Chapter 5. New love

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((((Sorry for deleting the smut/lemon chapter)))) Neil's P.O.V

I couldn't believe and him are dating now...i-is it obvious to others or do I just look stupid hanging around him..i honestly don't know the real answer I looked over out of my tent and realized I had a few minutes before David wakes up the campers,I got up and walked to the dock and say down on the edge staring into the beautiful water..."wow neil you awake already" I turn around to see.....DAVID (hah you though I was gonna say Harrison) "o-oh yea I woke up a little early" I laughed nervously "early?? You woke up just in time!" He said as he yelled for the campers to wake up,some walked out looking tired as hell and others walked put ready for the shitty day to start so when Harrison stepped out he saw me and smirked i could feel my cheeks slowly become red and I looked away.he eventually sta beside me "!oh jeez Harrison you scared me" I giggled a little "sorry XD" he looked at me with a smile " why did the chicken cross the road" he asked..umm "w-why" I asked "to get to his lover" he said as he kissed me on the cheek "ehhh" by now my face was blushed a lot he covered my face with his hand I grabbed his chin and laughed "stop that you jerk XD" I giggled and he smiled.

Max's P.O.V

I walk put of my tent to see this

(Not my art) Ugh disgusting...W-WAIT
why are they blushing..i walk into Nikki tent "Hey I need your help" I told her "with what" she asked "with neil,he is hanging with Harrison all the time and I wanna know why" I told her and she nodded
understanding we both walked out to find they weren't on the dock anymore "ugh guess they are in one of their tents" we looked in Neil's and they weren't their so we looked in Harrison's and they were laughing and talking and your probably wondering where everyone else is,well today we get to lay back and relax so all of them went to the mess hall because why not and I guess they chose to go to his tent "Hey Neil knock knock" Nikki said "wha-Ugh your weren't supposed to do that" I told her angrily I sighed and open the tent "hey Neil can we talk to you alone" I asked him and Nikki replied by "yea Neil come on" she said "shut up nikki" I told her Neil got up as Harrison did something (it's looked like this except Harrison is whispering to neil)

After he whispered something to Neil neil nodded.

Neil's P.O.V

I got up until Harrison rapped his arms around me and whispered "be careful and if they make you uncomfortable come to me ok" he whispered quietly I nodded and walked out of the tent with max and Nikki.max led me to his tent calm but once we got in there he started to question me "why are you hanging with him a lot huh???" I asked he just blushed and looked away "umm...well" he couldn't finish his sentence "why dlwere you guys in the woods so long and why the fuck do you have loveBites on your godDamn neck" he said whisper/yelling "ugh! Isn't it obvious max I LOVE HIM ok and I don't care what you say ok" I said and looked away.. there was a short silence until he said something that shocked me " could of just told me..i mean i..ummm" he blushed "awwww~ do you like a GUY to~~" I asked bending over and getting his face with a smug look "m-maybe" he said looking down with a red face "well I like a girl so does it matter that we are all gay/lesbian or what?" Nikki said and I was surprised "I guess I know who max likes because he blushes everytime he looks at preeeeeeesUMMM nevermind!!" She said quickly shutting her mouth with her hand "NIKKI" max looked flustered and embarrassed as he looked at her I gasped "you like preston!!" I said "SHHH you tell him and you can tell yourself and the world goodbye" he pointed up at me flustered "don't worry BOTH your secrets are safe with me" I said "now before I leave,NIKKI who do you like??" I looked at her,she didn't really react like max did but she did blush a little "sasha" She said "from flowerscouts" she said "ok" I said and left the tent.

(To be continued sorry it's long and sorry I deleted the Smut/lemon again)))

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