Arc 3, Chapter 10

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(Art by TheMissingCastle

The Meeting

"Hurry up!" Asher hissed, digging his nails into Pilate's arm.

Pilate stumbled along, his backpack heavy on his shoulder. Asher had pulled him out of school for 'special business', as he called it. He hated to miss school, as their mercenary work already made him skip days on end, and Asher's random, unexplained 'business' wasn't helping any at all.

Of course, Pilate would never voice this opinion to his master. Asher was infamous for his vile temper, and Pilate knew the extent his violent rages reached. He had the scars and memories of nights spent tending to his own injuries to prove it.

Asher had brought Pilate to an unfamiliar location, deep into the particularly rough part of Alcorith. They were standing on a block, right in front of an old, closed grocery store. The concrete around them was cracked and had plants growing through the gaps, which made Pilate think that this section had been unoccupied for a very long time.

Asher reclined against one of the chipped brick walls and closed his eyes. Figuring it was okay to relax as well, Pilate kneeled on ground, shuffling through his backpack. He found his sketchbook and started to draw.

As a biourgist, he was required to make detailed drawings of his summon creatures so he could properly fill them with magic energy. Drawing came naturally to him, and he deeply enjoyed the hobby. Asher may have been less enthusiastic about it, but Pilate didn't let that fact bother him.

The sound of heels clicking against the sidewalk caught his attention, and Pilate glanced up.

A tall, slender woman was approaching them, her fingers touching the beaded purse she had slung over her shoulder. She wore a tight, low cut black dress that hugged her upper thighs, along with three inch heels. Her hair was also black and shiny, falling across her light colored skin and sharp green eyes.

Asher flicked his eyes open, standing up straight and propping her hands on her hips. "Ah, finally showed up, huh, Arisha? Did you get finished streetwalking?" A sneer played across his lips as he spoke caustically.

Arisha snorted. "I don't even want to hear that crap, Asher." She hissed, her voice thick with a Russian accent. "We both do...disreputable... work for payment."

Asher opened his mouth to retort, but Arisha swiftly gestured her fingers down, and the blood drained from the fae's face. Asher splattered and gasped, and after waiting several seconds, Arisha moved her hand again. The vividness returned to his cheeks and he staggered back.

"Don't do that! It friggin' hurts!" Asher shouted, glaring.

"Shh," Arisha murmured, sarcastically shushing him like a child. "We don't won't all of Alcorith knowing what we're doing here." Asher reluctantly turned away from her.

Pilate stared up at the woman, blinking. He had seen Arisha before, but only a few times. She and Asher frequently talked about business, but Pilate was not well-informed of their conversations. He assumed they both did mercenary work.

"Where's Hawkins and Finch? Didn't we tell them the time or whatever?" Asher asked, holding up his hand. "I'm tired of waiting."

Arisha crossed her arms. "Well, Asher, unlike you, they actually had something productive to do besides sitting around on the couch all day!"

"Master," Pilate whispered, tugging on his pants leg. "What's going on?"

"Pilate, shut up!" Asher barked, kicking him in the boy's side. Pilate cried out, clutching his ribs and scooting away from Asher.

"You never change, do you, Asher?"

Pilate looked up, blinking the tears out of his eyes. Hawkins came into view, eyes narrowed and a frown on his lips. Finch was marching behind him.

Hawkins was a tall, muscular man, with tattos tracing his arms and neck. He wore a long trenchcoat and boots that stomped heavily on the ground. Bandages were wrapped around his hands, and small spots of blood seemed to seep through them, as if the wounds they covered were fresh.

Finch was a much morr stout, fatter man, but still lined with a fair amount of muscle. He had a vicious look in his eyes, but it was overshadowed by a purplish-black bruise that had gathered under his eye.

"What happened to you two?" Arisha asked, frowning as the two men approached them.

"While I was out on important business for the boss, Finch lost the other sacrifices." Hawkins muttered, casting a scathing look at Finch.

"You've got to be kidding me, man! Even the ones I caught?!" Asher exclaimed, throwing his arms in the air.

"I can't help it!" Finch said defensively. "The Mother celestial spirit showed up! I barely escaped with my life! And you guys are lucky the law didn't find us out. They raided the crap out of that place and found nuthin' about us."

"You at least caught the big sacrifice, right Hawkins? He'll have our heads if you lost that one." Arisha asked, a note of concern coming into her voice.

Hawkins massaged his forehead. "Almost got me killed, but yeah."

"Good. You got it at the base, right? Is it all tied up?" Arisha pressed on with her questioning, leaning in towards Hawkins.

"Me and Finch moved it today. I got it in the basement, covered in cold iron. It ain't getting out any time soon. But I'm gonna need you to watch it, capiche? I'm not lettin' my hard work go to waste."

Arisha nodded, pulling a blade out of her purse. "I'll go now. We're finished, right?"

"Yeah, I think that's about it-" Asher suddenly glared at Pilate, who had been sketching furiously for the entire length of their meeting. "Will you give that a rest, you brat?! That scratching is driving me crazy!" Pilate's eyes widened, shocked by his master's sudden outburst.

Asher kicked Pilate once more, muttering profanity under his breath. "I'm going home now; we're done here. I'll meet you guys at the base later."

Asher grabbed Pilate by his shirt collar as the boy watched the rest of the people walk away. Hawkins was cringing at Asher's display and stomping with Finch in the opposite direction. Arisha pulled a blade out of her purse and cut a portal, quickly leaping into it.

Once again, it was just Pilate, Asher, and the impending beating that was waiting on him when he got home.

For second time that day, Pilate really wished he was at school.

Author's Note- im kinda on a writing rush lol okay here's a fun question: who do you ship in this story? i aint gonna kinkshame you lol

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