Arc 5, Chapter 28

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The Necromancy

Something awoke inside of Victor.

Like a flood gate being broke, cold, bursting energy surged through his body. Pain radiated from his lower back, making him scream in agony. His fingers tingled, blue runes blasting into life around him.

A wall of blue flames circled him, throwing back the two attacking spirits with sheer force.

A wide grin came to Victor's lips, a mix of magic and ecstasy twisting him in its clutches. He let Seraph fall gently to the ground, standing over him in the ring of flames.

“Don’t worry, Ser,” Victor’s raspy voice had taken on an eerie edge. “I've got you. I'm going to protect you.”

Stella recovered quickly, lunging at Victor and slashing her spear. The blade whizzed by Victor’s face, cutting the tips of his bangs.

“Get away from me!” Victor screeched, the spirit flame igniting around his hands and traveling up his arms. He slammed his hands into her chest, blasting tongues of fire into her armor.

Stella was flung back, armor white hot and dark blue smoke fanning off her gown. She glared at Victor in surprise, the child’s burst of power unexpected and dangerous.

“What-what are you?” she said breathlessly, tightening her grip on her spear.

Victor stood wordlessly, fire lapping up his arms. He smiled, eyes flashing.


Celeste’s light beam seared Esper’s body, sending him flying across the field. The nature spirit picked himself back up, trembling. He slapped his palms on the ground, his vines ripping off Celeste’s arms with ease.

Catching his breath as Celeste reformed her limbs, Esper held his singed skin. Celeste was strong, too strong. It was only a matter of time before she bested.

“You were not meant to live this long,” Celeste spat, flexing her newly-replenished fingers, “I threw you in this hellhole for a reason.”

Esper gritted his teeth, sending a flurry of thorn-covered vines snaking through the earth. Celeste burned through them with a beam of hot light, plant juices splattering on her dress.

“You should not even be alive in the first place!” she barked, sweat visible on her face. Despite her exhaustion, an overwhelming magic aura surrounded her, making Esper’s head ache.

“For the longest,” Esper growled, “that’s what I thought too. But now…” he trailed off, wiping blood off his forehead, “I have a new reason to live! And I didn't need some pompous, bloodthirsty lunatic in a dress to tell me what it was!” Filled with a new energy, Esper’s vines wrapped around Celeste’s throat, flinging her to the ground.


Victor’s head pounded, his magical high starting to ebb. Stella and Luna were relentless, getting right back up every time he knocked them down. His magic may had been strong, but they had incredible sturdiness.

Victor lobbed another fireball, the blue-white flames licking at his enemies. He was still in shock, surprised that that his powers finally came back in full force. He had never felt so strong, so sure of himself.

Blinking away spots from his vision, Victor gasped. Stella and Luna, enraged and charred, both ran at Victor, their blades glinting in the light of the rising sun.

Victor stumbled back, the rim of his ring of flames lapping at his ankles. He frantically summoned more fire from his hands, but the spirits had gotten smart. They dodged the blows, the flames whizzing by their bodies. They split, Luna rushing behind him and Stella continuing her course directly towards him.

Victor cried out, hopeless. He couldn't fight both of them, from two different directions! He clenched his eyes shut, preparing for the sharp pain of a spear piercing his flesh.

“I have got this one, Victor!” Seraph’s voice shouted, magic crackling around him.

Victor opened his eyes, mouth gaping in disbelief. Seraph stood beside him, standing with difficulty, a blood stain visible on his hip. He had erected a shield around them, encasing them in a dome of opaque golden magic. It reflected Luna and Stella easily.

“Thank you for protecting me,” Seraph breathed, smiling softly.

“It's no problem,” Victor affirmed, looping arms with Seraph, “but how about we fight together? Two on two is much more fair.”

Seraph’s gaze traveled to Victor’s arms, watching the flames kindle against his skin. “You really are a necromancer, huh?” he mused, eyes sparkling, “This is amazing.”

Victor blushed, meekly scratching the back of his head. Blue embers sizzled on his bangs. “Thanks, Ser. Let's finish this.”

Author's Note- look at the beginning of arc 4. there's a small part that is repeated here. hint hint.

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