Arc 5, Chapter 14

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The Camp

The walk to the demon lizard's camp was long and agonizing.

Lacertille led the small group through the thick jungles, providing insightful commentary on the fauna and flora around them. The forest was full of both beautiful and deadly lifeforms, ranging from colorful but poisonous flowers to massive birds. Naturally, Victor didn't bother to enjoy the scenery too much, as he was busy panicking over his unfamiliar surroundings.

Seraph kept a tight grip on him, other hand clenched to form at shield at any second. He was on edge, and Victor couldn't blame him. He was glad Seraph was prepared to fight, because Victor wasn't sure if he could.

The demon lizards didn't seem to be their enemies, but then again, he could never be too sure. Today, everything in Victor's small and confusing world seemed to be changing.

Victor silently watched Esper and Lacertille talk. Esper was smiling, but Lacertille looked concerned. What were they talking about?

Slowly moving away from Seraph, Victor felt the alluring pull of curiosity. What were they talking about?

Seraph gave him a questioning look, unwilling to let him leave his side.

"I'm gonna go try to eavesdrop on Esper," Victor whispered, weary to use their telepathic link. Esper was still connected to them.

Seraph nodded, lightly pushing him forward. He glared accusingly at Esper, his mistrustful attitude towards the nature spirit feeding his inclination to let Victor snoop around.

"Do not let them notice you," he warned.

Victor nervously played with the strings of his hoodie, approaching Esper and Lacertille with gingerly steps. He didn't need to get that close, just close enough to make out their hushed mutterings. Victor was holding his breath, fearing that his quickness to hyperventilation would blow his cover. His chest hurt, but Victor had felt far worse pain earlier. This was nothing.

"Esper, how have you been? You seem stressed," Lacertille murmured, gently stroking Esper's back.

Esper sighed, turning away. "I've been fine. It's just..." he paused, sweat visible on his face, "Lacertille, they found me. The kids are being dragged into this too. I don't know what to do."

Lacertille pulled Esper closer to his side, touching his trembling peacock wings. "It's going to be okay, Esper. You always have a safe home with the demon lizards, you know that."

Esper looked tired. "I know, Lacertille. I know."


After what seemed like hours, the small group reached the camp.

Lacertille and his scouts led them out of what Victor thought was an unending jungle. The trees thinned out, and Victor's surroundings rapidly changed. Leaf-litter covered ground turned to dry sand, and the thick canopy broke to reveal looming mountains hundreds of miles away.

The sun now burned hot on Victor's back, sweat soaking his dark-colored hoodie. He found himself longing for the shade of this jungle, but he was also glad to be out of the claustrophobic forest.

The sudden and dramatic loss of the canopy made Victor feel anxious, the overwhelming feeling of vulnerability rearing its ugly head. He was once again at Seraph's side, staring up at the scenery before them. The mountains were breathtaking, unlike anything he had ever seen on earth.

Lacertille turned holding out his palm. "Welcome to our home," he murmured smoothly, smiling in pride.

In the midst of the dry, almost arid landscape, several large rocks jutted from the ground, forming shallow caves and overhangings. Dried grass covered the expanse of the camp, a soft carpet and a marking of their territory.

Demon lizards scudded amongst the rocks, carrying hatchlings on their backs. Some were even in human form, sharpening spears and tending to fires. Despite their fearsome appearances, the demon lizard community was actually quite quaint, almost calming. They were just a normal civilization, but they just happen to be giant demonic reptiles.

Lacertille pushed Esper forward, holding out his arms. "Esper has returned!" he cried, and all of the demons jumped to attention.

Esper was met with a flurry of attention, ranging from hugs to respectful claps to the back. The nature spirit was polite, quietly blushing as he soaked up the affection.

Seraph and Victor stood in the midst of the excitement, tense and awkward. Victor wanted to join the festivities and hug Esper, but the rowdy clan of demons was overwhelming.

"What is going on?" Seraph asked loudly to the scout beside them, Nagi.

"Alpha Lacertille is introducing our guest," Nagi said, shrugging. "If you're asking who exactly this guy is supposed to be...I'm not really sure. I moved here from another tribe a couple years ago."

Eventually, the ruckus died down, and Victor approached Esper.

"Hey, Esper," Victor whispered, tugging at his robe.

Esper distanced himself from a nearby demon lizard, leaning down to talk to Victor. "What's wrong?"

"Can..." Victor looked away shyly, "Can we get something to eat? I haven't really had much to eat all day and I'm feeling kinda weak..."

Esper nodded. "Of course, Victor. I believe it's almost time for dinner down here. I'll get Lacertille."

As Esper turned to walk away, Victor sighed, plopping down onto the straw and crossing his legs. Seraph wordlessly sat by him, balancing his chin on his fist. The celestial spirit's eyes were distant, and he seemed to be deep in thought.

"Alright, children," Lacertille said, startling Victor out of his daze. "You're welcome to eat all you want from the community feast, but you have to pitch in."

Victor frowned in confusion, edging away from the massive lizard man.

"Don't look too nervous. All I need you two to do is hunt a little something to throw in the pile. The jungle is teeming with wildlife. It won't be hard."

"I'm not sure if we can-" Victor started to say to Seraph, but his friend suddenly grabbed his hand, unexpectedly excited.

"We can hunt, sir!" Seraph shook his head, "I mean, if it means we get to hunt." He almost sounded like he was correcting himself.

Author's Note- just a fair warning: the crap hits the fan from this point on. The slow stuff is pretty much over.

also: sorry for the delay!!!!!! i would have posted this yesterday, but, ive been using a lot of data so i couldn't use any for a day lol

Art by: -Meowtastic-

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