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name — lemmingbelly

reason for name — the prefix lemming- was given to him as a kit because of his thick, and white colored fur, and the dark grey stripe running down his back and widening on his tail. the suffix -belly was given to him because of the long scar on his belly, separating his fur from his skin. this scar was gained from fighting off his mother, who had mistakenly scratched his belly while she was dreaming.

 age — lemmingbelly is thirty-six moons.

rank — second in command.

 sexuality — heterosexual.

basic appearance — lemmingbelly is a large, broad-shouldered tomcat with thick, long and sleek white fur with a dark grey stripe heading from his forehead down to his tail and yellow eyes.

detailed appearance — lemmingbelly is a very large tomcat, bigger than the normal cat should be. he has very thick fur, perfect for the cold weather, and his pelt is a snow white color, which gets slowly pale grey when it reaches his head. at the top of his forehead and down his back, there is a large dark grey stripe that travels down his back and sheds out onto his tail. the tip of his tail is feathered and very large and thick, with dark grey markings from the stripe. his ears are large, and he has muscly legs, with large paws. he is missing one claw on his right paw, which was ripped from him after he had fended off his mom when she was attacking him. lemmingbelly's eyes are a large and round, although slightly narrowed on the edge. they are a very vivid yellow color. his nose is a dark grey color, with a few spots of pink, and his muzzle is small and a little pointed, but still well-defined. he has dark marks where his eyebrows should be, which blend into the dark grey stripe down his back and head. 

scars — he has a large scar that separates his skin from his fur on his belly.

personality — lemmingbelly will not give up on something that he really loves. he will not break a sweat to receive the thing that he wants. lemmingbelly can be kind, and is the most loyal cat you will ever meet. he will stick by the side of a cat he loves forever. he is not one to deal with cheating or the fake people. this cat can be the most kind, gentle, and loving cat you have ever met if you just give him a chance, and if he has an appeal to you, he will stick by your side through thick and thin. he gives his all to those who do the same for him. he loves kits although he has no patience, and does not seem like it. lemmingbelly is a very trusting cat once he knows you, which can be both bad and good. he is very wise and loyal, but maybe not to everybody whom he should or shouldn't be. he gets snappy very easily sometimes, which puts people in their place but is also out of order. lemmingbelly gets jealous easily, and he will take it to heart. sometimes, he is also not prepared for certain situations and gets angry easily. he becomes very irritated and angry at little things, and loses his temper, although he is shy and not outgoing a lot. he does not have a lot of friends, because of his attitude. he is very angry most of the time, and grumpy. he also replaces with his head with his heart when he likes someone. he does not have a lot of patience. he is passive aggressive and very sarcastic. 

 flaws — lemmingbelly has no patience and is passive aggressive. he also doesn't think when he speaks.

 strengths/weaknesses — he is good at climbing and trekking in harsh weather. he also can run fast and is good at fighting, but cannot use his claws on his right paw a lot because he is missing a claw and the others are still hurting a bit. lemmingbelly does not have a good temper, and he also does not take criticism good. he is very loyal and a good fighter, and tries to focus on his duties a lot.

phobias — although he doesn't show it, he has slight hemophobia (fear of blood), thanatophobia (fear of death), as he does not know if starclan is real or not, and the fear of losing his family or loved ones. 


mother : sweetfern- a pale white she-cat with bright blue eyes. she had sleek fur and was small and dainty.

father : a large, thin-furred black tomcat with pale green eyes and a long tail and legs.

 sisters: robinsong- a black and white blotched she-cat with pale green eyes. 

fernsky- a brown and white tabby she-cat with blue eyes and a small snout.

brothers : muddyflight- a dark brown tomcat with pale green eyes and shaggy fur.

nightleap- a jet black tomcat with green eyes; looks a lot like his father.

crush — limestone. ( open for other rps. )

mate — limestone. ( open for other rps. ) 

backstory — as a kit, lemmingbelly was raised mostly by his mom, and his dad kind of watched although they both loved him. his mom slowly began seeing things and sort of going a little weird, so his dad tried to calm her down all the time. he and his littermate at the time, his sister fernsong, would play all the time because their parents did not pay attention to them after his mom was seeing things. one night, after his other littermates were born and old enough to comprehend, his mother snapped at night. in a dream, she was dreaming about fighting off someone whom she was 'seeing', and accidentally ran into lemmingbelly and scratched his stomach all the way down. he dug his claws into her and one ripped out from a large force. a few days later, his mother died, and he partially blames himself but doesn't think about it, because of his self defense. his father is deceased as well, and his sister whom he loves the most, fernsong, is sick.

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