Arc 3, Chapter 19

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The Job

"Asher, do you job. I didn't hire a mercenary to have him slack off the entire time." Hawkins growled, slapping his hand against the desk Asher had his feet propped on.

"It's not like you're the one shellin' out cash for me, dude. Boss is paying me." Asher retorted, flinging the paper airplane he had created across the room.

"Don't do that!" Hawkins snapped, catching the paper construct and crushing it in his hand. "Disturbing the prisoner is a stupid move, even for you."

Asher stood up, stretching out his back and strutting past Hawkins. He gestured at the being that Arisha stood guard beside. It was bound from head to toe in cold iron chains, along with a muzzle that compressed nearly its entire face. Its wild, color-shifting eyes rolled in their sockets as Asher approached, and the creature attempted to growl.

"Aw," Asher mocked, kneeling down to flick it on the head. "It's trying to be scary."

"Don't press your luck, Asher." Hawkins warned, keeping his distance from the being on the floor. "This thing is a fraction of a god. It nearly ripped me in two when I was catching it. I don't want this thing getting pissed off from your pestering and trying to break out."

Arisha glared. "Especially with me being next to it."

"Whatever," Asher groaned, shrugging. "I'm just ready for this job to be over with. When's the boss gonna come and get it?"

"Soon," Hawkins assured. "But I don't have an exact time. Creatures like him are very...uncaring of the hours that pass by, you know how he is."

Asher muttered under his breath, leaning down closer to investigate the creature at his feet. It was a fierce looking, yet not very large, dragon, with shiny blue scales and yellow markings. Blues, purples, pinks, reds, and all other colors of the rainbow swirled in its eyes, like some sort of lava lamp.

It bitterly lashed its tail when Asher came in closer proximity with it, the raw power radiating off the prisoner making his skin tingle. The cold iron might have restricted its magic use, but it didn't stop the magic the creature had inside it from being able to be felt.

Asher softly whistled, his eye brows raising. "All I know is that Boss better be paying us good. 'Cause this is crazy, man. I've done some sketchy jobs, but this takes the cake, honestly."

Hawkins shook his head. "Don't sound so greedy, Asher. You better be glad Boss is at least letting you live after getting caught up in all of this."

"Whatever. I still expect a couple thousand for having to stand watch over something that could tear down the world. I just want my cut for the part I'm playin', that's all."

"Be happy the 'part you're playin'' isn't being a sacrifice!" Hawkins snarled.

"If I was a sacrifice, I would be home free, BECAUSE YOU KEEP LOSING THEM."

"Listen here, you lazy-"

"Boys!" Arisha barked, holding up her pointer finger. Both men paused, their bodies being held perfectly still by Arisha's magic. She flicked her finger twice, making Asher and Hawkins fly in opposite directions. "The testosterone in here is smothering. Cut it out and stop being stupid."

"Gee, you're usually smothered in testosterone, so I didn't think it would bother you!" Asher cackled.

Arisha took a threatening step forward, murder flashing in her sharp eyes. "Hawkins, can we just kill the fae now? He's not doing any good for us."

Hawkins sighed. "He's being contracted by our boss. We can't kill him or we'll get an ear full from him."

Asher dusted off his sweatshirt, sulking to the other side of the room where Finch was sitting.

An uncomfortable silence fell over the room as the conversation they had been having died off, leaving the atmosphere awkward.

Suddenly, a shrill beeping started the four people in the room, and Hawkins immediately ran to the desk, eyes scanning the information on the computer monitor.

"Someone tripped the motion sensors inside." Hawkins assessed, putting his arms behind his back. "Finch, you come with me and we'll investigate."

Finch nodded, joining Hawkins by his side.

Asher pouted. "I'm comin' too," he said, standing up.

"No, you're not," Hawkins countered. "Stay here and guard with Arisha. This is a serious situation."

Asher watched with knitted eyebrows as the two men left the room, leaving he and Arisha alone.

Arisha cast a scathing glance at him as the fae started to make his way towards the door.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"I'm going with them, of course." Asher said, waving at Arisha as he slipped out of the room. "I'm sick of sitting around here and doing nothing. Plus, I hate that attitude Hawkins gets with me. This will piss him off real good."

Author's Note- asher may be a horrible person but you gotta admit that his comeback to arisha was really funny

Remember to vote and comment :) (art by Strahberri)

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