the slightest smile and ate the hole thing. Tony did the dishes and decided that you needed a bath, Ducky said he needed to watch a couple places on your body and make sure they didn't get infected. You flinched and started shaking when he began taking your clothes off, Tony felt awful for what you had been through and tried to assure you that you were safe.

You were in pain and he could tell, gently as possible Tony cleaned your wounds and washed your body. When he was wiping your face off you couldn't help but stair, as if you were just waiting for him to hurt you. Tony dried you off and put one of his shirts on you for now, but you were still staring at him. He couldn't take it anymore, kneeling down he softly touched your shoulders and looked into your eyes.

"I don't want to hurt, not now, not ever. You are my little girl and I want to love you, I want you to be able to trust me and give me a chance. I promise to try my hardest to be the dad you deserve, if you'll let me." You started crying and slowly wrapped your arms around his neck, you didn't freak out when he stood up and held you close. You feel asleep in his arms and didn't wake up until the next morning, he was still sleeping when there was a knock at the door. Getting up you walked over to the door and opened it, Tony woke up to your scream and ran to the front door. You ran to him and wrapped your arms around his waist crying into his side, hiding from the woman in the door way. Tony recognized her and told her to leave, when she refused and pulled out a knife, Tony pushed you behind him and told you go hide in the bed room. You didn't want to leave him but you did what you were told and ran to the bed room hiding yourself under the bed. You heard a fight break out and whimpered when you heard Tony whine in pain, then your mom screamed in pain and it was quite.

"(Y/N)?" Tony called out from the bedroom door way, you crawled out and gasped when you saw his arm bleeding. He sat down on the floor and leaned against the wall his eyes slowly closing, you walked past him to the bathroom and grabbed the hand towel. When you came back you wrapped his arm with the towel and took his phone, you took a picture of him and sent it to who you thought was the gibbs guy. A few seconds later the phone rang and you answered it, Gibbs calmly told you he was on his way to help and to keep pressure were it was bleeding. You hung up and pushed on his arm until gibbs got there, Gibbs took you to the hospital and sat with you until Tony woke up. You crawled into bed with him and just laid there silently crying, happy that the one person who cared for you was okay.

(Sorry got a little carried away with this one - lol)


You absolutely loved McGee, but you were too scared to tell him, you thought he was the coolest, smartest, nicest person you had ever met. After he got you those expensive glasses so you could see he would let you read through all his geeky nerd books and you loved them. You wanted to be just like him, and make him proud. You also never let Tony pick on him when you were around, nobody made fun of your da-....McGee when you were there.


You instantly attached yourself to ziva. Nobody else could feed you,play with you, or even look at you. Except Tony, whenever you saw him you always laughed, nobody knew why but he secretly loved it.


At the the hospital after Ducky saved you from bleeding out, you wouldn't stop crying. When ducky came to visit you, you still cried but he didn't leave, just sat in a chair and waited for you to calm down. Then he talked to you, he told you random facts and asked you questions until it was dark out, you yawned so Ducky put you to bed. You didn't want him to leave, but he promised to come see you again the next day. After that it became your daily routine until you were healed enough to go home with him.


Abby had you your own coffin made and gives you pig-tails/pony-tails everyday. You always get your own mini awesome goth boots to match hers and McGee got you a small lab coat for you to wear when you visit NCIS. One day you even took a sharpie and drew a spider web on your neck, she freaked out a little but thought it was cute nonetheless.

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