Chapter 7- Ramses the Great

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Kathy's front yard
9:50 AM

When Kathy and Michelle, along with the cats, arrived at Kathy's house, they immediately set out Kathy's cat toys, including a red ball, a pyramid tent, a mouse toy, etc. Afterwards, they left the cats to play with whatever while they ate cheese balls, drank avocado smoothies (that Kathy made) and chatted. Whiteshadow and Anti-Shadow played with them, though Anti-Shadow was suspicious of Chairman Meow at first. Suddenly...

Anti-Shadow: Who are you? What are you doing here?

Anti-Shadow had seen and was talking to a cat with an Egyptian headdress (I think that's what they are, correct me if I'm wrong) who was sitting in the pyramid tent.

???: I am Ramses the Great, who are you?
Kathy: I'm Kathy, and these other beings are Michelle, Snowy, Whiteshadow, Anti-Shadow, Chairman Meow, Tubbs and Ms. Fortune. (The last two had come back)
Anti-Shadow: I could've introduced me myself, y'know.
Kathy: I know.
Kathy: What brings you here to my house, Ramses? You don't mind if I call you Ramses, do you?
Ramses: To answer your first question, I found a pyramid here and because the other pyramids in Egypt were too big for me, so I came here. To answer your second question, you just did, so yes you can.
Kathy: Okay... cat food?
Ramses: I suppose I could have some...
Ramses: *eating noises*
Michelle: Awww! He's so cute!
Ramses: 'He' is right here.


245 words

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