Arc 5, Chapter 22

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The Foal

Esper stood on the edge of a bluff, breathing in the warm jungle breeze. It had recently rained, and the musky smell of precipitation still hung in the air.

Esper had matured since he first began to live with the demon lizards. His body was now around sixteen.

He had honed his skills over the years, now becoming more capable and self reliant. Esper studied with Lacertille’s shamans, allowing them to teach him their arcane arts. Gone was the frightened, mutilated he once was.

The sudden loss of his sight brought him opportunity. He mastered the power of “sensing”, as it was called by the demon lizards. Esper learned to “see” the magic and heat signatures all living creatures gave off, but inanimate  objects still evaded him.

Esper had even changed his physical form. He had done away with his wings, only leaving twisted antlers upon his head. His robe turned to a sweater, a skirt, and a pair of slacks.

His changes in appearance disconnected himself from Gaea and his old life. He barely even resembled her anymore, retaining his rail-thin build even when food wasn't scarce.

Esper breathed a sigh of relief. He finally felt free. The demon lizards cared for him, but Esper knew he couldn't stay with them forever. He had said his goodbyes earlier that morning, and then drifted into the woods.

Dusting off his skirt, Epser trekked back into the cluster of trees. Gracefully, he stepped over roots and skipped around bushes, unchallenged by the congested foliage around him. After years of traversing the landscape, Esper had memorized nearly every part of the demon lizards territory, allowing him to venture with ease.

Esper ran his hand across a branch, the textured wood sliding under his soft fingers. It was an Ereith oak, a massive tree with a wide canopy of leaves. Esper knew it for its wrinkled bark.

He was growing closer to the end of Lacertille’s land, where another demon clan lived. Esper was told that the forest loosened into rolling plains, dominated by vicious predators. Despite his newfound confidence in his abilities, Esper knew he was still easy prey for any hungry creature. He wanted to stay in his comfort zone, where he would be safe.

Esper turned, deciding that the Ereith oak would make a suitable home for the time being.

A wailing noise interrupted his thoughts, making him flinch. It sounded like a child, a child that was sobbing.

Gasping, Esper clumsily followed the noise until a heat signature came into his line of sight. It was small, definitely a young female. Her magic release was unmistakable.

A demon horse foal?! Esper thought, ducking behind a tree before she saw him. Lacertille had told him horror stories of demon horses, detailing their cruelty and carnivorous nature. They were a species that Esper didn't want to be within one hundred feet of.

“Mommy?!” the foal screamed, “Daddy?! Please come back! I'm scared! Don't leave me here!”

Esper’s heart twisted in his chest. Had this child been abandoned?! Her desperate cries for his parents brought back uncomfortable memories.

Rising to his feet, Esper wiped the sweat off his face. She needed help, but could he provide it? There was still the threat of more demon horses being the in area. The safest option would be running away.

“Mommy? Daddy?” Every word she spoke hurt Esper’s chest. He had to do something.

Clenching his fists, Esper willed himself to change his form. He was once again a young child, around her age. Surely she would respond better to a person in her age group?

Hugging himself, Esper crept away from his protective cover. The demon horse immediately stopped sniffling, digging her long nails into the ground and snarling.

“Do not be afraid,” Esper said gently, “I will not hurt you.”

“W-who are you?” she squeaked.

“I'm Esper,” he said smiling.

“My...My name's Aunora.”

Esper gently took her hand. “Aunora, I'm here to be your friend.”

Author's Note- ahhh,,,are we ready for the fun part ;)

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