And the Neelakurinji💠Blossoms 💞

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Shravani's POV:

I couldn't stand there any longer... Something within my heart pinch so badly and I wanted to cry it out...I went towards the balcony and broke down badly...

He always loved me!!!
He always did!!!
He always did Varun!!! He always did!!!
You were right Varun!!! You were right!!!
I must have given him a chance!!!
Must have heard him!!!

Flashback begins...

'I am sorry Shonali...I don't want to come home for Diwali ...' I argued with her for the nth time.

She was calling me the 5th time since last night and I kept denying. Only I and my bestie Varun knew what I went through this last entire year. If it wasn't for Varun...I don't know how would I have handled everything. He was the one who convinced me to go to Dr Sekharan. I was skeptical because I thought I can manage it myself but it slowly started taking a toll on my health. My panic attacks increased, if not for Anita and my grandparents I wouldn't have been able to withstand it.

Varun convinced me it's perfectly fine to visit a doctor if I need help. It's important to be healthy and just because I visit a counselor it doesn't mean something is wrong with me. It took me 12 sessions with Dr Sekharan after which I felt better and lighter.

Varun was my support system. We had slowly started coming closer. I felt safe in his company. My nightmares had finally stopped and so did my panic attacks but I was still scared of going back to Coonoor. I kept denying it everytime my dad called me home but this time it was Diwali and dad was hell-bent. When I denied him yet another time, he put up Shonali and Varun for this job. Both kept telling me and I denied but finally Varun took me along to our college garden and asked me...

'What scares you Shravani? Is it that you cannot handle yourself or is it that you will fall for him yet another time???'

My eyes filled with tears at his question. He hadn't proposed me but I knew he had feelings for me. I could say. This man who could fight the world for me, I didn't need his words to describe what he feels for me.

'Varun ...I ...I am scared' I whispered and he smiled asking

'Of what??? Falling in love with Satyendra again???' he said with tearful eyes and a smile on his lips and it broke me seeing him like that.

Why is he such a good man???

'Varun know it's not easy na...I'm scared'

Cupping my face he asked 'For me??? That you will go back to him and if you would leave me???' he asked straightforward and I was speechless...

He smiled saying...'Look Shravani...if you ask me...I would say cannot be's either there or not there!!! If you love him no one can stop you from being his and if he loves you then even god can't take you away from him and if we are destined to happen only death would seperate us baby' he said and left a lingering kiss on my forehead and said... 'Go Vani...I want you to face your are my brave girl...go face it!!!' he said and I smiled through my tears and said...

'I will Varun... but only on one are coming to Coonoor with me'. He was shocked.

'I don't want to be the influence in your decision's your heart and I will respect your every decision' he said and I smiled saying...

'You are my strength Varun and I need you by my my bestie when I take the call' I said and he smiled and nodded.

After an entire year I went to Coonoor. His face was the first I saw and something shattered within me as I saw him everytime but Varun was always by my side.

Sattu felt like fire who burnt a fire inside me where as Varun was water my soul calmed down everytime with me.

Not once did Sattu try to talk to me. Approach me and slowly I realised it was never there. For him probably I am just another girl who when left him hurt his ego and he behaves like a little boy whose toy is now with someone else!!!

But I am not a toy Satyendra Mehra!!!
I had realised it!!!
So when Varun and I were on the Neelakurinji hill and Varun approached me the first time for a kiss, I didn't stop and it felt peaceful. I saw Sattu seeing us kiss. Honestly it hurt me within but my soul found some sinful peace.

I kissed Varun more passionately. I knew this was wrong as I was destroying probably a pure moment between me and Varun by trying to fake it further but I wanted it after which Varun pulled back and smirked saying...

'Take time Shravani... because if you still kiss another man to make him jealous then it's meaningless' saying he was about to leave when guilt hit me hard.

I ran towards Varun and back hugged him apologizing to him for what I did. I went down on my knees and asked him to take me as girlfriend while he kissed my forehead and said that...
'I belong to his heart...even if I'm his or not!!!' and I hugged him warm.
I was still rethinking about my decision but everything cleared that night when Satyendra forcefully tried to kiss me and I slapped him hard.

It felt terrible when he tried to kiss me because he thought I liked kissing and not because I have emotions for someone...He thought it's my physical need and not my emotional bond.

What the hell did he think??? Everyone is like him and Kanishka??? I heard that Kanishka and him were in a on and off relationship while Sattu kept saying he it was a rumour and Kanishka kept saying he ditched her. But at the end I was the one who was broken. But now I knew what I wanted and I had chosen...

I had chosen love over convenience!!!
I had chosen happiness over hurt!!!
I had chosen warmth over jealousy!!!
I had chosen Varun over Satyendra!!!

Flashback ends...

Tears kept flowing non stop as I looked at the sky which thundered and in no time it started pouring heavily. It's like Varun is telling me yet another time...
'See I told you!!!' so I ran outside the house embracing the rain. It was his death anniversary today but I didn't have a panic attack today. No anniversary reaction!!! Probably because someone here again healed me!!!

I went out in rain and stood there opening my arms trying to hug the rain, I needed Varun right best friend...I cried and said...
'You were right baby...I must have heard him...' and I cried loudly as rain kept wetting my body but I missed his hug... however suddenly I felt a pair of warm hands across my waist and a neck trying to latch into the crook of my neck as I felt butterfly kisses on my neck and shoulder and I kept crying hard.

I knew whose hands those were. I knew this warmth and I kept my hands on his hands holding me by my stomach and I whispered...

'I am sorry for not listening to you know Varun told me...but...but I didn't...I messed up...if only I had heard... everything might have been and I would have been together and maybe Varun would also have been alive...I ...I messed up everything' I cried badly as I felt him kissing my earlobes and neck more and more and he tightened his grip on my stomach saying...

'No baby are not responsible for this alone...we both are...I didn't say you didn't didn't say and I didn't listen and Varun...Varun was your best friend and your love baby...and love cannot be wrong' he turned me around and wiped my tears placing his forehead against my forehead and asked...

'Do you regret Varun Shravani??? You told me you both had a beautiful you regret it???' and I nodded 'No...No I don't' and Sattu hugged me tightly and whispered in my ears...
'Exactly baby... Don't regret it!!! Everything that happens in our life is only to bring in new seasons, new blossoms, new relationships which make us a better person...a better individual...

Like Varun in your life made you a strong woman that you are by bringing love and sanity to you, same way Karishma in my life brought friendship and stability in my life. If Varun taught you how to love, Karishma taught me how to live. Never regret it baby...and rest assured 'Us'...we were always meant to's just that our season came a little late' and he smiled and kissed my forehead

I smiled between my tears and said...
'Just like the Neelakurinji??? Which blossomed after 12 years???' I asked and he smiled and kissed my pout saying...

'Yes!!! Our Neelakurinji finally blossomed...I love you Shravani Satyendra Mehra... Always did... Always will...till my death and even after that'

To which I looked at him and giggled saying...
'I love you too Satyendra Mehra... Forever After... without beginning without end!!! Yours' and just then we heard a loud applause while Rohit whistled loudly for us.

Anita and Karishma kept clapping for us while the cloud thundered loudly and we looked up and smiled while Sattu said...
'Seems like Varun clapped a little too louder' and I giggled hugging him tightly.

'I am not going with you Satyam' Karishma whined as I and Sattu kept looking at this cute couple trying to mend their differences.

'Ahhhemmm...Satyam ji...try this...your madam seems to be liking milk products a lot during her this phase' I said giving him some Kesar Rabdi and soon I see Karishma's face glow like a star and she sat down gobbling three big bowls of Rabdi and finally agreed to go back with Satyam. She took up a job in Chennai and would stay with Satyam in India and I was more than happy to have made two more friends.

Once they left it was just me and him at home. He pulled me closer and made sit on his lap while I felt his hands slowly invading my stomach as they sneaked inside my tshirt and I jumped...I asked him softly...

'Sattu...can I ask you something?' while he hummed and smelled my hair. I smiled as he nuzzled his nose into my neck saying 'Ask' and I whispered...

'How could you keep loving me even after I broke your heart? I mean 12 years ..12 big years and you continued loving me the same how???' while he turned me around and kissed my neck and said...

'I don't was like I couldn't see anyone else beyond you Biwi... I tried to keep away from you initially but I couldn't because I was scared of the tsunami that was within me for so long ...There is too much love in this little heart for you Biwi..and I never wanted to force upon you after that stupid night when I forcefully wanted to kiss you... Consent and confirmation both were important so I couldn't it my fear of being rejected again or call it my immensely loving heart which didn't want to hear a 'No' again...

You were my Neelakurinji baby...I yearned for you...I love your fragrance, your beauty, your mere existence..I need you ...but not at the cost of breaking you...I wanted you whole heartedly...happy, smiling just like the little girl I first met on the Purvi Apartments terrace...' he said and I kept looking at him.

I smiled and said ...'Well then take me all...I'm yours...saying I smashed my lips against his as he took every ounce of my lips in his mouth, I shoved my tongue into his mouth while he pulled out saying...

'Dont begin something which you cannot take baby...The intensity and fire would only grow' and I tore his shirt into two pieces and smirked while his jaws hit the ground and I winked saying...

'I want it all and I swear to scare the hell out of you after you see the intensity within me you rural brute!!!' saying I kept biting his chest. He lifted me up in one go and next minute we were on the bed while one by one clothes kept flicking off our bodies and finally we began the fun. Sattu woke up saying...
'Hold on...let me get you chocolate tonight!!!' and I stopped his hand saying...
'No need' and his eyebrows narrowed...

'I didn't get you!!!' while I kept looking at the clock which was about to hit a 12 and he kept wondering what was I doing!!!
While I smirked saying 'Keep waiting Purusha' and he rolled his eyes while I kissed his pout saying...

'I love you' ❤️


Dearest Readers,

This is the last chapter of Neelakurinji.
Tomorrow I would release it's epilogue.
With that yet another book of ours would come to an end.

Hope you liked this beautiful journey of Satyendra and Shravani.

Thank you for your non stop requests, unstoppable love and support for this series.

Like I promised if this book gets its due recognition and love you will get it's next season.

And I would announce these to be the Flower series.

But then let's wait and see like Neelakurinji...

Will you readers want Gulmohar to blossom??? 😉

Only time would say ❤️

Till then

Keep reading Keep supporting ❤️

Love Love ❤️
Vpsisthename20 ❤️

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