Arc 3, Chapter 30

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The Rejuvenation

Umbra almost didn't want to come to, close to being lured back to unconsciousness by the tender hands stroking his hair. He felt completely relaxed and more content than he had been in a long time.

That is, until Umbra remembered the circumstances that led to his slumber. All the blood, the fight, and even the fire.

With that, all his senses came rushing back to him, and Umbra forced open his eyes.

His head was lying in Matthew's lap, the rest of his body curled in a defensive ball. A couple feet away, Esper was tending to Aunora, holding her in a way similar to the way Matthew held Umbra. Victor sat by his fathers, arms wrapped around his knees.

A length away from Silver Moon, a mighty dragon sat, and Umbra assumed he was Clockwork. The creature gazed at his chest almost aggressively, causing Umbra confusion until he realized that Time still clung to his tattered shirt.

Sitting up, Umbra noticed that his pain was gone, Esper having obviously healed his wounds while he was asleep.

"Umbra, I'm so glad you're awake!" Matthew cried, grabbing Umbra by the shoulders and helping him to his feet. "The way you just  passed out earlier really worried me!"

Umbra took Time in his arms, laying him before Clockwork with a slight bow. Feeling he had completed his mission, he turned to Matthew, smiling. 

"Matthew, I missed you so much!" Umbra had never been so glad to see Matthew's goofy smile. He threw his arms around Matthew, letting out an involuntary laugh as the man hugged him back tightly.

Umbra felt a smal tug on his sleeve, and he glanced down. Victor stood awkwardly, holding out his arms.

A wide, involuntary grin came to Umbra's expression.

"And I missed my baby especially!" Umbra exclaimed, lifting Victor up in the air in a quick swoop. Victor hugged his neck, allowing Umbra to kiss his cheek repeatedly.

"Mr. Umbra!" Umbra turned behind him, and Esper was steadily approaching him, Aunora leaning on the petite spirit.

Umbra patted Esper on the shoulder, quietly thanking for for healing his wounds. Umbra and Aunora exchanged prideful looks, frowning bitterly at each other.

"Mercenaries," Clockwork murmured, interrupting Silver Moon's reunion time. Umbra glanced at the dragon, who was cradling Time in his massive paws. "It is time for me to rejoin my master. Before I do this, allow me to thank you for your help in rescuing me. I couldn't have escaped from my chains alone."

"It was no trouble, Clockwork," Umbra said coolly, taking a step towards the divine creature. Matthew still had his arm slung around Umbra's shoulders, but Umbra tried his best to bow. "We were simply doing our job."

Clockwork nodded, eyes passing over Umbra and staring straight at Matthew.

"Awaken, my master," Clockwork whispered, touching the shivering ferret with his nose. Time stirred, groaning. In a flash, he transformed back into his human form, the god falling to his knees.

Time's condition took Umbra's breath away. His hair hung loosely at his shoulders, no longer shiny or spiked up in a manner similar to Umbra's. His dark skin had turned an unhealthy, dull color. Time's eyes, his most striking feature, were drained of life and color, their animation and beauty completely lost.

Time's tired countenance lifted when he saw Clockwrok before him. He raised his trembling hands, touching Clockwork's muzzle and pulling himself forward.

"Clockwork, I thought I had lost you forever..." Time whispered, kissing him on the forehead.

"As had I, my master," the dragon replied, rubbing his face against Time's.

"I-I'll preform the ritual now, we don't have much time." The Überdragon gritted his teeth, attempting to struggle to his feet.

Clockwork stood up, stretching his wings out to full length.

"Do not trouble yourself any further, master. I will do it."

Umbra pulled Victor against his torso for safety as a circle of overwhelming energy surrounded both Clockwork and Time. Clockwork's body started to glow, dissolving into raw magic before Silver Moon's eyes.

The tendrils of power that once were Clockwork swirled around Time, wrapping him in a cocoon of searing white light. It quivered once, and then it exploded.

In quick reaction to the blast, Matthew and Umbra threw themselves around Victor, only to discover that no actual danger occurred. The explosion seemed to be a harmless, flashy show of power to impress them.

Umbra's vision was at first obscured, the fae nearly blinded by the sudden burst of light. As the spots cleared, he came to see a humanoid figure crouching before them, two kaleidoscope eyes distinct on it's body.

"Eey, wassup Umbry?" Of course, the voice was unmistakable.

Coming to his feet, Time smiled wide, holding out his hand.

"Our first meeting was kinda totally awkward. Let's try it again. Yo, I'm the god of Time, in his full and awesome power."

And in awesome power he was. With Clockwork's magic back inside him, Time had changed visually.

He had gained a couple inches in height, and his dark brown skin had a healthy, vivid, and colorful glow to it.

His hair had grown much, much longer, now pulled into a trailing ponytail. It seemed to be unaffected by gravity, simply flowing behind him like it was being blown by an intense, imaginary wind.

Time wore a trenchcoat, unbutton and covered in straps and buckles. The watches on his arms were covered, but they were replaced by small clocks that appeared to be implanted into the coat itself.

Umbra was dumbfounded, still holding onto Matthew and Victor tight.

"Holy crap," Aunora called from behind him, "that was crazy!"

Time blushed, waving his hand. "Aw, thanks. I was hoping that Clockwork would show off to you guys. I wanted to make a good impression, y'know."

Umbra let himself relax, squinting at Time. "Okay, we competed the mission. What now?"

Time scratched the back of his neck, looking slightly offended that Umbra rejected his handshake.

"Well, I suppose I should pay you guys. You went to a lot of trouble finding Clockwork for me." He waved his fingers, a slim paper check appearing in his hand. "Will seventy-five thousand do?"

Umbra let out a shocked squeak, tears filling his eyes. Matthew hugged him closer, mouth gaping in shock.

"S-seventy-five thousand..." he whispered, voice hoarse.

"You're totally right! That's not enough!" Time cried, laying a hand across his forehead. "What was I even thinking? Eighty-five thousand is the proper payment for you wonderful people!"

Umbra bit his tongue, muffling a girlish scream. He shakily accepted Time's check, dabbing away the tears from his eyes.

"Matthew," Umbra whispered, clutching his friend's jacket. "We can actually be rich, instead of just acting like we are! This is amazing!"

Aunora cleared her throat, flicking Umbra on the face. "Hey, hey, not so fast, Wonder Twins. Me and Esper are on this team. I demand a cut for the both of us."

Esper frowned, rubbing his hands. "Actually, Mr. Umbra and Mr. Matthew, I do not require any money. I am content with the shelter and food you provide for me-"

"Not now Esper," Aunora growled, tapping her foot impatiently. "I want cash, Pretty Boy. I nearly died fighting those freaks earlier. The least you can give me is a fair cut of the reward money."

Matthew smiled, hugging Umbra and Aunora. "Don't worry, guys! Eighty-five thousand dollars is a lot of money, we can do a four way split." Umbra groaned loudly in protest, but Matthew chose to ignore him.

Victor grabbed the tail of Matthew's coat, eyes shining. "Daddy, can I have a cut too?"
"Um-" Matthew was interrupted by Umbra, who took control of the situation.

"How about I give you twenty dollars, and then take you to the mall and buy you a new stuffed animal? Does that sound good, sweetie?" Victor smiled cheerfully at Umbra's words, and he squealed and hugged his father.

Propping his hands on his hips, Umbra turned to Time, who had been waiting for the team to settle their claims for the reward money.

"What should we do know? Hawkins and Asher got away, but they could still be in the area." Umbra said seriously, steadily watching Time for an answer.

Time waved off Umbra's question with his hand. "Hey, I gotta an idea. We're near Gatlinburg, so let's go into the city and get some..." he looked above him, frowning at the night sky above them, "...really late dinner. I know a good pancake house around here. Chill with you guys?"

"Pancakes sound awesome!" Matthew exclaimed, agreeing while everyone else stood in confused silence.

Author's Note: okay yes i actually have a certain pancake house in mind. im pretty sure I ate there at least on one of my many trips to pigeon forge. i can see that friggin giant red pancake house in my mind man

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