Arc 5, Chapter 4

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The Packing

Biting his lip and trying to retain his pride, Victor trudged upstairs, Seraph and Esper in tow. The boy raced to his room, anxiously rubbing his arms.

This was actually happening! The stress was about to tear him apart! He was actually going to have to leave the safety of his own home to spend the night in some other dimension, away from his parents! Sure, Esper and Seraph were going to be there, but that barely eased Victor's nerves.

Seraph brushed his thick tail across his shoulder in a comforting gesture. Victor ceased his nervous tic, fearful that Seraph would question him.

Seraph leapt off his body, shifting into his human form mid-air. He hit the ground in a graceful, dainty manner, perfectly maintaining his balance. A bright smile lit up his face, hands clasped together.

"I am so happy you two can accompany me to my home!" Seraph exclaimed, grabbing Victor and Esper is a tight hug. "We will have so much fun!"

Esper blushed. "R-right..."

Victor was the first to exit his embrace, awkwardly moving to the closet. He withdrew a worn, black shoulder bag, memories resurfacing as he touched its dusty exterior.

That was the bag he had brought on the expedition to Ereith to hold his necromancer supplies. A few black candles and ritual pencils remained, showing visible signs of use. The candles' wicks remained short and burned from where Victor had used them to resurrect the ghost of an old naga elder.

While nothing in that mission may have gone as expected, Victor had preformed excellently in his magic. It was the first time he had used a spell of that caliber, but ever since then, he had found it near-impossible to do it again.

He had recently hit a slump in magic, the necromantic spells finding difficulty leaving his fingers in satisfying ways. Umbra often found him pulling all-nighters, studying endlessly and silently practicing. At his home, Victor couldn't replicate the stress and tension that burdened his shoulders and forced him to surge his energy through the magic runes, it seemed that the immediate threat of death encouraged him to excel.

Shaking his head, Victor stood up, ushering the memories out of his head. Even the thoughts of finding Seraph imprisoned by the bounty hunters Hawkins and Finch lingered close by, and he found his usual stoic expression wavering. He tried not to imagine Seraph lying in a puddle of his own blood.

Seraph's okay, Esper's okay, and Aunora's okay. My dads are okay, too. He flexed his hand, the faint scar of a spider bite still visible. And I guess I'm okay too. I managed to live through all of this. That must mean something about me, right?

It means the people looking after me know what they're doing, he glumly reminded himself. It was true, of all the trouble he had been in over the past months, someone else had to bail him out of it. The feeling of Arisha's knife against his throat burned in his mind, and his utter helplessness churned his stomach. Even when he and Seraph had been on an adventure alone, he was still an inert figure, simply standing back and watching in awe of Seraph. Thinking about it, he had even caused most of the problem!

Umbra and Matthew doted on him for his good work on the field, but he knew that was a lie. He was good at magic, and even that seemed to fail him. Was he even fit to be a mercenary?

Tender hands and soft sleeves slipped around his chest, pulling Victor against Seraph's chest. He almost fought back, but Seraph's sweet, calming scent influenced his abrasive, distant spirit. He laid his head back, falling under Seraph's chin.

"Are you alright, Victor? I noticed a cloud of gloom fall over you," Seraph gently pried in his mind, sending a soothing sensation throughout his body.

"I'm fine. Just...thinking." Seraph wouldn't understand his feelings ot utter inadequacy. He had his whole life planned out for him- powerful magic, incredible knowledge of healing and medical skill, and a high position in the celestial spirit hierarchy. He was a far cry from the failure Victor was.

"Perhaps you should not think so much, Victor. That seems to put you in a sad mood." Seraph blinked innocently, and Victor shook his head.

"I'm fine, I promise, Ser." He blushed when he noticed Esper turning his attention towards them.

Shying away from Seraphs's well-intended sympathy and moving to his dresser, Victor pushed aside his feelings and pulled out his clothes. He packed his over-night bag worldlessly.

Slinging it over his shoulder, Victor let his thick bangs fall over his face.

"I'm ready to go," he murmured.


"Alright," Umbra asked, "which one of you are going to cut the portal?"

Victor placed his and Seraph's plate in the sink, expression still guarded. He tried to hype himself up for the night ahead of him, but the thought of socialising with beings he didn't know scared him.

"I will do it!" Seraph squeaked, raising his hand. He reached into his pocket, showing off the small, pen-like object Victor had seen him use before. From the tip, a blade would shoot out, capable of slicing runes for teleportation.

Wiping his sweaty hands on his shorts, Victor tightened the strap of his bag on his shoulder. His heart was thudding from excitement and anticipation as he joined Esper beside Seraph.

Cool wind whipped his face as Seraph created the portal, and he knew, on the other end of the vortex, the Celestial Realm sat, in all its pristine glory.

"Bye, guys," Victor called, feeling Seraph take him by the hand. This was it, he was actually doing this.

"Take care of the kids, Esper!" Aunora said, a smile on her lips. Esper shakily nodded, protectively clapping both of the children on the back.

With one last look at his parents, Victor stepped into the vortex, feeling his body being thrown across dimensional barriers with a dizzying rush of vertigo and squirling colors.

Author's Note- victor is what I like to call an unreliable narrator. half the stuff he says about himself shouldn't really be believed. making your own judgments about his actions and position is kinda needed.

I also added some mood music for the whole arc. May add another song later if i think of one :)

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