( OS _ Tony DiNozzo _ You Have What?!?)

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(That smile though! *faints*)

Requested by: HeyLia_122

Your Pov

Tony didn't show up for our date last night or even call me this morning, to be honest I was getting worried. I've been with Tony for almost eight months and this has only happened once before, when he suddenly had to go undercover for a mission.

Though he has been acting a little wired as of late, nervous and fidgety when we're talking or cuddling. He even hesitated to kiss me two weeks ago, it's made me start to doubt. I love Tony, but ...does he really love me?

Tony Pov

Why did it have to be the plague!? Of all things.

The doctors stuck Kate and I into this clear prison thing until the test came back, when they did I started to panic a little and I felt bad for giving it to Kate. She didn't seem to be suffering to badly but she still didn't deserve to be in here.

The coughs raking through my body we're getting worse, but I had to keep fighting for (Y/n).... OMG I HAVEN'T TALKED TO (Y/N) IN ALMOST TWO DAYS!!!!

"NURSE EMMA!!" I yelled a little louder then necessary but I have to tell (Y/n) that I haven't abandoned her.

"What is it Tony?!" She asked frantically,

"I need someone to call my girlfriend for me." Oh I wish I could go home and just kiss her pretty little face,

"Since when did you get a girlfriend, Tony?" Kate seemed to be interested in the conversation now,

"Since I asked her." I answered Kate with a smirk then gave my attention back to nurse Emma, "So will you call her for me please." Nurse Emma nodded happily and dialed the number as I told it to her. Please pick up!

Second person Pov

Your phone rang in your bag as you drove towards your house, reaching over a jug of milk to grab the bag your phone was in. The grocery store was one of the places you hated most, but you really needed to go this morning.

Finally getting a grip on the ringing device the caller ID was coming from a hospital, so you answered it just to make sure it wasn't important.

"Hello, is this miss (Y/n) (Y/Ln)?" A sweet woman's voice came through the line,

"Yes it is." My own voice came out cheery as well,

"Great! I am Nurse Emma and I have a Special Agent Tony DiNozzo here that would like to talk to you." Her voice was still happy but your wasn't anymore,

"Why is Tony in a hospital?" The line went quit for a moment before Tony's voice cracked through.

"Hey (Y/n)."

"Tony, are you okay? Where are you? What's going on?" Tony chuckled at your continuous questions, a coughing fit stopped all your rambles. "Tony?" Your whisper almost going unheard.

"(Y/n) ... I'm sorry about dinner, there was-" more coughing chocked his words, tears filled your eyes at the sound. It was so bad it sounded like he was struggling to breathe, Findlay he calmed down enough to talk again. "Sorry... there was an attack on us at the office. Kate and I are sick but I don't want you to worry-"

"Tony, you know me, I'm already worrying! Where are you? I'm going to come see you." You could almost hear the smile on his face, when he opened his mouth to answer horrific coughs came out, followed by a lot of yelling for doctors. Time stopped, nobody would answer the phone and there was someone crying in the background.

~ With Tony ~

It was getting hard for him to breath, his body tensed and air ways seemed to shrink. The doctors yelling at him to relax but how could he, the fear of dying overwhelming him and regret of not asking the girl he loved one simple question.

The doctors made Kate leave and she made her way to ducky's arm where she started crying for her partner.

Tony was almost unconscious when he heard your voice still coming through the phone speaker.

"I don't know what's going on right now or if you can hear me, but your my everything Tony. Don't stop fighting, come home to me. Don't leave me, please.... I love you." Tony's whole body relaxed and air filled his lungs once again, the nurse thought he had gone unconscious, but when she saw a tear run down his cheek she knew he had heard your every word and was fighting... for you.

*Time Skip*

Gibbs walk through the door of the quarantined room and told Tony the plague stand that had infected him was dead. Everything was uphill form there, with a slap on the head for good measure Gibbs left the room but not before telling Tony that he had a visitor, who was very eager to see him.

Only seconds later he could hear dainty footsteps come up and stop by his bedside. You placed a gentle hand on his sweaty forehead and his ragged breathing steadied.

"You will be okay Tony." You don't know who you were trying to encourage, you or him. But when his eye lids fluttered open to look at weakly, you couldn't hold it anymore. Grabbing hold of his shirt you buried your face into his shoulder and cried, apologizing for this happening to him and begging him to get better.

"Sh-h-hhh-h-hh." Tony tried to comfort even though it was very painful for him to make a sound. "D-dont-t c-c-cr-y." Your sobs quieted to faint whimpers, until they dried completely. No more words were spoken and you never left his side, you stayed by his side and helped anyway possible.

When the time came for Tony to finally go home, you insisted that he live with you until he was fully recovered. After a month of him living with you, he started getting fidgety again. So you decided a talk would do you both some good.

Tony kept brushing it off that it was the medicine he was on was messing with him, but you could tell he was lying. Finally after a week of trying to get him to open up, you couldn't take it anymore.

"Do you even love me?!?" You yelled, your heart was aching and you needed answers. Tony was baffled at the question, he told you everyday that he loved you, why would you doubt him?

"Of course I-"

"Then why are you acting weird and then lying about it." Tony looked away, he knew what you were getting at now. "Do you want to leave me?!"

"No that's not-"

"Then why are you-"

"BECAUSE I WANT TO MARRY YOU!" Your mouth hung open, speechless was your middle name. You started putting the pieces together,
"I'm sorry if you thought I was going around behind your back or wanted to break up. The truth is I love you so much and I wanted it to be perfect just for you, but every time I thought about asking you I.... I would get nervous and chicken out." You threw your arms around his waist and hugged him,

"I love you too Tony, I'm sorry I doubted you." He smiled and lifted your chin with his thumb and forefinger,

"I'll forgive you if, you forgive me for being a coward." You giggled and stood on your tip toe to place a kiss to his lips.

"You are forgiven." Tony smile and stepped away.

"Good." He reached into his pocket and knelt down. "With that being said, (Y/n) (Y/Ln) you are the only woman I have ever had the privilege of falling madly in love with and if you'll allow it, I would like to make you mine. Will you marry me, (Y/n)?"


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