Arc 3, Chapter 21

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The Hunt

"Did you hear that?" Aunora whispered, nudging Umbra on the arm.

The duo, including Time, had ventured down the long, rather empty hall, until the dead silence that had lurked there was suddenly broken.

"Yeah," Umbra replied, on full alert. "It sounded like someone threw something on the floor. Something kinda big."

"I guess that mean someone's here, huh?" Aunora looked grim, a scowl coming to her lips.

"We can't be sure just yet. Something could have just fell. But no matter if we aren't alone in here, we have no choice but to continue searching." Umbra patted Time on the head, the small ferret squeaking in his sleep. "Time still hasn't woken up yet. He's getting weaker."

Aunora propped her hands on her hips. "I say we go after the sound. It could led us to the guys that live here. They might have Clockwork. And if they don't, well, we can at least kill them before they can sound any alarm. Then we'll be free to search anywhere we want for Clockwork."

"Mmhm," Umbra was distant, no longer listening to Aunora's words. He was focused on the room they were getting closer to, where the noise seemed to have come from. With a quick flash, Umbra summoned his naginata, holding the bladed polearm out before he and Aunora defensively.


"They're getting closer!"

Hawkins dug his nails into Finch's arm. "Shut up," he hissed. "Don't let them hear us!"

Asher ruffled his feathers. "What do we do? Do we go on and face 'em here?"

"No," Hawkins murmured, pulling a knife from his coat. "That would be stupid. We need somewhere where they're cornered. Let's lead them to the attic."

"How?" Finch asked, wearily looking behind him.

"The demon horse suggested they follow sounds, so I say we test their methods." Hawkins paused. "But first, we need to get out of here."


Right as Umbra and Aunora approached the doorway, a bright flash shined in their eyes.

"What was that?!" Aunora screeched.

Umbra narrowed his eyes. "Aftermath of teleportation. Someone was in here." He brought his hand up to his neck, where he stirred Time. "Time, wake up! Tell me where these people just teleported!"

Time blinked wearily, slowly raising his head. He focused for several seconds, his eyes rapidly shifting colors. "...the magic produced has mostly worn off, but I can tell the main gist of it."

"And?" Aunora growled impatiently.

"Whoever it was didn't leave the house. They just teleported to another room."

An eerie silence followed Time's statement. Finally, Aunora put on a sly smile.

"Well, okay," Aunora snorted. "That just gives us a better chance of hunting these punks down, right? They saw us coming and ran away with their tails tucked between legs, the whimps." Aunora clenched her fist, a crazed look brimming in her eyes. "I can't wait to get my hands on them!"

Umbra lowered his weapon as Time settled back on his shoulder. "...Right. Let's just keep walking. If we run into these people, we fight, but if we don't, I refuse to search for them. I don't want to put myself in harm's way. I have a family to come back to."

"I do too, Umbra." Aunora's smile faded. "That's why I gotta wipe these guys out. To make sure they don't find Esper."

Umbra's heart skipped a beat when she mentioned that possibility. He had almost let the thought of Matthew and Victor out on their own slip from his mind, and he cursed his apathy.

I know Matthew can handle himself, Umbra thought fretfully, but I hate leaving them like this. But I had to. I was carrying Time, and that made me a target. I couldn't risk them getting attacked because of me. I'd rather myself and Aunora getting injured than Matthew and Victor.

Without a word, Umbra trudged forward, tightening his already solid grip on the pole of his weapon.

I'll do whatever it takes to protect them.


Hawkins knelt behind a dresser, Finch close beside him. Asher perched on the rail of the stairway before them, glaring daggers and Hawkins and bitterly grooming the feathers on his breast.

"You remember the plan, right?" Hawkins said quietly, looking up at Asher. "Make a lot of noise, then fly up the stairs and hide in the attic. Hopefully they will come to the sound."

"You didn't have to explain it again," Asher snarled. "I'm not stupid."

Hawkins sneered. "Oh, I wasn't sure. You don't really have the best track record when it comes to plans."

The fae opened his beak to reply, but was quickly silenced by sound of Finch loading his gun. Shaking the plume of feathers on his head, Asher turned humanoid once more, landing firmly on the steps.

Asher dashed up the staircase, taking hard, heavy steps. Every time his boots hit the wooden stairs, a loud clapping sound rang out through the house, echoing around the wide hallways.

Hawkins laid his hand flat, signaling to Asher to cease the motion. He paused, transforming back into his animal form and darting to the top floor.

Satisfied, Hawkins turned to Finch. "Now we hide and wait for them to take the bait."


Aunora's pupils were wide and slitted, her entire body tense like an alert dog.

"Someone's running around up there," she whispered, pointing towards the room before them.

The room was mostly closed off, with one small doorway leading in. From what Umbra could see inside it, it was some kind of living room or parlor, with several pieces of lounging furnature and a dresser.

"I'm going in," Before Umbra could stop her, the demon horse dashed off, summoning her suit of armor mid-run.

Crap! We're suppposed to be discreet! Umbra thought frantically, tentatively following behind her.

When they arrived in the room, it appeared to be empty. There was a large flight of stairs, seemingly leading to another set, which ended at a simple wooden door.

Must be the attic, he reasoned. 
Aunora knelt by the foot of the stairs, fingers touching a small object on the floor.

"What did you find?" Umbra said, keeping his voice low. Even though he couldn't see anyone, he couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched.

Aunora held the object up, allowing Umbra to get a better view of it. "It's a bullet."

Umbra rolled the bullet in his palm, heart thudding. There was no denying it now. Whoever they were pursuing was dangerous.

"We gotta go after them. They're cornered up there, the idiots." Aunora grinned, started to trudge up the stairs, leaving Umbra behind.

As Umbra gritted his teeth, taking soft steps up the wooden stairs, he felt a crushing sense of worry.

What if they're not the ones that's being cornered?

Author's Note- out of all my character dynamics, I love Umbra and Aunora's the best honestly. Arc 4 will be mostly focused on that, but I'm just setting some stuff up right now. :) remember to vote and comment!!!! You're feedback is so fun to read!!! Have a good day ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

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