Chapter 2

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I'm a glaceon. Glaceon don't have orange feet. They also usually don't lose their memories and turn up in the middle of nowhere.

I glance between the bickering Pokemon. It was something intelligent like "YES"


"But we haaaave tooo."


I stop walking and sit down. "What are you fighting about?"

They both jump like they forgot I was there. "Nothing." Chase quickly says.

Cynder stomped his foot on the ground. "Chase, it isn't nothing. She needs to know. Isn't it obvious that she's the last one?"

"Last what?"

Cynder jumped again, as if he'd been electrocuted. He blushed and looked at his feet. "Ch-chase will tell you."

Chase threw up his stormy wings in exasperation. "But I don't-" he sighed "fine. But-"

"I'll do it."

Chase cried out in frustration, then flapped off to find some berries. Cynder turned to me, still furiously blushing like he just came out of an oven. "Well..." he started pacing and muttering to himself. "the, you see, the l-legen-" he hit his head on a tree.

I jump forward and pull him back. "Settle down dude. Don't go hitting your head on trees. Not smart."

He shyly smiles, then looks away. "Um..."

"The legends..."

He jumps. Actually, he's pretty jumpy all the time. "Oh yeah! The legends each r-receive a Pokemon to repre-represent them. Well, a-and" he blushes and looks away. I open my mouth then see him turning back towards me, so I close it. "And m-me and ch-chase are... two of them."

I let that sink in. "Wait, so your saying that-"

"That you're the third. Articuno, zapdos and m-moltres. You, chase and... and me."

Wow... "and... my paws?"

Cynder jumped. "Well, they were always orange. But it is strange. I thought it was linked to the legends. And now I th- nevermind."



"Oh really?"

He sighed "you should know."

I think. "Missing memories?"

He blushes. "um... yes. by the way-" he doesn't get to finish his sentence. Instead, he gets plowed over by a blue and grey bowling ball.

"Cynder!" he gasped, grasping for air. "bad-po-run-" he took a deep breath. "gengar."

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