Arc 5, Chapter 7

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The Maiden

Celeste was a tall, beautiful woman. She wore a long, white, trailing gown that matched her equally white hair, but contrasted to her incredibly dark skin. Her eyes were devoid of pupils, simply pink orbs flickering with power. The very air she created when she drifted into the room was overwhelming, sending chills down Victor's spine. He was looking at one of the most powerful beings in the universe.

“Seraph Harmony,” she murmured softly, and Seraph visibly flinched.

“Yes, Mother?” His voice sounded almost hoarse.

“I assume you are prepared to be presented to the other Matriarchs at the ceremony tomorrow. Am I correct, my child?”

Seraph bowed his head. “I am at your beck and call, Mother.”

Celeste smiled gently. “Pleasant. This year’s Gathering of the Spirits will be an invigorating experience for you, my child. I cannot wait to formally show one my most promising creations to my fellow sisters. You have grown so much since the day I formed you.”

“Yes,” Seraph agreed, “I have.” Victor couldn't help but notice how stiff Seraph was acting around his mother. Was it because he was hiding he and Esper, or was something else going on?

Celeste twirled a lock of Seraph’s golden hair between her fingers as her lips drew into a look of discontent. “But my child, I do grow curious on why you insist on being in that physical body. There are so many beautiful, flawless, feminine personae you could choose from, and yet I only see you in that drab, jejune, masculine form. It ails my core seeing you in such a revolting way. You are too much of a lovely child to be putting yourself down to such a level.”

Seraph’s cheeks were red, and the spirit tugged at the bottom of his tunic. Despite his discomfort, he said nothing.

Celeste continued: “You are aware that when you are presented to the Matriarchs, you cannot be in such a form, correct? So, please, take off that silly costume of yours and show me your true form.”

Seraph’s nostrils flared as he took a sharp breath. He seemed to be shaking as he turned his head to the slightest degree, staring straight into Victor from the corner of his eye. His eyes were wide and fearful, like he was begging him to look away.

Before Victor's eyes, Seraph’s body changed.

Now stood a petite young girl, body bent in a submissive curtsy. She wore a knee-length white dress with a yellow shawl, and pink ribbons pinned back her curly golden hair. Three pairs of feathery, detached wings trembled by her back.

Victor slapped his hands over his mouth to keep himself from gasping. This was Seraph’s ‘true form’? Had he been lying to him? He wasn't even sure what to think.

Celeste smiled tenderly, but Seraph did not return her expression.

“You are so much more beautiful this way,” Celeste murmured, cupping Seraph’s face in her slender hands. Seraph blushed harder, shuffling uncomfortably. She gazed down at Seraph proudly, but Seraph looked terrified.

She tightened a pink ribbon in Seraph’s hair. “You are growing older, you do know that? You cannot remain in that other form for much longer. I suggest you start getting used to this one, my dear.”

The Mother spirit softly kissed her cheek, adding, “Seraph Harmony, you are very important to me. I have created a grand destiny for you to fulfil.”

“Yes ma’am,” Seraph affirmed, blinking.

Celeste glanced at the clock on the wall. “Ah, I must be going now. Gaea is about to arrive, and I must greet her. Goodbye, darling.”

The second the door shut, Seraph shifted back into the form Victor was familiar with: a boy. He coughed into his fist almost immediately, rubbing his stomach.

Nervously, Victor crept out of Seraph’s closet. He wasn't sure what to say- should he ask about the events he just witnessed? After a mental debate, Victor decided it was best that he say nothing.

“I am fine,” Seraph suddenly stated, probably noticing Victor's awkwardness, “Everything is fine. Now, I must leave for a little bit. There are some spirits I wish to greet as well. Once I get back, we can play. Just wait here and I will be back soon.” With a weak wave of his hand, Seraph slipped out the door.

Esper, wordlessly, moved to Seraph’s bed, sitting down. He placed his hands politely in his lap. Despite his cool exterior, his lips were twisted into a scowl.

“Celeste hasn't changed at all,” he muttered darkly.

Victor was at a loss. “ you know what's going on?”

He turned his head. “Spirits as a race treasure femininity. Yes, we are genderless, but the standard for us is to look like women. That tradition is as old as time itself. Occasionally, children are allowed to put on a male or androgynous form, but it is only for a short time. I suppose once his human body hits puberty, he will have no choice but to be femme.”

“H-how come you get to be a guy, Esper?”

“However, Seraph’s body signatures were concerning… I will have to talk to him about it.” Esper completely ignored Victor's question.

Sighing and regretting even asking, Victor wandered about Seraph’s room. It was quaint and pleasant, with small posters of medical diagrams and various medicinal books strown about. Over his bed, Victor recognized a hand-drawing of himself and Seraph, and it made him smile.

I'm not sure what's going on with Seraph, Victor thought, but I hope he's actually okay.

Author's Note- plot twist

Art by: SuperNovaStars

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