( OS _ Timothy McGee _ Safe )

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He was out there, she could feel it. Looking at her through the windows from afar, waiting for her to come out. Kevin, (Y/N)s Ex, was watching her, stalking her. Leaving love letters on her porch, calling her phone from anonymous numbers.

But what scared her the most is when she caught him standing right outside the window, smiling right at her. (Y/N) screamed running to her room, she shakily pulled out her phone and called her best friend, and crush, Timothy McGee. After three rings he picked up with a cheery tone,

"Hello (Y/N), what's up?" (Y/N) choked as she heard the front door of her house open, why had she forgotten to lock it, of all nights!

"Tim, he's in my house." She whispered, (Y/N)  could hear McGee stand from his desk and start gathering things.

"Who's in your house (Y/N)?!" Tim was a little frightened by her statement, walking past his coworkers to get to the elevator.

"Kevin, he was at the window, then I heard the front door open. He's trying to find me, I can hear him walking around. Tim I'm scared." Her voices cracked in fear,

"I'm on my way, are you in a safe place?" Tim hit the gas weaving in and out of traffic.

"I'm in my closet." (Y/N) could feel tears running down her cheeks, but she didn't dare make a sound unless it was to McGee. Her bedroom door open with a creak, footsteps echoed over the heard wood floors, sending another wave of fear through (Y/N)s body. She held the phone close, whispering as quietly as possible,

"He's in my room Tim."

"Just stay quiet, I'm almost there!" Tim was trying not to yell over the phone, but he was panicking. He heard her soft voice come through the phone once more,

"I love you Tim." He pulled into her driveway, tears screeching to a stop. McGee pulled his gun while running through the door, he ran straight to her room and found a figure about to open the closet door.

"Hands up were I can see them!" The figure turned around, looking for an exit.

"Don't move!" McGee shouted, but the figure ran for the window. Hitting the ground two feet from, with six bullets in its chest. After checking for a pulse, McGee opened the closet, finding (Y/N)  curled in a ball with her hands over her ears.

"(Y/N)?" She looked up at Tim, realizing it was him she jumped up, wrapping her arms around his waist. (Y/N) cried, cried in fear, in happiness, and relief. McGee held her until her tears dried, she thanked him offering him anything in return for saving her.

"A date." She was surprised, but quickly agreed, giving his cheek a small kiss.

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