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So I have noticed a lot of issues for hiding your mythical type in nekos so I wanted to try and come up with some solutions!

So first off hiding your ears! Lots of hats, the only issue with this is you'd have to clip it to your hair when you sleep. So if you have to go somewhere and your alarm doesn't wake up your hat won't fall off if someone tries to wake you up or if just someone comes to check on you.

Now obviously this isn't fool proof and the best method would really just be to tell your family, even just your parents or guardian. You'll probably find yourself needing their help eventually to stay safe

Hiding your tail! This one seems simple enough in theory. But cutting a hole in your pants and wearing a skirt won't work. Sure if you do your own laundry it will but if anyone else does they'll probably notice the hole in all your pants

What I would probably recommend instead is just wearing baggy pants and trapping your tail inside instead, if the pants are loose enough no one should notice and it shouldn't be too uncomfortable.

I dunno what to do about underwear-

Cats are actually lactose intolerant. If your like me and usually love milk and dairy products then this might be a problem if it carries over. Thankfully lactose intolerance can develop at any age making it easy to skip over.

You can't go to the doctors. Break a bone? Too bad. You definitely can't get an X-ray and if you have to stay in the hospital for multiple days I'd think they'd notice that you have ears and tail. This isn't a problem until there's a noticeable bump where your tail will grow and once your anatomy starts changing.

My suggestion to this would be have a friend who had healing powers or learn healing powers yourself. Im considering adding healing to things I might wanna learn

No more professional hair cuts. Now while at first this may not seem like an issue. But if you think about it, unless you know what you're doing if you try to cut your own hair, then it's going to look like a mess. While looks don't define who you are, you still want to look presentable if you want to be able to have a normal life. And well I think someone would notice cat ears on your head if they tried to cut your hair

My tip would be to tell whoever you know that's the best at cutting hair that you trust with the knowledge of you being a mythical. Whether that's your parents or a close friend you are going to need HELP it is not avoidable. Being a mythical isn't something you can do alone, you need people you can trust

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