Monsoon☔ Memories❤️ & 'The Moment'🔥 - Part 1

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Shravani's POV:

Rain began drenching us as Satyendra was driving as cautiously and quickly as possible... Although there was an umbrella protecting us...he owned an open jeep...hence rains were pouring nonstop...

'You make sure to cover yourself are already sensitive thanks to the bee sting and the injection now' he said trying to push me a bit away as we both were sharing the umbrella...

'Rains can make anyone fall ill...and if I'm sensitive due to the bee are always sensitive to have always been' I said and he casually retorted...

'Shravani...Im good...I'm not a delicate darling.. don't treat me like one' he argued...

'Oh... get wet in rain, then you sneeze, then your voice croaks out...
Basically you go from PearlVPuri to Amrish Puri' I said and I saw a mad frown on his face while I giggled...

He raised his eyebrow and in one go he held my wrist and pulled me closer to him while his eyes were still darted on the heart started beating loudly...
'You are not Raveena Tandon doing a tip tip barsa pani here right??? Not that you will drench in rain and dance I will be seduced' he said and my eyes widened. This conversation suddenly went being awkward and I swallowed nervously...I tried getting off his hold but he had still held my hand tightly...his big hand was warm and my body was shivering under his cheeks were heating up...

Probably he realised our proximity and left the grip over my wrist and then again there was pin drop silence...
We reached our then it was raining cats and dogs.

He parked the car and we took the elevator to our floor...there were no exchange of words while we unlocking the main door only for a loud sound. I was scared. And the power had gone.

'Shit' he muttered under his breath...while still continuing to struggle to open the door..I switched on my mobile torchlight and somehow we managed to open the door...he quickly dialled the security who confirmed that the transformer had tripped due to heavy rains and the generator as well wasn't switching on.

We didn't have a go and I began searching for emergency light to which he said ..
'Emergency lamp isn't working...Let me find the candles...'

I nodded...

'You go and may catch cold' he said and I silently left to my room...

I quickly removed my wet clothes and began looking for something...but it was too dark...I managed to pull out pair of kurta and leggings in the dark and wore it...but looks like it had strings to it...I felt my wet hair getting tangled with it...

'Shravani...are you done?' I heard the door knock...I quickly went to the door and opened it only to see Satyendra standing there with a candle..and for a minute I noticed his mouth wide open...I couldn't understand what he came out of a trance he gave me the candle

'Here keep this... you may need it...I'll get us a cup of hot coffee' he said while I noticed his shirt was still drenching wet...I quickly stopped him...

'Ummm also please change..I'm almost done I'll make the coffee' I said and and he thought for a while and nodded.

I took the candle and went to kitchen... managed to find the coffee powder and made two steaming cups of coffee... temperature was dropping lower as it was already night now...I saw the time it was approximately 7:30pm and the sky was all dark, rains continued pouring and thunderstorms were at its loudest...

I quickly took the cups of coffee and knocked the door of his room..he didn't reply...I slowly pushed the door which was already slightly ajar...I could hear shower running...i understood he probably went to have a bath...i saw the room had just a single was still very I kept the coffee cups on the side table and got two more candles and lightened it up.

By then I heard the bathroom door open slightly and I turned around. The sight left me speechless...
Satyendra was standing infront of me in his sweat pants..... Shirtless!!!
He was carelessly rubbing his hair with a thick towel. He probably wasn't aware of my presence in his room and I didn't know what to do now...

Next minute his eyes met mine and he freaked out...
'The scared me' he said and I was still standing there like a monument!!!

My eyes scanned his chiseled body shamelessly...water droplets travelling through his chest... via his stomach...he wasn't the abs guy...but he was a muscular man...the droplet literally kissed his wide chest.. dipped to his stomach and escaped into his tracks and I swallowed a lump...

His voice got me out of my trance and I mentally slapped myself for staring at him like a creep...I quickly turned around while he ran to get his tshirt from the cupboard...

'I..I...I will come later' I fumbled to which he said ...
'Its ok Shravani..I will just take a minute...' he said and I could hear him shuffling through his cupboard...
My heart was beating loudly...

I closed my eyes while a smile appeared on my lips recalling an old memory...

Flashback begins...

It was the first rain of that had made onion (pakoda) fritters with extra chilli for me.. I like it like's a always made it for me...we were enjoying the pakoda while I got a call from Shonali asking to come to play area as today they were playing table tennis... because it was raining heavily...

I told her about the pakodas and she insisted to get some for her. I told dad and he made a plate full of them for my friends too.. I took them and went down to the play area..I was still getting very scared to go to the play area because HE always plays table tennis. I didn't want yet another teasing session as it is he carrying me to the hospital incident was enough for Shonali and Rithika his own sister to tease me like there's no tomorrow. It was embarassing and I didn't want more of it...

But thank god he wasn't there...I breathed a sigh of relief...but somehow my heart wasn't too happy either... strange this is...

We started playing table was only me, Shonali, Rishika and Rithika...I didn't find the rest of the gang...

To which Shonali said...
'Oh you want me to call them all?' she asked mischievously...I wondered why she gave such wierd reactions and I said casually...
'Yeah sure dad sent Pakoda for all of you' and she smiled...

Well there they are...saying she pointed towards the basketball court... and she called them loudly..

'Guys... want some hot onion pakodas'

And the next minute my mouth hanged open as I saw the tallest guy in the gang drenching wet!!!

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