Arc 1, Chapter 22

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The Escape

Umbra leaned down, placing his lips on Victor's ear.

"Victor, I need you to cut a portal when I say 'go', understood?" Umbra murmured, discreetly sliding the pocket knife into Victor's palm.

"Home?" Victor squeaked, looking concerned.

"Yes, dear," Umbra said frantically, the fae aware that the nagas were looming closer and closer.

"What's the home address again?"

Umbra gritted his teeth, pulling out the tattered request letter from his pocket and shoving it towards Victor. "No time," he hissed. "Just open up this one, I'll handle the rest once we get there." Victor nodded, swallowing.

"Esper, Aunora," Umbra whispered, drawing their attention. "I need you guys to help me distract these clods long enough for Victor to open a portal. It's going be a tight finish, but it's the only chance we have."

Victor tugged wearily on Umbra's sleeve. "Dad, where do I open it?"

"Off the side of the tree. The very edge, as far as you can reach. Don't worry, dearie, we will protect you." Umbra said choppily, holding out his hand and summoning his flamberge. "Get ready to run when we make an opening."

At the sight of Umbra's sword, the fighters shifted and murmured, and then a single naga stepped forward, arms behind his back. "Surrender now!" the naga boomed. He seemed to be some type of general, heading the warriors and dressed in more elaborate jewelry. A heavy sword was strapped to his back, along with a shorter knife strapped to his hip.

Umbra, Victor, Esper, and Aunora stood firm, Aunora and Umbra giving the serpentine fighters a cold stare.

"I repeat: Surrender now. If you come to us without a fight, your punishment will be less painful." The general growled, but there was no reply.

Umbra leaned over, murmuring a few words into Aunora's ear. She nodded, a smile coming to her face. He relayed the same information to Esper, the stag snorting in agreement.

"Stop conversing amongst yourselves!" the naga said, clenching his fist.

"Go!" Umbra suddenly screamed, and the four split up.

Esper galloped towards the general and ranks of soldiers, while Umbra, Aunora, and Victor lunged in the opposite direction, directly to the nagas that circled them.

A surge of adrenaline pushed Umbra's aching body forward, and he swallowed down the horrid throbbing in his arm to swing his sword. Aunora shifted into her demon form, rearing and bashing her sharp hooves down on the nagas.

Once several nagas were down, Umbra grabbed Victor by the collar and shoved him forward. Clutching his book in one hand and the knife and paper in the other, Victor sped off toward edge of the tree.

Umbra and Aunora blocked Victor's path from the nagas, both of them struggling to catch their breath. They carefully fought off any serpent person that tried to attack the boy, while Esper did his best to distract the assemblage in front of them.

The stag was quick, prancing on nimble hooves to avoid being stabbed by the general's sword. Frustrated, the general commanded his soldiers to charge at him, but Esper had a plan.

Esper stomped his hooves, light pink runes igniting to life under him. The nature spirit thrust his antlers at the ranks, and massive vines ripped out of the wooden floor, ensnaring the naga's serpent tails and causing them to fall.

The general shouted in frustration, lunging at Esper, sword blazing. Esper parried with his antlers, the blade locking in the branches of the hard bone that sprouted from above his eye sockets.

The two struggled, Esper exerting enough thrust against the general to send the two into a strained standstill.

"Esper!" Aunora's voice called from afar. "Get over here!"

The call sent a jolt down Esper's body, distracting him for the milliseconds the naga need to retrieve his sword and strike. The blade cut across his chest, slicing the skin and washing a hot wave of pain down him.

Esper cried out, the stag rearing on his back legs and smashing his front hooves down onto the naga's chest. The snake man crumpled to the floor, two large, red welts forming on his torso.

"Don't let them escape!" A naga shouted, pointing at Victor, who had successfully opened the portal. The boy squealed, staggering back, and his feet touched the rim of the tree.

Cutting at the vines that held them still, the soldiers began to escape their flora entrapment. Several of the nagas freed themselves in seconds, retrieving their weapons and slithering towards the frightened boy. Frantic, Umbra and Aunora heightened their already strenuous wall of defense, all the while shouting for Esper.

Shaking off the blood that leaked from his chest, Esper went into a desperate gallop, storming by Umbra and Aunora. Thinking fast, the two grabbed onto his back, and were quickly dragged to the site of Victor's portal.

"Come on!" Umbra said wearily, eyeing the nagas that were mere feet away from them. Aunora and Esper leaped into the portal, their bodies sucked into the oblivion of the swirling vortex. Umbra grabbed Victor by the collar, forcefully tearing his gaze away from the oncoming enemy and shoving him into the portal.

Gritting his teeth, Umbra flung his sword, impaling the naga closest to the portal. She fell at his feet, blood pooling near his brown dress shoes.

Closing his eyes and sucking in a breath of humid air, Umbra threw himself into the vortex.

Author's Note- This arc is almost finished! But don't relax- there is a whole lot more twists and turns in store for Umbra and friends!

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