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Katumi POV:

The first actual day of training happened with all of us kinda dying. "Shit that was crazy. Just how insane do they expect us to go?" I laid on the ground with the only person missing from the girls in class A and B was Mina. "Kinda sucks to be Pinky right now. She's still got remedial lessons."

"Urgh." I started to hear gurgling from Ochako to look over and see her toppled over in pain.

"You good?"

"Yeah. My stomach just hurts really bad." I felt horrible for her since she's having a lot of problems. Unlike me who just has the occasional problems, Ochako's felt like crap for a while.

"Shouldn't Midoriya be here to help with his...concubine."

"WHO THE FUCK YOU CALLING A CONCUBINE, LADY OF THE VINE!?" Both me and Ochako shouted in anger at this for everyone to stare at us.

"I'm not taking shit from someone that won't hop on a dick in her life. She wants to judge us and call us something slutty like that, I'll fucking show her what being destroyed entails to and not in the fun way."

"Sometimes I wonder what Izuku sees in you."

"He loves fucking me like a bitch in heat, Momo. Kinda like he enjoys fucking yours and Nejire's huge asses." Everyone rolled their eyes at me before Camie started yammering on about some shit that I couldn't understand.

"I wonder what Izuku's doing right now. It's like, such a bummer we can't get a quickie from him. So want that cat sausage pounding my little puss puss right now."

"SPEAK NORMAL AND NOT GETTO!" Me and Ochako shouted again before she started to turn green.

"Oh crap. I can't hold it anymore." She ran to a bathroom to throw up with everyone a little worried.

Getting up to help, I walked in and held Ochako's hair as she started puking up chunks and looked like she was in complete agony. 'I wonder if this is half the reason Kuroka didn't want Izuku to train here. Speaking of which, I wonder what he's doing right now?'

Meanwhile, Izuku POV:

"Ow....My whole body hurts."

"Suck it up. We're going to be doing the same thing tomorrow." After another day of hard training, my body had felt absolutely sore with me and Kuroka relaxing near a fire. Before I got too relaxed, my ears picked up something coming towards us. "Relax. We're near the dragon's territory in the devil realm. It's probably a stray dragon that wandered too far." Before I could think what the dragon would look like, Hyoudo came out of the bushes looking like he was put through the ringer. "Or it's the Gremory house's pawn."

"Oh, hey Midoriya. What are you doing here?"

"Training. Kuroka wants me to get stronger with my nekomata powers. Unfortunately, that literally pushes me to the limit. What about you?"

Hyoudo pointed behind him for a massive giant to be behind him. "I'm training with Tannin in order to hold my Balance Breaker. I gotta get stronger and make it so if I ever do fight Vali, I can beat him."

"You're not gonna beat Vali. He's tough enough where the chances of you doing that is next to impossible, Red Dragon Emperor. He can use his Balance Breaker for about a month straight." Kuroka pointed this out for it to kick Hyoudo in the shin.

"Aww man! That sucks!"

"Whatever. You guys wanna relax here for a bit of time?" The two agreed for Hyoudo to sit next to me as Tannin sat in front of all of us. "So how's training with everyone else?"

"I'm not sure. I was told to come out here and I have very little information on what everyone else is doing. From what I know, Azazel made special training regimens for everyone." I shrugged my shoulders understanding that's probably the case with everyone else in class A and B considering what I've heard from Mr. Aizawa from Itsuka and Saiko. "So I heard you're a dad of your own kid. What's it like?"

"It's nice. You know, I was really worried about it for a while, but I think I do wanna proceed with making a family. I've already got Nemuri, Ochako and Kaachan expecting too and I'm really excited about that. Also, I'm not sure if Shouto, Momo and Nejire are from our umm...time on the beach."

"Damn man. You're swimming in titties most of the time." This comment was slightly unneeded, but he did have a point. "So serious question. You mind telling me how Akeno's tits feel?"

"...You're disgusting man."

"I'm serious. I wanna know how amazing they feel and if they're as amazing as Rias's."

"What is it with you and boobs? Literally, half the time we try to have a pleasant conversation, it switches to boobs. What the hell type of normal person talks about boobs like 90% of the time?"

"I just love them." Hyoudo began tearing up for a minute before continuing. "Tits are so amazing and awesome. They're warm and soft. Even the smaller ones are awesome, but nothing compares to the awesomeness that is a huge rack that allows you never ending groping season! Groping and sucking on them is something every man's dream would be and it's because of that, I won't stop until I become A HAREM KING!"

I couldn't even take him seriously with this comment to pinch the bridge of my nose. "You give men like me a bad name. You are beyond hopeless in that regards to the point someone has to be an idiot to think you'll become less perverse if you do something like this."

"Just think of what you can do with some huge racks man. I'm sure you can get some ideas with Akeno's huge soft tits. You've even got Yaoyorozu and Hado from your class and that Kendo girl from class B. Your teacher's monstrous womanly body is also an amazing thing that if you'd feel up those curves you'd-"

"Can we please stop saying things that will force my brother to pop a boner and move his testosterone to be used for his dick instead of his muscles. I'd also rather not bring one of his girls over to have him knot inside them and make them pregnant." Hyoudo began shouting in anger at how this was said to point at me.


"You done now?"

"Very." He spoke weakly before toppling over.

"Fish is ready." Kuroka spoke up in a happy tone for me to grab one and start eating the nice crispy fish we caught earlier in the afternoon. "Oh yeah. Before I forget, you both need to head to meet up with the Sitri and Gremory houses in two days. Something about a peace treaty that you're both needed for with the Nordic gods or something."

"Oh yeah, Rias was telling us something about that on the train to the Devil realm. Something about adding to our forces with the Chaos Brigade."

"From what I heard, Odin is the one coming. That's very unsettling since that would add another major faction here among the group. You're also speaking on the Nekomata species Izuku, so try to think carefully when you speak to noble Devils. Then again, they're all pompous pricks that I wouldn't mind using as a scratching post." Both me and Hyoudo stared at Kuroka for a moment since this revolved around people we know and are by all means, not close to pompous....Ravel this is a work in progress that still can be snooty if you tick her off. "Nothing personal to your girls that are technically nobility."

"Alright then, so we have two more days of training here?" I asked while finishing my fish.

"Yep. NOW GET YOUR ASS IN GEAR AND DROP AND GIVE ME FIFTY NYA!" I was amazed of the change in Kuroka being night and day to turn and do fifty push ups. "COUNT THEM!"

"ONE NYA! TWO NYA! THREE NYA!" 'I think I might die from this training.'

two days later

After being able to enter the Sitri estate, I was escorted to the bath and given the opportunity to wash off the sweat from practically four days of hellish training. As I relaxed in the bath, I started to hear someone walk in. "Who's there?"

"I'd expect you to smell me with that nose of yours." Sona spoke to make me turn and see her in a towel.

"I've had some difficulty smelling stuff after I fell into a pile of dung during training. All I could smell was crap for the last few days."

"Did not need to know that and would've been better off not knowing." She walked over to pull her towel off and sit in the water beside me. "Eri's been asking about you and is excited to see you again. She misses her daddy and Usagi is starting to acknowledge you not being there as well."

"That's kinda impressive he does."

"He is your child, so he's quite aware of his surroundings." Looking over to her. I noticed Sona seem a little tired for me to pull her closer and wrap my arm around her. "We aren't having sex in my family's bath."

"That's not what I was intending. I just thought you were a little tired and wanted to give you some form of attention for it."

"Thanks. I've been trying to get stronger so I can achieve my goal."

"The one where you make a school for lesser Devils to learn of Rating Games, right?"

"Yeah." She turned away for a moment somewhat irritated. "I was practically laughed at by the higher ups when I pitched the idea."

"I think it's a good idea. If more people are allowed to do it, this shows untapped potential that maybe a lower class Devil could have. I mean, look at your group for example. They work together even though they're deemed lesser Devils and do an amazing job in teamwork. If these old farts can't see that, their loss."

This put a smile on Sona's face for her to kiss my cheek. "Sometimes I think you're too nice. Some people will take advantage of this if you're not careful. Not only that, but you have quite a few women that will take it as an initiative to jump your bones."

"Yeah. I kinda already had that happen with Akeno to realize what you mean." I deadpanned at this remembering the fact I went a little overboard during that. The image somewhat reminded me that some girls I know are willing to really go for anything to uhh...interest me at that moment. Unfortunately, this didn't go without being noticed by Sona to have her raise an eyebrow to me.

"You're thinking something perverse, aren't you?"


"I can tell when you are since you have that stupid look of happiness on your face almost as if you're a kid trying to keep a secret you want everyone to know told." I held my ears down hearing this for Sona to roll her eyes and kneel in front of me with her legs on the outside of mine. "If my sister or anyone else comes, you're at fault for this."


Few hours later

After my little ordeal with Sona, I decided to head out and start changing into a nice yukata for the party that was going on this evening. Once it came, I started to mingle the best I could with some of the Devil nobility to the point it was beyond awful. Most talked about their prosperity, how prosperous I was and if I was willing to marry their daughters. Not the most pleasant conversations in the slightest. "Daddy!" Eri began running over to me and hug my leg with a full smile being on her face. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, Snowball. What's all this? Did you learn how to smile fully again?"

"Yeah. Mommy Camie kept helping me. She said something about wanting sausage attack tuna or something to my other mommies though. What does that mean?" I didn't want to respond to this mainly because it sounded kinda disgusting and I didn't want Eri to lead down a path similar to that of a perv's.

"It's adult stuff, sweetie. Where's your mommies and everyone in our class?" She pointed me towards a table where we walked towards them. Everyone wore a nice dress or suit with Mina noticing me first.

"Sup Izuku. How's your training going?"

"Nice. Nothing I can't handle." Looking around, I didn't see two of my girlfriends to ask about it. "Where's Ochako and Tsu?"

"Ochako's not doing so hot cause of the training and the kitten in her gut. Tsu wanted to stay and make sure she was ok."

"Where are they? I'll stop in and-"

"You kinda can't right now." Sona grabbed my sleeve to keep me from walking out. "This is a meeting to help have the Nordic Gods help us in our effort to stop the Chaos Brigade. If you try and do something to stop that, it won't end well."

"Just let him go. If he's a dad to be, he's probably worried about his woman." We turned around to see an old guy that was notably up there in age missing an eye and had a long beard on him. Just the presence of his power alone made me know who exactly he was.

"You're the Nordic God Odin, right?"

"That's right, cat."

"Mr. old man." Eri walked up to him with Odin's face lighting up more.

"Hey there little lady. Nice to see you again."

"WAIT! ERI KNOWS YOU!?" We all shouted in shock as they look up at us.

"Yeah. I saw her before trying to reach the snacks and being just a little too short. I helped her out and she thanked me for that. I'm guessing you're her parents?" Me and the girls nodded for the Nordic God to laugh. "She's a nice girl. One look and I can tell her life story. Good on you all." He started laughing before turning back to me. "Anyway, I'll give ya a pass on me saying you had a very important matter that couldn't be stopped. Trust me when I say family's important and pleasing those who are your lovers. Hehehe." I didn't want to ask what he said before bowing and heading off towards where Ochako and Tsu were. Since I had my nose cleared, I was able to smell them and head towards where they were. As I left the party, I noticed Mandalay, Ragdoll and Pixiebob looking around.

"Kota. Where'd you run off to?"


"Tell us where you are, little kitten!"

I walked up to them with Mandalay remembering me from the first day of training. "You're that kid that went into the mountains to train, right?"

"Yeah. What seems to be the problem?"

"It's my nephew, Kota. He wandered off and I'm not sure where he went. Do you mind helping us look for him. I know you're a little busy from what Eraser said."

I thought about what I could do before asking about the kid. "Do you have anything that belongs to Kota?"

"I got his hat." Ragdoll passed me the kid's hat for me to sniff it a little and have a line directly towards Kota.

"Alright. I got him." I started running towards the area where he was with a strange sense of unease coming over me for some reason.

"What's wrong?"

I looked around to not see anything and believe my senses were a little off from the constant training. "Nothing. I thought I felt something, but it's nothing. Let's keep going." I continued heading out with little to no knowledge that the bad omen I felt was something far worse than I imagined.

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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