Cat's Lament

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Hey guys, so this is the first chapter of this story. Before we start, I just want to remind you all that Izuku holds a lot of guilt in himself over what happened with him and his sisters in the past. As such, he will have nightmares in this with him remembering his mistakes.

Izuku POV:

I open my eyes to absolute darkness with the sound of crying beside me. I look over to see a small girl with white hair and cat features. "Shirone!" I rush over before she speaks to me. "You left me. You left me to die and never looked back. You should've died instead of our master. Now atone with your life." I feel a cold presence behind me and notice Kurone looking at me with those cold bloodthirsty eyes as she did that day. "No. No!" She lunches at me with her claws out about to kill me. I close my eyes and prepare for the inevitable.

"NO!" I wake up in my room in a cold sweat after my nightmare. "Izuku sweetie, are you alright? I heard screaming." "J-just fine mom. It was just a bad dream." I hold my knees to my chest and start crying to myself. "Shirone, please forgive me. You have no idea how much it hurts knowing I did that to you." After a few minutes of this, I compose myself together enough to get ready for school.

Once I make it downstairs, I grab an apple and walk out the door. "I'll be heading out mom." "Ok, tell Ochako and Katsumi I said hello." "Will do." I start walking out and take a bite of my apple before I hear someone behind me. "Deeeeekkkkuuuuu!" I'm suddenly tackled into a hug by Kaachan who's shoving her boobs into my face. "What's up nerd? Did you think I'd let you walk to school alone without your favorite future number 1 hero and sexy gravity girl?" "Katsumi, don't give me such weird names!" I look back and see Ochako holding a huge blush.

"Kaachan. Not saying I don't like the feel, b-but can you let go of me so I can walk?" "Fine, but I'm getting you back when I find your heat cycle medicine." I start to blush at this with my tail fur standing up. Once I get over this, I start walking with both girls on both sides of me. "So how are you both this morning?" "Fanfuckingtastic as always!" "I'm doing well to, thank you for asking Deku." Ever since I was adopted by inko at 5, Katsumi or as I call her 'Kaachan' has been my best friend. Due to a heat cycle of mine though, we kinda crossed a boundary and were in a 'with benefits' position that probably is the best example of our relationship as of now.

"Your a little pale this morning. Did something happen?" "Just a bad dream." She starts rummaging into her bag to grab something. "I know what'll cheer you up. A nice helping of tuna fresh outta the can." She offers it to me with a smile with me happy for the act. "Maybe later, I'm not that hungry right now." "....It was about that time again, wasn't it?" "How do you-" "You always deny tuna when it's right after that dream." After the whole ordeal with my cycle, she learned that I'm not actually human and found out about my sisters. She feels bad for me and wants me to be happy, but her methods are a little odd.

"What are you guys talking about? What dream?" "The dream where he plows you to oblivion and makes you the mother of 8 of his kittens." Kaachan starts to smile with me and Ochako going red. "W-w-w-why would you have such a dream!?" "It's not, I swear! Kaachan made that up!" "Hahahaha!" Ochako is a transfer student that came about a year ago. She also knows of my sisters a little, but not as much. She only knows something bad happened with Kuroka and made me get adopted by my Inko. She's a nice girl that I really like. Though after hearing that we both liked each other. Kaachan decided to help me make a harem and tries to make us do perverse things together to have us cross the line of friends.

"Anyway, the hag and old man are gonna be out of town this weekend. Wanna hang out to see about popping Ochako's cherry?" "I-I-I'm fine with hanging out, but I won't do something like that without Ochako's consent first!" "Y-yeah, don't do what you did last time Katsumi!" "Fine, no 30 minutes in heaven in your underwear." The last time we were alone in her house, she tried keeping us in a closet for 30 minutes in nothing but our underwear until we would do something. She let us out after her mom came home and smacked her for a stupid attempt, but we were a little worried she may actually make us do the deed one day. Not saying I'd hate it, but I would wish it to be at our own pace.

In the classroom

"Ok everyone, settle down. Now your all in your third year, so I have some career aptitude papers to give out to you." Our teacher walks in with a stack of papers in his arms and heads to the podium. "But who am I kidding, you all want to become heroes!" He throws them in the air with everyone but me, Kaachan, and Ochako using their quirks with excitement. "Yes, yes. You all have amazing quirks, but it's illegal to use them on school property." "Oi teach, don't lump us in with these losers." Kaachan states this with everyone glaring at her clearly mad. "Oh yeah, Bakugo is going for UA."

Everyone stopped when they heard this with Kaachan jumping on her desk. "That's right, me and my band of badasses here are going to the most prestigious school for heroes ever. When were done with UA, well be the greatest trio of heroes that have ever come on the scene! Not even All Might would be able to stand up to our greatness!" "Oh yeah, Midoriya and Uraraka are going for UA as well." I start to hear everyone get angered at my name being said. "Of course they'd get in." "I just hope they have spray bottles so Midoriya doesn't claw at the furniture." 'That one time in our first year, and I'm still getting crap for it(He clawed a podium when someone gave him catnip).'

"You all think your better than Deku!? I dare you all to try to fight him again if you think that!" "Lucky bastard, having two of the hottest girls in the school around him." "I bet they've already done it." Kaachan starts laughing at them and blatantly shouts out her answer. "His virginity tasted delicious!" "WHY ARE YOU SAYING IT WITH PRIDE!?" I slam my head down on the desk with my tail going a mile a minute. 'She keeps this up, I'm gonna lose my mind and go into mating mode(a time during the spring when Izuku acts blindingly on his instinct to mate. If he didn't have heat cycle medicine for it, he would be in this for several weeks at a time. He can also get put into this state on it or in another season if too flustered).

End of the day

As I started packing my things, Kaachan and Ochako came up to me and started scratching my ears and petting my tail. "Ready to go?" "Yeah, just right there a little harder. Ahh, that's the spot." Both smile at me before two guys came up to me and started looking for a fight. "Today's the day you get your ass beat Izuku Midoriya!" "Yeah, were tired of you walking around like you own the place!" 'In what way do I do this? I just walk around like a normal person.' "Look, I don't know what I did but I'm sor-" "You think your all that with a loud mouth cunt and a chubby skank by you!?" "What did you call me-" I hold my hand out to keep Kaachan from getting involved. "You wanna fight, let's fight."

30 seconds later

I pat my hands after giving one hard punch at the two guys who wanted a fight with me. "Next time bring more people and don't call Kaachan and Ochako names. I don't respect anyone who mocks women in such a manner." I grab my things and lead Kaachan and Ochako out of the classroom. We took the longer way home to try and clear our heads a bit. I could tell Ochako was a little hurt by the comment and felt horrible for her. "Ochako, don't let what they said bother you. Their just words. They only have power over you if you give them power." She smiles a bit and hugs me. "Thanks Deku."

"Oh gag me with a spoon. Just fuck each others brains out already. This cutesy shit is giving me cavities from the sweetness." "Not everyone likes to be viscous all the time." "Says the cat that had me on all fours my first time gasping for air." We start to laugh at this with some embarrassment until I smelled something. "Gross, the sewers are backing up." "Again, that's the 4th time in 2 weeks." Because of my enhanced smell, I could normally tell when the town needs to do underground maintenance. But this smell was a little different. I immediately heard something swishing around behind us and felt my fur go on edge.

"Ah, three little meat sacks all in a row. Now I can hide from that bastard All Might." A giant wad of sludge came barreling at us with the intent to harm. On instinct, I used as much strength to punch the thing into wads of slime that exploded everywhere. "Eww, now my damn uniforms soaked with villain goo." "God this thing stinks." I hold my nose trying to prevent myself from puking when the manhole cover opens to show a giant bulky man.

"HAVE NO FEAR, FOR I AM HER- UH EXCUSE ME YOU THREE, YOU WOULDN'T HAPPEN TO KNOW WHERE A VILLAIN MADE OF SLUDGE IS WOULD YOU?" I point at the remnants of the thing with All Might holding a surprised look. "The thing tried to attack us sir, please don't arrest Deku for this." Ochako started pleading with All Might before he started laughing. "ARREST HIM? I WANT TO THANK HIM FOR HIS ACTION! IT'S BECAUSE OF HIM THAT I DON'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT THIS VILLAIN HARMING SOMEONE. NICELY DONE YOUNG MAN!" "T-t-t-thank you sir!" I started bowing uncontrollably before helping him collect what was left of the villain.

Once he was in a bottle, All Might signed something for all of us before leaving. We watched as the man jumped into the air at breaking speeds with all of us impressed. "You gotta admit, he knows how to make a fucking exit." "No kidding." Me and Ochako answer this in unison. We start heading back to our homes with this in mind until I started to smell something. "*sniff* *sniff* I smell smoke." We immediately run to the source of the smoke to see the same villain from before.

"Wait, didn't All Might take this guy away?" "You don't think he escaped, did he?" "I don't know, but why aren't the pro's doing anything?" I look at the scene and notice a black haired girl in the sludge monster. She looked as if she was struggling to breathe. In that moment, I felt my mind go back 10 years ago. The thought of my past mistake haunting me yet again. 'No, not this time. This time I'll do something!' I feel myself grit my teeth before action on my own.

??? POV:

'How embarrassing this is.' I had strolled through this alley as a shortcut to get some things at the store to only be hit in the head by a bottle. Upon examining it, I realized to late that the bottle had a villain of sludge inside it. Because of the people, I can't even use my devil powers on it without attracting attention. 'Just hold out Sona. This thing is nothing but a weakling, be patient.' "Kid, what are you doing!?" I open my eyes to see a boy with cat ears and a tail come charging at the villain. "Why you little!"

The sludge villain attacked the boy for him to only jump to a wall before jumping on the sludge villain. He immediately pulls the sludge away from my mouth to breathe before I ask him. "What are you doing!? This is dangerous and stupid to do!" "I know, but I couldn't stand by anymore. I chose to do nothing for someone I cared for years ago and now have to hold that on my conscience. I don't want that to happen again if I can do something." He looked at me and started to smile. "And besides, you looked like you needed help."

I looked into his green eyes and could see the kindness inside them. "Look out!" I shout at him as a wave of sludge comes at him. He doesn't even look at it before punching it into oblivion. "Now, time to put the ow back in me-ow!" He punches the sludge villain with it going everywhere. As I was freed, the boy held me in his arms and smiled at me. "Are you ok?" I immediately look away and nod with my glasses starting to steam up a bit. "C-can you put me down please." "Oh right, sorry." 'How embarrassing.'

After he puts my feet back on the ground, the pro heroes circle him and scold him on his actions. I felt disgusted that people that did nothing were the ones lecturing the boy who did everything in his power to help me. He started to walk away with two other girls at his side who were trying to console him. 'Why did he help me? He could've just left me and I'd be fine, so why?' I walk away from the scene thinking on this before getting muttering something. "I need to find him again to ask why."

Izuku POV:

"Common Deku, don't worry what those shitty heroes said. You were badass!" "Katsumi's right, you were amazing out there. Especially with your little 'time to put the ow back in me-ow' speech." I smiled at both Ochako and Kaachan, but still felt bad knowing I could've just made things worse. "YOUNG MIDORIYA! I'VE FOUND YOU!" I look up to see All Might come to me and smile. "All Might, what are you doing here?" "I CAME TO TALK TO YOU MY BOY. BUT BEFORE THAT, I MUST ASK YOU TO BE PREPARED FOR WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO SEE!" I wait patiently as All Might deflates in a puff of steam to reveal a small skeleton man with blond hair.

"ALL MIGHT!?" "Yeah, I'm All Might. To make a long story short, I got hit in the stomach and lost a lot of my organs to a point my body can only hold that muscle form you see for a total of 3 hours a day. The rest of it, I'm like this." Our eyes go wide at seeing All Might in his state and hearing this. "So why did you wanna talk to Deku?" "I have something I needed to ask him. When you jumped in to save the girl, what was going through your mind?"

I hold my head down before answering. "I started to remember something bad I did some years back when I didn't act. I abandoned my little sister possibly for dead when I was 5. I hated myself for that and wanted to help her to at least atone for my wronging almost 10 years ago. I don't know why I ran in, but I did." "I see. Though your guilt is understandable, you were 5 as you said. You need to let that go. As for the second part, it seems your heart is in the right place." I look at him confused for a second. "Young Izuku Midoriya, I say this with experience. You have the makings to become a great hero. Possibly greater than me."

I felt tears in my eyes before knelling. I started shouting at him. "Why? WHY DO I DESERVE THAT!? I've hurt someone close to me. I don't deserve these words. I can never be a hero for turning my back on Shirone. It's my fault she's probably dead. Mine and nobody else's!" I began to cry as All Might knelled down in front of me. "We all have burdens we carry young man. Some are heavier than others. But you have made a decision to push past that as I've seen before and make that burden a shining light. So I ask this as someone that see your worthy. Will you inherit my quirk?"

I didn't understand what he meant by that, but nodded saying I accepted it. "Good, then I would like to train you starting tomorrow. Meet me at Dagobah Municipal beach tomorrow at 6 A.M. sharp." He looks up at Ochako and Kaachan before saying the next part. "All three of you." All Might gets up and walks away with all of us surprised. "Did he just say he was going to give me his quirk?" "Did he just say he was going to train all of us?" "Did he just say Dagobah municipal beach?" We all look at each other surprised before I get up. "No use dealing with it now. Might as well go home and rest up." Kaachan stopped before turning to me.

"One more thing Deku." She puts her lips on mine to make me jump a thousand feet. "Keep your head up. Your literally one of the most amazing guys I know. So try and live a little more." She smiles at me before heading out. Ochako joins her by kissing my cheek and smiling in a similar fashion with her face beet red. "Katsumi's right Deku, your amazing no matter what. That's kinda why I...I like you." They walk away with me touching my lips and cheek with my hand. 'I don't know what my future holds. But so long as I have Kaachan and Ochako in my life, I can take anything.'

And that finishes the first chapter folks. I will do a flashback some time in the future on Katsumi and Izuku's first, but that won't be until I'm in this one some ways. Also, make sure to check out  my work 'Story Ideas' on my channel to participate in the poll I have. Hope you all enjoyed this and thanks for reading.

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