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past names,          channing.

 彡 current name,    channing.

 彡 meaning,              english boy name, meaning " young wolf " or " wise ". 

 彡 nicknames,        chan / channie, both are other versions of his own name. dirt-face, referring to when channing used to rub his body in sand & water, playing around as a young pup, which turned into a bullying sessions towards him. 

age,          briefly   4 years.

 彡 biological sex,       male.

 彡 gender,       male  ( dog ).

 彡 pronouns,        he / him.

romantic orientation,      demiromantic.

 彡 sexual orientation,            bisexual.

rank order,     sentry.


allegiance appearance,      large, four-year old broad-muscled dark grey, tawny, and cream-blended male wolf with amber optics. 

彡 age,        4 years.

 彡 sexuality,       bisexual demi-romantic.

彡 gender,            male. 

simple description,       large, broad-muscled dark grey, tawny, and cream-blended male wolf with amber optics. he has a large mane of chest & back fur which is often fluffed, and a very thick tail with general eurasian wolf markings. 

detailed appearance,       channing is a very large, above average-sized european gray wolf. also referred to sometimes as a timber wolf, channing highly resembles that of a gray wolf, with all fur colors combined. he weighs around a healthy, muscled weight of 102 pounds, and appears to be bigger than a large dog at shoulder height. he is big for his size, making him appear buffed and well-muscled. with a heavily athletic build, channing's weight fools others. although he weighs more than others would expect, he is perfectly in shape, and his weight is spread evenly through his body. channing's legs are extremely long and a bit thicker in appearance, allowing for him to run fast. with a broad-shouldered build, he is big-boned, and though he has a rectangular shape, and his head is rather distinct in shape, he has a well-sloped body, and his muscles also allow for him to be lithe and cunning in step. he has a deep charcoal nose, and rather rounded, smaller-set amber eyes. they are rather light and vivid in color. 

channing's fur is rather distinct and vivid in color. compared to other wolves of his breed, he has more noticable color combinations, and is more richly colored than other wolves of the subspecies. with triangular and sleek-furred ears that constantly point upwards, channing gives off a powerful demeanor. his ears are shaded a russet-orange color, which travels down to blend into a grey color on his forehead. with a mask of russet that travels down to his snout, and then blends into white, channing's markings highly resemble his species, but yet are distinct. he has a thick " mane " of cream and grey ticked colors, which flows into his back. the top of his back is dark grey, cream, and opal colored, while the sides of him and down to his underbelly is more pure white & cream, with russet markings. an overall tawny appearance in color, channing's legs are a tawny & cream mixture solely, and appear to be creamish-white from a distance. with extremely thick & dense fur, channing is prepared for both winter & summer, as he tends to shed a lot. his tail is long and extremely thick, with a weird, coarse-shaggy tail tip of a different texture, probably from birth. this wolf has distinct, and rather vividly rich fur colors that set him apart from other wolves & clades. 

 彡 coat color,          combination of tawny, reds, greys, and creams mixed together. 

 彡 coat pattern,     mixture of colors blended together, general wolf markings. russet ears, snout, and shadings along his head and legs, dark grey throughout his back and forehead and chest, creamy-white mixed in together along his body & thick chest fur. 

 彡 coat texture,     thick and dense. 

eye shape,           small yet rounded.

 彡 eye color,            light amber.

notable features,            vivid amber eyes, distinct fur patterns, large build. 

 彡 miscellaneous quirk(s),        shaggy, ragged fur on the tip of his tail. 

scarifications,            a large, noticeable line underneath his left eye, as well as a few other wounds from his mother & battles in general.

 彡 physical disability,       none. 

 彡 mental disability,        in battle & against those whom he does not like, channing can become a sadist. 

 彡 accessories,            none. 

fortitudes,       strong & powerful build, stealth, stamina, & running.

 彡 debilities,        climbing, swimming, partial agility, keeping up. 


main personality traits,      sadistic, empathetic, sensitive, overprotective, vehement, sequestered.

 彡 detailed personality,        


      although not for the sexual pleasure or anything to do with desire, channing does become a partial sadist at certain times in his life. because of the terrible parental influence in his younger years, channing became rather divided from his family. this influenced his behavior as a sadist. although he would never want to see someone he loves suffer, channing is a battle & bully sadist. he enjoys seeing those who deserve to suffer actually suffer, and likes to defeat others in battle to the point where they might die. this may be because of the parental invisible-ness, which highly influenced channing's sadistic side. this wolf enjoys the physical pain of others who deserve to be hurt, or those who challenge his or anybody else he like's authority. channing would never wish or inflict pain on the little amount of canines whom he forms bonds with, but this side of him does show, especially when he is fighting others, knows about a wolf that went behind someone's back, or truly deserved to be physically harmed.

      channing enjoys messing with other's minds, if they deserve it, and pushing them to their physical limit in battle or arguments. he doesn't often admit to this personality trait, because he believes it makes him a bad wolf, and his lack of a mother and father figure in his early years was the cause of this. while he loves protecting others he likes and forms bonds with, he would inflict pain on those who deserved it. while he does enjoy seeing them suffer, channing does it for the best intentions, for either his pack's benefit, his benefit, or the small amount of his friend's benefit. 

             彡 empathetic

       even though channing tends to not always show this side of him, he is a rather empathetic and caring wolf when it comes to those who are important in his life. he would give up his own life for the love of his in a heartbeat, and would go to extreme ideals to help or save that wolf whom he is in love with. channing has the ability to understand and cope with other's emotions and emotional problems. he finds himself leaning towards others whom he can easily connect with, because it forms a closer bond between the two if they have a shared traumatic issue, or personality traits that they could easily get along with. he can place himself in the other's position, and aid them based on their external and internal reference to the root of the issue. one of his best personality traits, channing's inner subconscious is based on empathy, and how his actions could influence others. 

      channing's psychological trait of empathy had been gained at the moment of his birth. while trying to cope with the lack of parental figure in his life, channing form the ability to become empathetic. because of his lack of social and nurturing skills that he had lacked from his mother, he knows how to put himself in other's pawsteps. although he may not seem like the type to be empathetic, channing uses this trait to bring himself closer to others, and form bonds with those who accept him for who he is. this trait helps channing get over the fear of rejection, and his empathy helps other canines learn more about themselves, and be more in touch with themselves. 

            彡 sensitive

      channing, though he does not come off as this, is actual very sensitive. when he was a pup, it was more extreme, but eventually dulled down. he is still sensitive now, though, and the littlest thing can really get to him and set him off. generally switching from laid-back to enraged, the smallest word said to him can set him off and make him go on a rampage, because he is incredibly sensitive. anything can get him going, and something not related to his parents can remind him of his past traumas and verbal abuse.  not many things hurt his feelings, because channing doesn't usually show it, but because of his sensitivity, they really do get to him. many do not regard channing as sensitive, and think he has no emotions, but his sensitivity keeps his emotions working and in check.      

        channing is finely-tuned when it comes to emotions and other's emotions, and besides being empathetic, he has delicate appreciation to other's feelings and how they act / feel, as well as his own. even through his sadistic manner in battle and inflicting pain in bullies, channing is still sensitive. this allows him to know right from wrong, allow him to feel what others are feeling, and lets him detect changes in personality or emotions in others or himself. sympathetic and receptive, he only shows his sensitive side with those whom he loves, and they are dwindling in number.

         this wolf tends to only show his sensitive side with those whom he would never harm and die for, while he shows his empathetic side more than his delicate side. a strong wolf physically and emotionally, canines do not often regard him as sensitive, emotionally and physically, with a high tolerance of pain, but can detect things as easy as a paw-snap.     

             彡 overprotective 

      though this may seem like a small trait, it is large for channing. channing was raised by a wolf who didn't care to bother with him for half of the time, and then acted like she loved him with all of her heart. because his mother was not overprotective, neither was his father, channing developed himself to form over-protectiveness, for the goodness of himself and for those whom he loved and hung out with. channing's over-protectiveness kicks in when is around those whom he feels a deep romantic connection with, and some wolves ( though little in number ), that he considers family or close friends. he would go so far as to inflict pain, or scare other away from the members whom he cares about for their sake and for his. canines do not like to get close to channing, because his over-protectiveness can go too far. he has injured another wolf for the sake of his love, because he was flirting and picking on her. this sets others off and pushes them away.

       channing's over-protectiveness may seem like a negative trait, but it also ensures the protection of those he is close with, and his future mate. he would give his own life for the sake of protecting the specific wolf he is trying to protect. excessively working to ensure the safety and well-being of those whom he loves, it is almost as if it's a reflex from his bad puphood treatment, a wall to barricade what had happened to him in order for it not to be passed on through his offspring and his mate. his protectiveness can influence his sadistic-ness when referring to those whom get too close or physically harm one of his loved ones. 

             彡 vehement

     vehement and passion is a big part of channing's personality. he is very fiery and will explode over the smallest thing. since channing is very protective and incredibly fierce, he becomes vehement and incredibly intense with the things that he does. when talking to bullies, ignorant wolves, or ones that he thinks are challenging his authority, he will show his fiery side. channing is not one to mess with, and many other wolves know this. once a wolf goes against channing, he will hold a grudge against them for the rest of his life. he is not forgiving, and does not care who it is that he has a grudge against,  unless it is someone who he had formed a bond with. when channing forms a bond, it never goes away, and he generally does not act so intense around them, but it also shows in his protective side just how fierce and intimidating he can be when irritated. 

          channing lets out his fierce side in battle and towards those wolves whom he gets a bad feeling about. a rather complicated wolf, channing is best known for his passion in love and in battle, including vehement.

            彡 sequestered 

         channing proves to be rather sequester and reserved. he is often closed off, and doesn't reveal a lot about himself or his past to any wolf or any other creature that ask him about it. channing is very sequestered because he closed down emotionally as a pup because he was so incredibly emotionally harmed by his parents and mistreated by them. shutting himself down emotionally was the only option if channing wanted to survive underneath the care of his mother, which is what he did. though he is working on showing his emotions and coming through with empathy, channing does not always feel remorse, and this is where his sadistic side comes into play. mistreatment, nurture vs. nature, can very much mess with a pup or a human child for that matter, which is why channing if often reserved and does not show his emotions to all of his group members. often referred to as sequestered, it means that channing is very isolated most of the time. he feels left apart sometimes, and stays alone because he fears of rejection or being judged.

      previous traumas have set his mind to work in a different way, so he has a hard time trusting, or has a hard time opening up, unless he knows that the one is the one. channing had been molded to be the "perfect pup", while also being verbally misused, causing him to be influenced to shut himself down in order to not feel the pain that was being inflicted on him by his parental influences, just like his brothers and sisters did as well. channing would get very irritated and broken down when his siblings succumbed to his mother's torment, throwing him into a fit. he has since worked on not being as closed off, but the puphood is the most important stage of development, and emotions are torn like paper and paint. 

strengths,       channing is both mentally and physically strong. he uses his power to force others to back down. he is rather good at manipulating others, and could be a charm-speaker. he has a way with words, and tends to use it to his advantage. he is good at running and is rather fast, and it looks as if he is walking on air. channing is good at being stealthy and incredibly quiet when approaching victims and keeping himself hidden, and is great at hunting, but fights and protects other wolves more. channing has increasingly good hearing and eyesight, and generally wins in fights.

 彡 weaknesses,       though channing can hide and is stealthy, he cannot keep his agility up, and often lacks & lags behind others. he can run fast, but looses breath rather quickly at certain times. his personality & past comes at a large price, causing others to avoid him, and some pups used to bully him when he was younger. he cannot swim, and often sinks to the bottom before he gets help, which has happened before. channing can also not climb trees, and finds that he is too large to keep himself up in the tree. 

dominant or submisive,     dominant.


sire,           makiga ― skimpy dark grey & brown dog with  narrowed amber optics.  ( deceased )

 彡 dam,          luna ― thick-boned, tawny patterned bitch with hazel optics.  ( alive )

litter-mates,        akela ― skinny, greasy-furred brown bitch with amber optics. ( deceased )

                                       kaito ― large, heavy-set tawny, russet, and cream dog with brown optics. ( deceased ) 

                                      beau  ― petite & skinny black brown dog with blind blue optics.   ( deceased  )

 彡 other siblings,      chrysanthemum ― fluffy, white bitch with yellow eyes.  ( alive, half sibling on his mother's side )

                                            unnamed wolf pup

                                            unnamed wolf pup

other kin,                senshi ―  average-sized, brown & black dog with blue optics.  ( alive, step-father )

                                          akarui ― scrawny, old grey & willow colored bitch with grey optics.  ( deceased, adoptive mother / mother figure  )

▌love interest(s),       possibly nagisa ? ( developing ).

▌past mate(s),       kylah ― scrawny grey & cream bitch with honey optics. 

                                       lucid ― large, handsome tan & brown dog with green optics. 

▌mate,      none open !

 彡 offspring,     none. 


▌puphood,        channing was born into the rag-tag group of the alaqua, his mother was a dispersal who then had mated with a male. his mother and father, luna and makiga, never fully got along. luna was extremely self-centered and influenced by herself and herself only. she took no orders, bossed her mate around, and only wanted the perfect amount of pups who were perfect and only perfect― and when she did not get this, things went haywire. when channing was born, he was the only pup, which frightened his mother. since he was born alone, he was incredibly babied and pampered. everything was well for him until his siblings were born soon after he was; his brothers kaito and beau, and his sister akela. akela was babied by his mother the most besides him when she and her brothers were born. kaito was cast out for being too socially awkward, and beau was yelled and punished at every single time he opened his mouth to speak because he was born blind. luna was incredibly narcissistic and feral towards her pups, stating that they were nothing and she was everything. often switching between babying and verbally abusing channing, akela then fell sick with an illness. the prized possession, the bitch without flaws, was then dead within a weak. channing of course grieved, and was even more irritated that she died thinking all she had to be was perfect. after this event, his father makiga, "left the pack". he did not agree with luna's actions, and caused her to physically harm him, making him leave the pack because he did not want to be part of his pups' life, fearing they would become like their disgusting mother. channing was left with his two brothers and harming mother. over the course of his puphood, channing was bullied for his temperament, the way he acted, and how he was not taught better by his mother. if living without his father and beloved sister wasn't enough, luna then introduced another male. within these years, channing became incredibly closed off to the world and to every other wolf. emotionally damaged and fit to be "perfect", channing developed a sense of sadisticness in battle and during fights, as well as incredibly closed off to others. 

▌juvenile,          the male previously introduced throughout the latter of channing's puphood and his juvenile years was named senshi. senshi (meaning warrior) was an extremely young male, white-furred and bold. he was introduced just as if he was his replacement father. channing became fuming at his mother. a few days later, he got into a skirmish with his mother and she gave him an everlasting scar under his eye, quoth" you will never be the wolf that he is." channing became extremely enraged by this situation. after a year and some of being called "not enough", and then contradictory called "perfect", channing had had enough. in an effort to confront his mother, he found her standing over the body of beau, at a river set aside of the group. he was told he passed from his illness, which was apparently more than blindness. channing didn't buy it, an instead told his mother off, with the suspicion that she had killed him. channing had outbreaks, stating to the group that his mother had snapped, she gave the excuse that  channing was "ignorant", and it was " in his father's blood" to be a coward. under these conditions, channing cut himself off from his mother, and vowed not to talk to her again. she had made him go mad, and he felt insane and like such a bad wolf. almost on call, luna was pregnant with another litter.  his mother, claiming she had never loved makiga, the father that channing had never known, had her litter of pups. taking two of them and leaving the only female behind, she ran off with her "mate" and took the pups. channing, now almost an adult, was incredibly scarred that she had taken the pups. upset, because he knew they would become like his mother, and has never took it upon himself to tell chrysanthemum about her true mother. at this stage in his life, he met kylah, a scrawny bitch― just like him, she was incredibly vehement, and fiery; so the relationship didn't last long. she wanted too much from him, and made fun of his past traumas, which set him off incredibly. this is where akarui (bright) stepped in his life. a very old maternal-traited bitch, she served as a brief mother figure to channing, but did not help his attitude. 

▌adulthood,         channing's adulthood started on a new note of his life, without the verbal and physical abuse in which his mother had inflicted on him, and his runaway father never knew of. he tried to pull together his seams, but it didn't work as easily as he thought it would. realizing he was bisexual also added to his life, in which he then started a mateship with his only friend through his puphood, who was actually never there for him, named lucid. the wolf was larger than channing, which was surprising to him because channing was the largest a timber wolf could get at that point in his life. when channing and lucid began to fall out, lucid told channing it was because he wasn't emotionally stable, and that lucid deserved better than a wolf who was influenced by his past. channing has been alone ever since, and became fancied with being protective, and seeing other wolves as ones he needs to protect, although channing is avoided and he does not have many friends as of now. he was left completely alone when akarui died, but sees her spirit every now and then. channing is still the same dog in which he was when he was a pup. there's also more to come, as channing is a mere four years old. 


▌password,   penumbra 

▌roleplay sample,          howls. broken, elongated howls broke through the lowlands, which seemed to startle the fish inside of the stream, making them jump and dance through the silvery-blue river. two wolves could be seen from the east, running and making their way towards the stream which had been silent before the two wolves showed their faces. one seemed large, fur fluffed up as he ran towards the stream, his eyes laced on the other side of the stream, and through the reeds as if there was something there. the other wolf, a female, with spiked white fur, bounded after him in a clumsy manner, her ear flicked as she ran, the right one bending down. it seemed as if the two wolves were hunting for prey, but the male had something else in mindand as he ran, the image of killing prey was splattered all over his eyes. this look made other wolves shutter, ushering their pups back into their den, and telling them that he went through a "rough childhood." 

           as the fish had splashed out of the creek, the wolf jumped, his long legs stretching outwards as he leaped, not hitting the water one bit. his eyes locked onto a plump rabbit, as he bared his teeth. his eyes went wide, breathing heavily as he set his mind onto the prey. through his nostrils, the air could be seen coming out of them, the cold weather having no effect on him as he continued his mission. as he landed, channing's claws dug into the back of the creature before it even knew he was coming, the wolves' feet were light and appeared to make him ever so graceful as he skid across the ground. a sound like slicing knives dove across the stream, making the white wolf stumble, falling onto her muzzle as she then groaned, mud-filled water splashing onto her muzzle as she blinked, looking up to the reeds. "channing?" she barked.

        the older wolf had mutilated the rabbit. it's head was dangling, blood splattered across of his paws and muzzle as he stood up, sighing as air left his nose, licking his jaws as he dropped the rabbit as his paws. 'just like i was taught', he thought to himself with narrowed eyes, calming himself down as he dwindled, tail flicking behind him as he looked down at the rabbit. it looked like dirt, as if it could blend in with the mud of the stream. standing up and grabbing the rabbit in his jaws, he shook off the feeling that he did that to the creature. his ears swiveled and he strided towards his half-sibling, a sneer, smirk-like playfully expression showing itself as he mumbled through the ruffled fur of the maroon rabbit

" dirt-face. "

 彡 tags, 





forum from: sootycoloredwings- 

made for: sootycoloredwings- 

" the bite club "

wolf pictures credit: khalliysgraphy on deviantArt 

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