The Song Of The Night

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Ah! Did it crack again? My facade,
I had plastered it with a smile they gave,
I have batches and patches stitched under my skin,
To use it when and ever in need,
Foolproof sticker' they said,
They fed, they held, they owned.
The shackles pressing into my bones,
Branding me a value for the product I am,
To sell in the market of incorrigible  humanity,
A derisive laugh splinters in my throat,
The shards punctured the inside of my eyes,
My lashes kneeled for the tears long dried,
The acidic hunger of anger kissed and coaxed,
To serve it with my naked hostility,
You will inherit the crown of the feared it crooned,
To be feared than laughed at, the best I knew,
I gave in to anger's avenging embrace,
It touched the places no one dare,
My tightened fist held my screams,
Fissuring along the fault lines of my skin,
The anger curled its toes in joy,
It filled me up with callous drips,
I burned while I turned cold and numb,
The flames licking my skin as wet as blood,
The icicles freezing the warmth in my heart,
My roars were a lament for what I have been,
My sobs were an elegy for what if it could be,
Both were an outcry for what died within me,
The honeyed self-pity choked my voice,
I coughed up tars of blistering hate,
If the world had been kind, I cried,
Were you to the world? My heart deride,
I ran outside to the arms of the impartial night,
She treats the bright and dull alike,
Ashamed tears or blushed deep smile,
Embracing all in her blind dark tulle,
I crawled on the ground, craving the touch,
The cold ground beneath salving my burns,
The back that suffered unknown stabs from the known,
Lay supine with the blisters of dead childhood,
They hurt me, mother, it pains like hell,
The geyser tears flooded my eyes,
A chill breeze kissed my hair slow,
I peered into the night sky's eyes above,
Flecks of stars in that deep-set dark,
Carrying souls and wishes from far,
Did she ever forget to bring forth one of the stars?
She displays them proudly on her bosom with scars,
Hold me; mother, I lift my arms,
There's still time; child, she lullabied a song.


Topic : Born_As_StarDust

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