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form for :    owen mckia 

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ROLE" the brian johnson "



SURNAME ;mckia

AGE ;nineteen, almost twenty

YEAR ;sophomore

GENDER ;male

SEXUALITY ;heterosexual

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FACE CLAIM ;max barczak

PERSONALITY ;ah , owen . this male is often only seen as the college nerd who spends all of his nights studying and not hanging out with his friends . others see him as overly obsessed with his grades and increasingly intolerable to alcohol , partying , and the ways of the apa . owen is very smart and on top of his game when it comes to finishing work , getting others things done , and studying . after all , he was given a full ride to richmond university for his grades , and his grades only . owen is not the athletic type , and although his body may look it to some , he would much rather paint , draw , or make use of his imagination than waste his energy kicking a ball around . he does not have many friends , as others would think , due to his isolated personality . he has a hard time expressing his emotions and interacting with others , because of the amount of time he was taught to work on his school work with . a typically socially awkward male , who is pretty much open to anyone , owen is sensitive and easily hurtable if you say the wrong thing to him . he offends easily , and most of the time will not call you out on it . he loves to follow the rules and color inside of the lines , unlike most other college boys ; due to this , many girls are not attracted to him whatsoever . his shy and overly neurotic and emotional personality draws others away , not closer , and makes it hard for him to interact with others , unless he is talking about school work , or standing there awkwardly . owen is seen as a huge geek to a lot of people who do not bother to get to know him , and many judge him because he actually cares about his grades and his future . when alone from a punishment or detention ( which does not occur unless he gets a bad grade and flips out because of it ) , he often does not know how to preoccupy his time , and can be seen fiddling with his fingers or eating pens . once you open up to owen , he is the sweetest man you will probably ever meet . although he concentrates highly on his grades and completing his work , he somehow manages to give those whom he has befriended or is trying to impress at least half of his time , and is passionate , generous , and incredibly love-bug-ish . owen is often the culprit of making bad jokes and trying to fit in , but it never works . he is seen as a machine to many , and his intelligence and constant pressure from his parents gets to him a lot of the time . he is overly emotional and pushed over the edge very easily . he wants to be understood and fit in . owen is silly and often relies on his grades to keep him from the pressure , but it gets to him and makes him fall into a state of depression .  he has had no sexual relationships and has had many crushes , regrets , and puppy love . he is considered naive and innocent .


࿔₊ aleksandra mckia half polish mother, paid model and part time teacher.

࿔₊ thomas charles mckia  ; full english father, lawyer & graduated top of his class. 

OTHER;owen is allergic to peanut butter and almond butter. he does not like strong smells or foods, and he speaks a little bit of polish.

PASSWORDS ;i don't like sharing that , &

havencala- shadesoul hollyhockfang

LIKES;polish sausages , cooking food for himself , saving his money for important things , wearing his glasses , succeeding in all of his classes , getting only a's , making new friends who accept him , feeling like he fits in , banana smoothies , lighting candles in the dark , taking baths , jean jackets , preppy sweaters , sweet girls , dogs , playing with his pen , and not feeling pressured .

DISLIKES ;not being left out , feeling like he fits in , really cold or hot weather , wool sweaters ( because he itches ) , peanut butter or almond butter , small dogs or cats , rodents , getting anything lower than an a in his classes , staying out partying too late , underage drinking , being called a life of the party as a joke , being called a nerd , strong smells . 

RACE ;polish & english 

HISTORY ;owen was born as an only child to his two parents, alex and thomas. although his father was a lawyer, they certainly were not rich. when owen was a kid, they barely had enough money to support themselves, let alone a child. at that time, his parents were married and struggling to get along, even with his dad being a lawyer. he lost most cases, and barely got any clients. his mother, being a paid model, did not earn enough as she should have. being half starved everyday and tampered with, aleksandra did not get what she paid for. the two made a living with their son owen, and forced him to set a good example with grades and start a good life for him. he did not grow up in new york, but rather a small town situated in the state of new mexico. owen did not have many friends, and was forced into working hard every night and was mentally drained as a small child by his father. while his parents got up onto his feet, owen had to get a scholarship into a private highschool or he couldn't go. while he prospered in high school as captain as a few clubs, he was bullied for wearing his round glasses, his style, his appearance, and how emotional he was. owen was seen as the nerd and didn't play any sports. deep down, he knew he was better than anyone else who bullied him because he cared about his grades and wanted to make a living for himself. with the implanted skillset of success in his head, owen applied to richmond for the hope of a better life in new york, and got accepted after a while of waiting. long awaiting to leave his parents, the thought of getting a bad grade was still instilled as being bad in his head, and his anxiety and social awkwardness stayed with him in college, making him a lower class nerd to most, and still gets pushed around. he wishes he was younger, without having to fend for himself in college, and without worrying about grades, or puppy crushes that never happened into relationships. he is just seen as a nerd to most, because they don't consider to actually look deeper into him and his hardships. 

THEME SONG8TEEN " by khalid


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OUTFIT STYLE ;his style varies from modern day , sophisticated , to 90's vibes .

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ZODIAC ;pisces

BODY MODIFICATIONS ;none as of now

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