3 / 세

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  "The riots across the country are rising," Commander Kwan declared loudly, all presence in the council listened. His grim face stared at the work papers in his hands. "It not only emerges in Hanseong, but the other big cities as well. However, the heat spot focuses on the capital city. A lot of suburban citizens came to Hanseong only to demand justice regarding the Queen. A man from the countryside burnt a replica painting of Her Highness, leading the scene into a more chaotic crowd. He is currently being held in nearest jail for further interrogation."

  "For further interrogation?" the Ministry of Justice, Seong Uk, shot a look filled with burning indignation toward the Commander. "Vilify the Queen's name is a treason! He must be eliminated in front of public as reminder."

  "It will make the situation worse," replied the Commander with steady voice, "the man is estimated as the leader. If he is to be executed, the mass will be much likely bigger than before. We cannot risk that."

  "A reckless leader, indeed." Chief State Councilor Hyuk Jae commenced. "The mass protest is too turmoil to be considered a threat to the monarchy. It's chaotic, unplanned, barely stable from the guards' attacks. If he is the leader, I really doubt it myself. He is possibly a raged man passing by with the Queen's replica in his hands."

  His Royal Highness Hyun of Joseon watched the Government Officials before him carefully, each of them concerned of the threat from their own people. A rumor on the streets of Hanseong sent them an unease thinking, certainly they wouldn't want to lose their high positions from a treason or possible coup.

  He wanted to sense an odd movement from one of the Joseon's Officials, but they were all great liars, drunk by power and greed. The feeling inside King Hyun was no mere speculation, it sparked and barked: a person in the council released the Queen without his knowledge.

  He would find the man and punish him as according the law. However, a tiny voice murmured in his head, is it truth or are you simply not trust them at all? He would find out about that soon too.

  "We must take a price on the Queen's head," suggested the Commander, "perhaps it will calm the protestors for a while."

  Minister Seong Uk snorted mockingly. "Who are you to judge, Commander Kwan? According law, the Queen will have to be executed ahead her people. A childish contest between thieves and wage soldiers to dispose the Queen's life is not a very suitable idea. How cheap is Her Majesty's life to be considered as such thing!"

  "I do not share the similar perspective as you, Minister Uk." Ministry of Defense, Bo Gyeong, interrupted. The council room fell into a vacuous silent, they shifted uncomfortably, gazing everywhere but not meeting Gyeong's unpatched eye. Minister Gyeong was not a man built of words, indeed. He had fought countless wars and bore scars across his face. His right eye was covered by black eyepatch like pirates in endless sea, and his other eye looked at Minister Seong Uk wearily.

  "Let it be a contest, the people will love it. They enjoy hunting a person they despise most, especially when word of the Queen's maddening act of bathing in the servants' blood spread like wildfire. They will not stop fighting until their demand of justice is fulfilled. You have my words."

  "This is lunatic." Minister Seong Uk whispered to particular no one, but audible enough for the whole room to hear it. "How can you possibly equalize the Queen as fugitive?"

  "Your Highness," Minister Da Bin of Rites called, deep concern on his face, "perhaps you are willing to share your judgment?"

  King Hyun clasped his fingers, both elbows placed above the rounded table. He gave his thoughts some consideration. "Commander Kwan?"

  "Yes, Your Highness?"

  "Do you recall the young man who stole a Goryeo painting two years ago?"

  Confusion clouded the Officials' faces, sharing glances to one another. Even Commander Kwan seemed to question the King's intention. "Of course, Your Highness. He is being held at the jail at the current time. May I ask why?"

  "No man has ever breached the White Museum before, yes?" and when some officials indicated a knowing look, the King continued, "but the young man managed to. Though he did not work alone, with a promising team on his back. Gentlemen, looking for the missing Queen is not a small task. An anonymous who released her seems to be a very intelligent person. It appears finding the person, along with the Queen, will need a team of promising skilled people who willingly to do this task."

  The King was familiar of their faces, doubting their own King but not be able to spill their hidden thoughts. None of them knew about the Masulsa's involvement on the Queen's disappearance, or at least how it supposed to be, because it would be prohibited to pay a visit to her cell jail.

  Save for Commander Kwan and the other two key holders, they all investigated how she managed to be released by an anonymous. It was a shame to know Minister Seoung Uk also held the key, the man could be suspicious at times. But it was too early to jump conclusions.

  Only the Ministry of Works who seemed considering his words, and saying, "You are suggesting to gather a group of individuals who have killed and stolen, Your Highness?" he tilted his head to the side, only slightly. "Forgive me—"

  "It will be fair enough," Minister Gyeong interrupted, "Your Highness, if you may allow me giving a suggestion. Since these criminals will be much likely hard to discipline, I'm giving them accompany of some my best men. They will train them and remind them of their lowly position."

  The air in council room became much lighter after hearing the Minister of Defense's suggestion. Though a few of them made looks of disagreement.

  "What of the citizens, Your Highness?" Minister Da Bin enquired, "Do they have to know?"

  "Of course not." The King smiled. A group of ruthless criminals would still be no match for another band of Masulsa, yet it was worth the risk. They were brutal, bloodthirsty, and known to be legends of Joseon. And it was a suicide mission for them. "But let them know of this: a horde of experienced killers running toward the Queen's back, then they will no longer rioting in the streets."

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