Packing up

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Nebula was MAD. And a bit nervous. Her parents got SUPER DOOPER  busy with work. So they had to send her to SCHOOL. Nebula was also scared. Was there going to be bullies? No. Pacific will be there. She will protect me. But I really hope no one bullies me just because I'm blind. She thought about the rock that came pouring down on her head and bits of it got in her eyes. That was how she became blind. She still has scars of the lava that burned her scales off her face. She winced, remembering the searing pain of scales melting into a purple-grey liquid. She thought of the rock crushing a small side of her skull. She shook the thoughts away, remembering she had to pack for Jade mountain. she fumbled around for her silvery metallic bracelet her parents had given to her for her hatching day. "for you if you get lonely at school." Once she felt it in her claws, she held it close to her chest. She put it in the satchel that was around her neck. "Nebula! Your friend is here! Are you ready to go?" "Pacific is here!? Come in to my room!"  She called, excited. The large light blue Seawing walked into the room booming, " Nebula!! Hi!" Nebula smiled at the direction of Pacific. "Are you almost ready to go to school?" Pacific asked Nebula. "Almost, it's just I can't really understand which scrolls are for school." she said, embarrassed. "GREAT. Just what we need now. we only have fifteen minutes to get school." she poked Nebula in the side playfully. "Go continue packing, and while you do that, I will find your school scrolls." Pacific had learned dragon braille just for Nebula. After five minutes of searching, she finally found it. "Got it!" she exclaimed proudly. "All right, I have packed my things! If we go now, we would have five minutes left, so lets go." "Quit being such a smarty-pants!" both of them giggled and Pacific whacked Nebula with her tail lightly. Pacific slung her bag around her neck and said "c'mon. We should leave. So say goodbye to your parents." Nebula nodded and headed to the back garden. One minute later, she came back with a wet face from kisses. "BYE MOM! See you soon Dad!" she wiped all the kisses from her face. They both jumped off of the ground, and flew into the horizon toward Jade Mountain.

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