Arc 8, Chapter 24

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The Dream

The soft chime of church bells dragged Victor from his stupor. He looked up, his surroundings forming around him in a maelstrom of color.

He stood in a cathedral, the ceilings rising above him at a dizzying height. Light spilled through massive stained glass windows, casting a kaleidoscope onto the silky carpet aisle. Pews made of gleaming silver flanked either side, blue cushions showing no sign of previous occupation.

Almost in a daze, Victor felt himself drawn forward, approaching the altar in the front of the cathedral. As he realized what lay before him, Victor began to tremble.

Covered in a blanket of anemone flowers was an ebony-lined casket.

Umbra sat on the first pew, head in his hands, silent sobs causing his chest to jerk. Aunora had an arm around his shoulders, her jaw clenched tight as her eyes gazed vacantly into the wall. Esper sat quietly off to the side, hands in his lap, clutching a bouquet of flowers. Seraph stood by the casket, his face emotionless.

Victor bit his lip, tears streaming down his face. He struggled to move forward, but his movements were sluggish, like he was trudging through water. Pain shot through his throat, the air stripped from his lungs. He gasped for breath, and the scene around him began to fade, overtaken by darkness.


Victor woke up screaming, his eyes snapping open and his nails dug into the mattress.

“Kid, what's wrong?” Morena cried, eyes wide and fists clenched. She had a fierce expression on her face, like she was ready to defend Victor from whatever had scared him. She reminded him of Matthew whenever he was startled.

I just…” Victor rubbed his eyes, realizing his tears had carried over to the real world, “I just had a bad dream. I'm sorry for disturbing you.”

Morena’s shoulders relaxed as she approached him, sitting on the bed beside him. “Want to talk about it?”

Victor hugged his chest, resting his back against the headboard of the bed. “It was about a funeral. I dreamed someone in my family had died.”

Morena sighed, laying a hand on Victor’s back. “You see, Victor, we death mages have a knack for knowing when someone is going to die. Sometimes we get prophecy dreams about it. We call ‘em death dreams.”

What?” Victor sobbed, cold sweat running down his neck, “I don't want that to happen!”

Morena pushed Victor’s head against her chest. “I wouldn't worry about it, Victor. Death dreams are vague and misleading. For all we know, it could be some random person on the street. You didn’t see a body, did you?”

No…” Victor’s stomach was in knots. He couldn't ignore the fact that someone was missing from the funeral.

“Then you don't know for sure if it's one of your family members,” Morena murmured, brushing Victor’s hair away from his face. Victor quivered against her, sniffling. “Would you feel safer if you slept in my bed? I've still got some work to do, but I'll be right across the hall.”

Victor gathered his stuffed dragon into his lap, keeping his head down. “If that's okay with you, I guess.”

Morena lifted Victor up, carrying him down the hall. Blinking lazily as the living room light hit his eyes, Victor watched Morena, taking note of her relaxed, gentle expression.

Morena’s bed was queen-sized and incredibly soft, and Victor sank right into the sheets as Morena pulled the blanket over him. She leaned down, kissing Victor on the forehead. Victor blinked, staring at her in confusion.

Morena frowned, realizing what she had done. “I didn’t mean to do that,” she blurted, “I just got a little caught up in the moment, I'm so sorry-”

Victor shook his head, smiling at Morena. “No, it's okay.”

Author's Note- life mages can tell if someone is pregnant and how many babies theyre having, even before an ultrasound can

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