Arc 1, Chapter 1

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The Duo

Umbra and Victor walked side by side on the sidewalk, Umbra's arm tightly around Victor.

Umbra, who looked to be in his twenties, walked with an air of confidence, head held high and shoulders straight. He wore fine clothing, a grey vest over a silk white shirt, with a neatly folded tie tucked in. Umbra was a slender man, with a thin face and arms lacking muscle. His skin was a dark brown, making his bright violet eyes even more striking. Umbra's hair, a navy blue color, was spiked up, forming a sort of side quiff.

His son Victor was close beside him, head down and avoiding eye contact with passerbies. The boy was young, around ten or eleven. Victor was also dressed maturely, wearing a rust-colored overcoat with a white shirt underneath. Tucked into his collar was a black cravat, decorated with a small skull pin. His hair was black, but it lacked any luster or shine to it, and it went down to the top of his shoulders. Victor's skin was pale, nearly sallow in tone, making it clear that he was no blood kin of Umbra. His sky blue eyes darted to his father each time something vaguely startling came about.

Umbra raised his other arm, staring into the grocery bag hooked on it.

"Milk, bread, cereal..." he murmured under his breath, mentally ticking off each item on his list."Okay, I think that's about it. We should head home now." Umbra reached into his pocket, pulling out a small pocket knife.

Victor bit his lip, grabbing Umbra's hand and pulling it down. "Hey, Dad?" Victor asked, his voice quiet and scratchy. "Can I cut the portal this time? I turned ten a couple months ago; I'm old enough to do it."

Umbra's face twisted into an unsure frown, eye twitching. "Aw, I don't know, Vic. Remember last time you did it? I barely explained all of that to the police."

"It wasn't that bad," Victor said, staring up at the much taller man.

Umbra slapped his palm to his forehead, massaging his temples. "Yes it was! You cut the runes wrong and sent us to an..." he paused, flustered. "exotic dancing club!"

The boy smiled weakly. "Yeah, who knew our address was that similar to the Lonely Demon Vixens club? The more you know, I guess."

"That wasn't funny!" Umbra snapped; weary of the judgmental stares people were giving them. "I had to spend the night in prison!"

Victor shrugged, smile growing wider. "I don't know, those nice succubae thought it was pretty funny."

Umbra made a frustrated sound, shoving the knife back in his pocket. He forced a content face, patting Victor on the head like the discussion had never happened. "Hey, I got an idea! How about we walk home? It's not that far, just a couple blocks. Does that sound nice?"

Victor sighed. "I guess..." He interlocked his fingers with his father's as the nicely-dressed duo presumed their walk through the large city.

The two strolled past tall skyscrapers and various stores at a leisurely rate, enjoying the warm morning sun. It was a relaxing way to start off the day, and both of them were ready to return home to eat some of the food Umbra had bought.

In the midst of crossing a street, Umbra noticed a troubling sight. A policewoman stood on the other side, arms crossed and tapping her foot. She was shooting Umbra a rather nasty look.

Reaching her, Umbra gave her a bow, trying to keep his cool. "Good morning, ma'am. A nice Saturday, isn't it?"

The woman in uniform did not return his kindly greeting. "You! I knew you looked familiar! I'm going to need you to come with me to the station, Mr. Mortis."

Umbra looked flabbergasted, mouth dropping open. "Are you kidding me?! How is saying 'good morning' a crime?"

Victor tensed at Umbra's sudden reaction and the aggression of the lady, carefully hiding himself behind the man's back.

"Don't you realize what you just did? You were jaywalking! You could have gotten someone killed." she snapped back, glaring.

"There was no traffic!" Umbra cried, waving his arms at the clear street. "There never is any traffic this time of the morning!"

The policewoman pulled out a small knife, and started cutting symbols into the air. The arcane language shined a bright blue, and a vortex opened in the middle of the sidewalk. "Don't sass me, sir. I know what kind of record you have around here. Now, come on, into the portal. Bring the kid, too. Don't worry, we have crayons there."

Umbra groaned, staring up at the sky and muttering. He grabbed Victor's hand, pulling him toward the swirling blue portal.

"Dad, are we still gonna have breakfast?" Victor whispered, looking nervous.

"We may have to make it brunch, Vic."

Author's Notes- So? You like it? Remember, if you want to draw the characters, just send me the link and I'll put it in the media! :D Vote and comment, please! *EDIT* Fixed some errors <3

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