20 / 스물

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 In his own resting hall, King Hyun watched the scenery of a folding screen behind his throne seat thoughtfully.

 The image of endless trees and hazing mountains clouded his eyes, but his mind was gone elsewhere; to the explotion in Sinmumun gate, and the chaotic scene within Jibok-jae.

 Somehow, the two were related to one another, but the King couldn't be much certain with so little evidence in hand.

 At least, the riots across the kingdom had dimmed, with the word of horde criminals hunting down the Mad Queen spread swiftly.

 It would be tricky to think the problem had solved, when the Queen's whereabouts itself remained unknown. But another issue appeared, with the explotion and all.

 An echo of heavy steps reached his hearing, followed by the groaning floor of wooden hall. "Your Highness," a heavy voice said.

 King Hyun turned to face the visitors. Commander Kwan and Minister Bo Gyeong were bowing respectively to him.

 "Gentlemen," the King smiled politely. He carefully sat on his throne, gestured the men to the two pillows on the floor. "Please sit."

 The men took their seat, but their head remained low courteously. King Hyun flicked his gaze on the guards who posted by the entrance, and waved a hand. They closed the door from outside, leaving the King alone with these two men.

 "I suppose you all know why I asked your presence here," the King began. "Considering the palace guards and soldiers are involved in this disturbance."

 "Yes, Your Majesty," said Commander Kwan. "I have questioned some of my men on the matter. It appears two soldiers have escaped through Sinmumun gate."

 "Soldiers?" King Hyun rubbed his bearded chin thoughtfully. "And the explotion? These two soldiers are behind it as well?"

 "Your Majesty," objected Minister Gyeong. "I am certain it is not my men's doing. There's a fraud between my men, he managed to enter through the underground hall and made some disturbance."

 "Ah," said the King. His fingers settled on his beard. "What kind of disturbance, Minister Gyeong?"

 "This fraud soldier brought a palace guard into the underground hall, he claimed the guard was spying on our training ground. However, the soldier turned to be a deciever, and the palace guard had been one of my men, he is still in the underground for further interogation."

 When Commander Kwan opened his mouth to say something, King Hyun interrupted, "I assume you've gathered some information from this soldier of yours?"

 "Yes," replied Minister Gyeong. A line of confusion appeared on his forehead. "He doesn't appear to remember anything. My men have done various ways to make him speak truth, but still, he claimed repeatedly to not remember of this intruder or why he'd dressed as a palace guard in the first place."

 "It happened the same with my guards at Sinmumun gate as well, Your Highness," said Commander Kwan, "a few of them recalled of not remembering anything. But an archer of mine saw two soldiers walking through the sideway, with palace guards surrounding by them. He immediately shot the soldier with an arrow, because I have demanded my men to not let anyone go through Sinmumun gate without my command. The arrow wounded the soldier, but he escaped with the other one, and an assassin under the clothes of palace guard."

 A faint smile tugged across the King's lips. It was getting more interesting than he'd thought. "An assassin?"

 "It seems likely," Commander Kwan claimed, "he brought a sword by himself, and he appeared to be skilled in swordplay."

 "Did this assassin made an appearance in the underground hall, Minister Gyeong?" asked the King.

 "I don't recall my men telling me such thing, Your Majesty. But it might be. The Bronze Thorns made some chaotic scene in the underground beneath. Someone must have helped them to free themselves from their chain. I assume it is either the assassin or another fraud soldier, since there are two soldiers who escaped."

 "Is it likely that those intruders have connections with the Bronze Thorns?"

 Minister Bo Gyeong hesitated. "Perhaps, Your Majesty. However, I don't think any of the commoners- save for my men- know about this gang. It is highly stricted. If it had something to do with the gang's associations, the assassin and those two fraud soldiers wouldn't have known about the underground hall and its access. Moreover, if the intruders intended to free the gang, they also wouldn't leave them all alone in the underground, and escape by themselves through Sinmumun gate."

 "I want you to check all of the soldiers who attended during the chaotic scene," demanded the King, "and question further more to the suspicious ones. Including those who rioted in Jibok-jae. When every method of interrogation has been used, and your men still appear to be confused, you may come here again for further command."

 The Ministry of War stood, and bent forward for a bow. He disappeared from the King's hall, closing the door behind him. Now, only Commander Kwan remained.

 The King began, "Have you checked the explosive materials on Sinmumun gate, Commander Kwan?"

 "I have, Your Majesty," Commander Kwan replied. "It is made out of explosive gunpowder from black market, I suppose it also involves some street gangs and perhaps wage soldiers. My men are currently under disguise to track the material down, hopefully we will recieve information from them soon." He paused for awhile. "There is another thing, actually."

 "And what of it?"

 Commander Kwan finally glanced up at the King. "When the Silhuk scholars were on their way to the residence, I noticed one of them was missing. Then my men came to me, bringing a scholar imposture between them. I decided to check the scholars' identity once again, and found another imposture between them. If I might share my opinion, Your Majesty, these impostures may have an involvement with those intruders we've spoken of. Perhaps they disguised as scholars to enter through the two gates of palace, and replaced them by someone else."

 "Ah, it does make sense now," commenced the King. "Have you questioned them?"

 "An imposture killed himself. But the other one is still alive by now. Different from the confused soldiers and guards, this one seems to know something, though he hasn't revealed anything yet. My men are currently questioning him to press the information out of him."

 King Hyun smiled. "I see, is there anything you want to tell me again, Commander Kwan?"

 "No, Your Majesty."

 "I suppose I dismiss you now, then. You might come here again as the questioning finished. "

 Commander Kwan rose, bowing deep at the King. He vanished from the King's hall, leaving the room in peaceful stillness.

 King Hyun placed his chin above his palm, his mind swirling into the perplexed soldiers and guards, who didn't even recall the intruders as if they weren't there in the first place. It was another thing if they shut their mouth close, and pretend to be loyal to the royal family. But not remembering anything. . . it sounded uncertain, and hazy. Could it have any involvement with the Missing Queen? Or Masulsa, who'd freed her from jail?

 He widened his eyes, and a grin broke into his lips. Masulsa. The Eun Family. The twins.

 The King hadn't found their corpse during the Great Purge. Though he'd sent a thousand troop of soldiers to look for them, the mission went empty handed. The twins had been gone long even before their parents were excecuted. Someone must have saved them.

 If they were alive by now, then there was only one mind controller in the kingdom.

 And he was Eun Jae, the son of Eun Gwang.

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