Dekuharem Meeting

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Alright, just so people remember who's in the harem, here's the set.

Midnight(later in the story)
Pussycats(later in the story

The last group I have something special for their entrance, but the others are still in the open for their 'inauguration' if you all get that. Anyway, this will be the first actual meeting with most of the group, enjoy.

Katsumi POV:

The Saturday after everyone returned started rather normal in a way. I began feeling Deku's tail brush up my thigh to start tickling myself awake. As I opened my eyes, I saw probably the most precious thing I couldn't ignore. "Pst, Ochako. Check it out." I started trying to kick Ochako awake for her to look at me in agitation. "Next time you wanna wake me up like that, expect me to float you to the moon." "Yeah, yeah. Check it out. Eri's found herself a comfy sleeping position." I pointed to Eri who was asleep on top of Izuku holding him like a newborn holds it's mother. "Aww, she imprinted on him." "Mnn." We started to hear Sona while seeing Deku's mid section move. We slowly moved the covers to see her holding our feline man like a body pillow.

"Seems someone isn't as honest as she wants to be. Though I gotta say, I kinda wish I was in her spot." Sona started to wake up to see both Me and Ochako with smug faces. "How's the Deku abs feel today?" She looked at us confused before seeing she's latched onto Deku almost as tight as Eri. "T-this has nothing to do with-" "Shhh! You'll wake the snowball." Sona started to see Eri with Ochako ogling at her sleeping. "Isn't she adorable." "*yawn*" Eri started to wake up with all of us looking at her to make the kid question. "Did I do something?" "No sweetheart, we're just thinking how cute you are. You want breakfast?" Eri nodded as Ochako took her downstairs. "I might as well get up to. Got a few calls and texts I gotta make." I started to get up and change into something better before turning around to see Deku awake staring at me. I started to mess with him by swaying my hips a bit. "Like what you see fuzz butt?" He turned beet red as I finished changing to head out. "Eri's downstairs with Ochako making breakfast."

While walking out of the room, Xenovia started to walk out of her room as well. "Where's Eri?" "Downstairs with Ochako. Irina awake yet?" "She's still asleep. She had a conversation about being Michel's Ace with her agreeing to it." "Wait, will her being a reborn angel have her fall if she fucks Deku or something?" "She asked and it shouldn't be an issue since she's only half angel." We got to the bottom of the steps to see Eri sitting in a chair. The former exorcist began walking to her with a smile on her face. "Hello Eri, how did you sleep last night?" "It was hard during the night with a bad dream, but daddy let me sleep on his chest with mama Sona staying close to me saying that if Overhaul had to get past her to get me." 'So that's why she was so close to Deku, it was for Eri.' "I'll say this squirt, I'll blast that bird man like a firework if he messes with you?" "What's a firework?" "Loud but flashy things snowball." 'Note to self, FUCKING KILL OVERHAUL IF I EVER SEE HIM!'

I sat down near Eri with Ochako coming over with a thing of pancakes for Eri and some apple juice to wash it down. "So what's gonna happen today?" I posted a message in a group chat with everyone before placing my phone on the table. "We'll be having a meeting today after Deku goes to train with that freak from the Gremory house." "You mean uncle Issei? He's very rude from what aunt Neko said." Ochako gave me a thing of coffee while I agreed with Eri. "Yup."

Few hours later, Izuku POV:

I began getting ready for my training today with Hyoudou when a knock came at the door. "Huh, the pervs early." I got to the entrance to open the door to only be met by a girl with blond hair.

"H-hello." "You're that girl that was in the next head of the Phenex family's house, right?" "Yes, and my name is Ravel Phenex if you wouldn't mind using it!" "Sorry, I didn't get your name when we last met." There was an awkward silence until I began questioning why she's here. "So are you here to ask for a rematch between me and your brother, or is it something else?" "A-actually, I thought I should apologize for how my brother acted with you the last time we met." She seemed kinda uneasy before I patted her head. "That's nice of you. Guess that ego of his isn't hereditary." I held my hand out for her to shake while smiling. "I guess we should try and redo introductions then. My name is Izuku Midoriya, you can just call me Izuku." She shook my hand while smiling. "Mine's Ravel Phenex. If I call you Izuku though, you have to call me by my first name as well." "Fair enough."

I began to hear running before having Eri hug my leg. "Daddy, who's this?" "This is a friend of daddy's. Eri, this is Ravel. Ravel, this is my daughter Eri." Eri poked her head out to only show one ruby red eye to see Ravel smile at her. "Hello." She hid her face in fear before squeaking out a hello. "She's shy around new people, give it time and she'll open up more to you. Would you like to come in?" "Why thank you." While walking in, Kaachan noticed Ravel to begin getting into a fighting position. "You here for a rematch fried chicken!" "How dare you call me a fried chicken you yank!" 'Great, off to a fighting start. "YOU WANNA GO YOU INCEST LOVING FREAK!?" "THE ONLY REASON I WAS IN MY BROTHER'S HOUSE WAS TO HELP HIM! I HAVE NO ROMANTIC FEELINGS WHATSOEVER FOR HIM AND WOULD RATHER A MORE GENTLE MAN LIKE IZUKU!" Silence filled the room as most of the girls looked at her with confusion. "T-that's not what I meant!"

"HAHAHA! Guess Deku got himself another devil. This one though has some potential and a little fire to her." Kaachan came over to Ravel while wrapping her arm around the young Phenex clan member. "Guess we got off on the wrong foot. Names Katsumi Bakugou and welcome to the Dekuharem." "THE WHAT!? I NEVER AGREED TO THIS!" "Relax sweetheart, you ain't the only chick that wants Deku's kittens. To be honest, they're coming over here in a little bit for a talk if you're up for meeting them?" "...Do I call her mama Ravel now daddy?" "Meow." I sighed while pulling my hand down my face. "Getting off the topic of mamas and harems, what are you doing in UA Ravel? They don't let just anyone through the gates." "I transferred into UA's business course for the first years. After coming here some time ago, I thought it was a good opportunity to meet and interact with humans a bit more." I had my eyes open a bit from surprise. "That's...that's actually very nice to hear. Good for you Ravel." "Thank you, and I hope we could become good friends all things considered." "You might become more than just 'good friends' with our cat boy here by the time we're done."

I sighed out while another knock on the door came for me to answer it. This time it was the Gremory house for me to thank whoever controls the universe to not give me another problem. "Hello there Midoriya. I hope you do not mind we all came along with Issei." "It's alright Ms. Gremory. One second." I turned to the inside while shouting. "Kaachan, I'm heading out to train with the perv. You mind watching Eri until I come back?" "Fine by me. Akeno and Koneko with him?" "Yes." "Awesome, tell them to get their asses in the dorm." I rolled my eyes at this comment thinking it wasn't good before turning to the two. "You're wanted inside." They walked in while myself, the perv, Ms. Gremory, Yuuto, and Argento went into the woods to start training. "So what's today's training going to be?" We stopped near a boulder for me to pick it up and crush it into arm braces for him. "Put these on and let's start running." "R-right."

Meanwhile with the girls, 3rd person POV:

As Itsuka and Saiko came into the 1-A dorms with Midnight coming to see what the strange meeting of some students from other classes and schools was about, Katsumi and Ochako stood in front of everyone with a board. "Alright, this is the first meeting of the Dekuharem. Welcome everyone." Katsumi noticed Kyoka sitting next to Momo to give a confused look. "Why are you here ears?" "I brought her here. She confided in me that she does like Izuku, so I thought it wouldn't be bad for her to come." "Fair enough. Alright, first rule of business is to introduce Eri to all of you." Everyone looked at the snowball as she was sitting on Irina's lap having her hair put in a ponytail like Momo's which she asked her exorcist mother if it was possible.

"Eri is Deku's adopted daughter so she is your daughter too by technicality. She's been through a lot after being taken hostage from a villain group that treated her like a science experiment, make sure you're nice to her." Katsumi started making explosions in her hands while emphasizing the next part. "Anyone that's mean to that adorable ball of cuteness has to answer to me. Got it?" Everyone nodded at this with some a little freaked out by the death threat. "Good, now onto the next rule." "Wait, why am I here if this is for my brother's harem?" "So you know who's gonna give you nieces and nephews Koneko. Now, we made a few rules that we'll follow and how the next girl to get her flower taken by Deku is gonna be determined."

Katsumi held a small metal rod to the first rule. "Rule one, all of us on equal playing fields. There should be no reason one person thinks they're better than the other." "Seems understandable *ribbit*. We're all in the same boat so to speak, so it's not right to try and hog Izuku." "Rule two, we all use contraceptive. Unless the goal is pregnancy, you're not allowed to get raw cat sausage in your tuna. So we don't have anyone give a bull answer like 'I didn't have any' Ochako and me took the liberty of giving you all a pack of condoms and some other things in these bags." The two passed around the bags with the contents being a set of pills, condoms, and a lubricant that was made by the Sitri house. "The lubes for when it's more than one chick and those that have felt it know what I'm talking about." Nejire, Mina, and Tsu went red remembering what happened to them while Eri looked at everyone in confusion. "I don't think I like cat sausage in tuna." "It's an adult metaphor sweetie, don't think about it." Sona stated this while everyone quieted down for the next rule.

"Rule three, we determine who's next by lots which will also be for kittens when the time comes. After this meeting, we'll hold a discussion about that with everyone drawing lots for the next to go with that person choosing if they want another person in the set or not. Rule four, me and Ochako get the first of Deku's kids. This is a rule that won't matter later in life, but don't think I won't kick your butts if you break the rule." "Yeah, I'm pretty sure Miruko already broke that rule." Irina states this with Katsumi hearing and wanting an explanation. "The night before we came back, Miruko asked for Izuku's help with something in her bedroom with him walking back the next morning exhausted beyond anything. I do not think it takes a rocket scientist to know what they had done." Katsumi snapped the metal rod at Xenovia's answer to her question showing visible anger she got one upped by some chick that's an overgrown rabbit. "Next time I see the rabbit hero, there will be words said." "You might find her with one of Midoriya's kids. Pregnancies for nekomata offspring are cat length regardless of what the race they reproduce with is."

Trying to keep on track, Katsumi pointed at a final rule. "Rule five and final rule is if you break a rule. If you break it, you'll have both your front and back hole stuffed by dildos the size of Deku while watching him baste every girl. You'll be tied up so you can't even enjoy the show that much." "What's that word that goes into holes?" Eri asks this while Ochako pinches the bridge of her nose for her explosive blonds poor choice of words. "It's an adult thing Eri. Please pretend mama Kaachan never said it." She held her hand down with nobody asking anymore questions. "Alright, now it's time to draw lots." Katsumi held twelve sticks with one being shorter than the rest while looking to the corner at her teacher. "You want in on this Ms. Midnight?" "I may be known as the R rated hero, but I at least won't sleep with my students." 'Yet.' Everyone thought this as they all drew lots.

Meanwhile with Izuku and Issei

"COME ON YOU LITTLE TWERP! GIVE ME WHAT YOU GOT!" Izuku and Issei began physical training with Kiba joining in to try and see where his Sword of the Betrayer stood compared to Izuku's strength. Issei began charging up his doubled power before transferring it to Kiba to have him slash down at the greenette. Unfortunately, Izuku was too fast to punch him directly in the stomach and send the swordsman into the pervert head to crotch. Both were leveled immediately with Izuku feeling the impact himself. "Ok, that was really not intentional. You both alright?" Kiba held a thumbs up before dropping his hand with Issei speaking in a high pitched voice. "I feel bad for crushed grapes now." "If it makes you feel any better, I'm not so happy of that impact either. Anyway, training's done so let's go to the dorms." Izuku gave both Kiba and Issei a hand up before they started walking to the dorms.

As they entered, the girls were enjoying some tea while Itsuka and Katsumi began an arm wrestling competition with Eri chanting for them both. "What did we just walk into?" Izuku walks up to Saiko and asks for her to answer. "Katsumi boasted she could beat anyone in an arm wrestling match with Kendo saying that she'd easily beat her with some confidence. Neither backing down, Koneko said to put their money where their mouths were to lead us to this." Katsumi was starting to push Itsuka's hand down a bit while gaining a smirk. "I hope you don't mind I slam you down before Deku does." "Funny, cause you're going to feel me beat you almost as hard as our kitty does." Itsuka slammed Katsumi's hand to the side before jumping up in victory. "Where's that big mouth now, huh!?" "Shit." Izuku walked over to have Itsuka kiss him in the heat of the moment with the adrenaline stopping immediately when she did. Both went red with the orange haired girl passing out after with a happy grin. "Any chance I can get a complementary prize for that?" Katsumi asks with Izuku giving her a kiss on the cheek to have a smirk grow on the explosive blonds face again.

"Anyway, we're done here. Koneko, Akeno, Xenovia, we have work to do." The three nodded with saying goodbyes along with giving Eri a hug and kiss while heading out. "So what happened with all of you today?" "Just had a talk of your next sexual achievement. Also one of your passionate night with Miruko." Izuku immediately got on all fours to apologize. "I'M SO SORRY! I DIDN'T INTEND TO CHEAT ON YOU!" "Relax you fur ball. You can make it up to me by plowing ponytail like you plowed her." Both Momo and Izuku went red as this was said before Eri ran to give Izuku a hug. "Daddy, can we have lunch now?" "S-sure Eri, let's go into the kitchen and make something to eat." The two walked into the kitchen as Momo held a small stick from their lot drawing worried what might happen tomorrow. "Just relax. Show him your knockers and he'll be happy." Everyone stopped to look at Katsumi for this comment. "What? The man loves mine and Ochako's girls, I can almost bet he'd love a larger set." Momo walked upstairs with what she had from the meeting while thinking of how to spend tomorrow with Izuku.

And that finishes this chapter. So next lemon will be with Momo for anyone that's curious. Not sure if I should add someone else to this or not. Leave a comment below if she should do this with another person in the harem or just her down below. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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