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Sena Garder


-Sport(By Cliff)


-8(Step 1)

-13(Step 2)

-18(Step 3)

-23(Step 4)

Gender: Female


Pamela(Adoptive mother)

Noelani(Adoptive mother)

Elizabeth(Adoptive sister)


Unnamed deceased parents

Love Interest: Cove Holden

Personality: Sena is a warm hearted and sweet person, who's willing to give everyone a chance. She is capable of loosing her cool but is relatively very patient with others not mattering who they are, as first shown with Jeremy in their first meet. When with family and friends she's more caring and attentive to them, but can get generally nosy in their business. Never tolerates bullying even if they claim it's fun, she'll interfere immediately without fearing for her own safety. She's generally understanding but can get confused from time to time. She's a great singer and uses her voice to calm down her friends(Mostly Cove). She's supportive of others and knows when to put her foot down in certain situations. She tends to tolerate her older sisters antics as to keep her from being too upset about all the protesting.

Appearance: Sena has white hair that grows as she ages. As an eight year old her hair is just past her chin reaching halfway down her neck but it's usually in little low pigtails. As a thirteen hair old her hair reaches to her shoulders but is always draped over her shoulder blades which is a look she enjoys. At eighteen her hair is down to her waist, but she keeps it up in a ponytail. Once she reaches her twenties she starts leaving her hair down in which it reaches a bit past her waist. Her eyes are a bright green, that are said to be the same color of limes.

She prefers to wear any kind of dress, not mattering what it is as long as she can fit it, but she prefers more plain dresses rather than ones that seem to show off a bit. She's usually seen in dresses that tend to be any shade of blue or purple, stating those were top two her favorite colors. She wears low heeled shoes that match the color of her outfit.



Cove Holden: (To be determined)

Pamela and Noelani:

Sena is close with her mothers, who are her main supporters for her singing career. She sings for the two of them when they offer to practice for her and dances with her Mommy/Ma to practice her moves to match her voice or the song she sings. She cherishes her mothers, and always listens well to them unless she's worried about Cove and his well-being, which is then she'll do something disobedient even though she'll get herself into trouble.  When with her mothers she's quiet and tends to hide behind one or the other, having to be coaxed out of her hiding spot to talk to people if they wish to speak with her. As she gets older she starts to take more after Noelani, but is more reserved and soft-spoken, and she has been revealed to have Pamela's sternness as shown when she scolds Jeremy like a parent would.


She gets along with her sister for the most part, doing whatever she wants without complaint, stating that she doesn't wish for her sister to be upset for whatever reason even if it's a petty reason. After Cove arrives she starts putting her foot down more when with her sister, giving her small warnings and speaking up about certain things. She cares for Elizabeth, and does wish to see her elder sister smile and have her fun even though they do get a little distant as time flies by during their growth. She tends to make teasing comments behind her sisters back, playing innocent when accused of doing so.

Baxter: (To be determined)

Dexter: (To be determined)


Sena is close with Lee, referring to her as her soul sister. She sings a lot around Lee, putting on pretend performances for the girl and showing her new moves she's learned. Lee was the one who encouraged her to follow her dream and become a worldwide singer for her home in which Sena finds excitement in so practices with her cousin whenever given the chance even if they practice together over the phone.


Sena finds Cliff to me fun and hilarious, first encountering him while she was walking and singing, practicing for her 'concert' with her family, declining the twenty dollar bill he offered her to become friends with his son. She develops a friendly relationship with him, at times making jokes with the man even though Cove might get embarrassed about how close his father and his friend were being. Cliff is the first stranger Sene willingly sang in front of despite not wanting to attract the attention of too much people with her voice.


Sene and Kyra take on the responsibility of flustering and embarrassing Cove in certain situations, teasing the boy whenever possible. They form a nice bond, Sena being polite and finding the woman to be a fun person to be around. Kyra is another person, Sene willingly sings in front of during their first meet, which gets her complimented on how great of a singer she was and how popular she'd be in the near future when she comes out of her shell.


Sene sees Miranda as a good friend and is visibly protective of her, usually worrying about her in certain situations but loves how the girl manages to make her smile so wide. She practices her singing with Miranda whenever the others are busy but does get into a small disagreement with her friend about how hard she was working herself and her voice, with Miranda expressing worry that Sene might ruin her voice with too much singing, but manages to get through to her and help her schedule her practice times.


She's happy to have Terry as a friend, finding them to be a fun individual, being called good company by Terry due to hanging out with Cove. She finds herself smiling more often around Terry and striking up most of the time silly convo's with the boy which they laugh about afterwards. She worries about Terry and Miranda due to the fall out they had, hoping their friendship doesn't fall apart and doing what she can on her part to help out if it is needed.


She finds Shiloh cute, referring to him as a Little Rabbit a few times when talking about him or when he's gonna visit. She first calls him by the little nickname she decided to give him when telling Cove about Shiloh's upcoming visit to her home. She worries about Shiloh's habit to agree with things other people want to do, but doesn't wanna push in case it ends up hurting his feelings and making him nervous. Despite not being overly included in the playtime between him and her sister, she thinks highly of him and knows he'd grow up to be something great if he works hard and starts to stand up for himself and express his desires.


Sena is patient with Jeremy when they first meet, talking calmly to him and annoying him when he noticed that his insults or complaining wasn't bothering her all too much. She does put her foot down when he starts to take things to far, even letting him think that he got under her skin in order to make him calm down a little. They're friendlier when they're older and maintain a ground of understanding.



-As a child Sena's headcanon voice is similar to Faline's voice from Bambi 2, but as she gets older her voice does seem to shift sounding similar to Shira from ice age

-She enjoys mint chocolate ice cream

-Sena has stated that she feels relatable to Jeremy at times

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