( DS _ Gibbs _ Tiny )

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Gibbs sent you home early today, he was pissed. You hadn't meant to blow the mission but you didn't see the wire till you had already tripped over it, starting a bomb and blowing up a building with the paperwork you were needed to find inside.

Sighing you unlocked your front door, stepping into the dark little house. Shrugging off your coat, you headed for the kitchen, it was dark but you knew your way around. Opening the freezer door you grab your mini tub of ( favorite ice cream ), you grabbed a spoon and started eating right out of the container. Suddenly you heard your floor creak, Someone was in here. You grabbed your gun and looked around, you had a little bit of an advantage since the lights were off. Well before someone turned them on, blinded by the sudden bright light you shielded your eyes. Who ever was in the house, took your gun and held it to your back. Your eyes finally adjusted to the light, then a masked man walked around the corner holding a syringe full of clear liquid. He stepped closer to you, grabbing your arm he touched the end of the needle to your skin.

A knock came from the door and the man froze, he pulled the needle away, looking at you.

"Make them leave." Your gun was shoved into your back, forcing you towards the door. Slowly opening the door enough to see who it was, Gibbs, you opened the door enough for him to see your face and not the person behind you holding the gun to your back.

"Hey boss, what you doing here so late?"

"I shouldn't have yelled at you earlier, came to see how you were doin."

"Well I'm doing good, thanks for stopping by good night." You tried shutting the door but Gibbs pushed it back open, studying your face.

"What's wrong?" He ordered, face turning serious, the gun pressed harder into your back, making you shuffle your feet uncomfortably.

"Nothing, go home. I'm tired, we can talk tomorrow." You didn't want to seem rude but you needed him to leave. You tried shutting the door but again Gibbs stopped you, tears came into your eyes because you had a feeling you weren't going to be able to make him leave.

"Please." You begged. Gibbs drew his gun, you never cry, ever, your always happy. He knew something was up,

"Who's in there?"

"No one." A tear fell and Gibbs pushed the door open revealing the man holding your gun in your back, the other man pulled a gun,aiming it at Gibbs.

"Put your gun down or she dies." Gibbs hesitantly bent down placing his gun on the floor, kicking it to the side. They tied you to a chair then checked Gibbs for any other weapons, when they found none they lead him over to a chair directly in front of yours and tied him down.

You tried to hide your tear stained face as the two men pulled out another syringe, they stuck one in your arm and one in Gibbs neck. Both of you started getting dizzy, the world slowly fading into black, until you passed out.



Scenario A: You

You blinked your eyes open and sat up straight, the things that were tying you down fell off with ease. Looking down you saw your clothes falling off your body, your.....really......tiny...body. Your hands shook as you observed them, they were small and kind of chubby. Gibbs was still normal and asleep across from you, trying to get down the chair wobbled. Walking to your bedroom, you were barely able to reach the hand mirror you kept on the little table by your bed. Pausing a bit, you took a deep breath before turning the mirror to see your reflection. Shocked you almost dropped the mirror, running your fingers down the sides of your face you looked about five or six years old.

Your lip trembled as you put the mirror away, making your way back to the kitchen where Gibbs was, you saw him waking up. He looked around for you while trying to get out of his restraints, you went to grab a knife you had in your bedroom, then came back walking over to Gibbs.

He saw you and stopped moving, you held out the knife, cutting him free. Once Gibbs was free he quickly took the knife from you putting it on the counter.

"Don't play with knives." He scolded softly, you raised an eyebrow,

"But what about rule 9?" You asked then it dawned on you, Gibbs didn't recognize you.

"What?" You walked over to you pants that had fallen off into a pile on the floor, pulling out your badge and ID, you handed them to Gibbs. After looking at the picture on the ID then looking back down at little you, he saw a resemblance.

"(Y/N)?" Going against logic Gibbs took the chance, you nodded and hugged his leg letting your tears fall. Gibbs bent down picking you up off the floor, he held you to his chest rubbing circles on your back trying to comfort you. You wrapped your arms around his neck resting your head on his shoulder, hiccuping a few more time you finally calmed down enough to talk.

"Are you okay?" He asked softy, you nodded your head against his shoulder. Gibbs set you on the edge of the counter, pushing your hair out of your face so he could wipe away your tears. He looked down at your arm where they had stuck you, it was slightly bruised. Gibbs sighed and watched you try to put your hair up, smiling he took the elastic band from your tiny hand, pulling your hair up he gave you a ponytail just like you usually wore it. (A/N If you don't have long enough hair, tweak it to you liking)

"Thanks Gibbs." You said smiling at him, he nodded looking your small body over.

"(Y/N), do you know who those men were last night?" Shaking your head Gibbs sighed, he didn't know what to do, he had never handled something like this before. Gibbs had an idea,

"Lets go have Ducky check you out, maybe Abby can figure out what they injected you with." You nodded your head, scared to tell him you were afraid walking around in this body, if those men came back how could you defend yourself. Gibbs must have seen your fear, he wrapped his arms around you picking you up and hugging you.

"Don't worry I'll be right here if you need me." Kissing the top of your head, Gibbs grabbed your keys from the counter and locked up your house. Putting you in the back seat of his car, he made sure you were buckled in safely before heading to NCIS headquarters.

Scenario B: Him

The sound of someone crying woke you up, somehow you weren't tied down anymore and Gibbs was gone, you got up and followed the sound to your bathroom. Opening the door you saw a small boy sitting beside the bathtub in a ball, crying, wearing nothing but a big T-Shirt. You walked over and knelt down in front of him, reaching out you touched his shoulder,

"Hey buddy, what's wrong?" You asked softly, the crying boy looked up at you, he look maybe five or six and had a cute face. You wiped away his tears and stroked his hair a few times, he seemed to calm down a bit, then crawled into your lap leaning against your chest. You wrapped your arms around him picking him up, carrying him to your bedroom, you sat down on the bed with him on your lap.

"Where's your mama lil buddy?" The boy sat up looking confused, you looked at him studying his features. He kinda looked like a little Gibbs, but that's impossible right, where was Gibbs anyway. Did he get away? If he did why did he leave you there? And how did this kid get here? Your thoughts were cut short by a small, light pat to back of the head, the boy sat back down in your lap waiting for you to put the pieces together.

"Gibbs?" You asked slowly, the boy nodded looking down at his hands. You gently grabbed his head turning it to the side, looking at his neck you saw a small red spot were they had stuck him with the needle. Tears formed in your eyes as you pulled him into a hug,

"I'm so sorry, I should have tried harder to make you leave." Gibbs patted your back and mumbled something like 'it's okay'. You stood up and carried he to the kitchen, setting him on the counter you went to the freezer and got some more ice cream. Grabbing a spoon you went back over to Gibbs and offered him a bite, he raised a brow but ate it anyway.

"I eat ice cream when I'm stressed." You mumbled before taking a bite, then offering Gibbs another. This went on for a few minutes until an idea came to you,

"Why don't we go see Ducky? He may be able to help you." Gibbs nodded and asked for one more bite, you gave him a spoonful then put it away. Grabbing washcloths from the sink you ran some water over it getting it wet, then started cleaning the ice cream of Gibbs face. He sat there looking a little embarrassed so you tried to lighten the mood,

"Can't let Ducky see I just pumped you full of sugar." He giggled and took the cloth from you, reaching up he started wiping your face too, once he was satisfied he tossed the rage back in the sink. You laughed, thanking him for the help, then carried him out to your car, after buckling him in the back seat you drove straight to NCIS headquarters.

Bounce: Both of you

You and Gibbs both were super late for work and wouldn't answer your cells, so Tony went to look for you. Gibbs house was empty so he went to yours, where he found both your cars. I little nervous not knowing what to expect he knocked on the door, the only thing heard was running and screaming. Tony pulled out his gun, he opened the door not prepared for what he saw next. A little girl chasing a little boy around the house yelling,

"Tag your it!" Tony found this strange and called out to get there attention.

"Where's (Y/N) and Gibbs?" The two of you fell to the floor giggling, before running over to your piles of clothes, you grabbed your IDs and gave them to Tony. He looked at the IDs then back down at the two of you trying to stand there patiently, Tony noticed that you both were wearing the same shirts his coworkers had wore yesterday.

"(Y/N)?" He asked pointing at you, you cheered something like a 'good job'

"Boss?" He asked pointing at Gibbs, Gibbs nodded.

"How did this happen?" You and Gibbs show him were the men stuck you with the needles, Tony put both of you in his car and drove to NCIS, he really needed Ducky and Abby's help right now.

When he got there Tony opened the back door to let y'all out, but both of you were fast asleep.

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