Evil Pieces?

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3rd person POV:

As the cleanup from the battle with Loki was underway, the leading factions began talking amongst themselves and going over everything they learned of the battle in detail. Most were beyond shocked as the League of Villains made a debut on the scene in an attempt to stop them to add more concerns than there already was. "So the League of Villains is without a doubt working with the Chaos Brigade." Azazel spoke up explaining the obvious.

"Not only that, but their power from what we've seen used by this Dabi character outstretches most full blooded Fallen Angels. From traces he's left behind, this person is still human. However, his magic levels are beyond that of Fallen Angels. I wonder what had been done in order to complete this?" Michael pondered this with everyone in the room even more uneasy.

"Changing topics now, we should take some initiative to reward those that played vital roles in this battle." Sir Zechs responded trying to clear some tension in the room. "My family as well as Azazel are working to offer a reward to Issei Hyoudou, but we are not sure how exactly we should repay Izuku Midoriya."

"It is without a doubt that the Nekomata had done an amazing job holding off one of the most powerful Nordic Gods. Not only that, but he suffered a notable amount of damage from it. Unfortunately, we can't allow him a notable amount of favortism by one of the factions. That would completely obstruct what our purpose of holding the Nekomata race are." Odin commented while thinking of what they should do before getting an idea. "What if we gave him the ability to create a house?"

"As in, make pieces for Midoriya to make half Nekomata?" Serafall asked.

"That could work. But what should we use in concept? Not only that, but we cannot use Holy Pieces since we cannot naturally form them."

"Then how about using the same system that Devils use?" Azazel asked for him to explain. "If we use his genetics as a baseline, then we could have Midoriya create new Nekomata to help bolster those ranks. Humans are without a doubt the most ideal for this, but we may have one or two Devils do this. But the question is, would they be able to go into Heaven?"

Michael thought of this before releasing a deep sigh. "I shall try and see if that would cause a problem. However, I may be able to pull a few strings where if one of his house won't be an immediate denial."

"With that, all we'll need is some of Midoriya's DNA."

"Right here." Serafall held up a beaker with white fluids in it to accommodate Sir Zechs' final necessity. This though, made everyone question the contents. "Sona and him had some fun in the bathroom and thought her amazing sister wouldn't know what they were doing."

"Ok. Not going any farther into this topic. How soon will they be ready?" Odin asked for Sir Zechs to smile.

"It will only take a few hours."

"When that is done, I shall register the pieces with Heaven so that if the holders meet an untimely fate, they won't be judged just for that." Everyon agreed with the meeting soon coming to an end.

The next day, Izuku POV:

"So...I'm given Evil Pieces." I asked as Serafall gave me the pieces while I was recovering in the home on my territory.

"Not exactly. The better term would be Neko Pieces as we agreed to call them. Consider them working in the similar fashion as Evil Pieces, but turning those you choose into Nekomata instead of Devils."

I glanced at the pieces for a moment to see them hold an odd shade of spring green. "Why are they green?"

"That's just how they came out. Also, being one of your house won't immediately make those denied for Heaven. You can thank Michael for that. This is also our form of thanking you for what you've done during the battle with Loki. You created enough time to have Hyoudou restored and use the replica hammer to seal Loki. This victory was thanks to his ability to use the hammer, but the chances of us winning would've been next to nothing if you didn't hold off Loki long enough."

"I should probably explain to you that half of the reason we were able to win was also cause of Ravel giving me a Phoenix Tear as a gift. If you should thank anyone, it would be her." I pointed to Ravel who flinched a bit and blushed hearing the praise.

"I-I didn't do anything! I just gave you that cause I thought you'd need it! Don't pull me into this!"

"*Ahem* Anyway, the factions did wish to try and offer you this as our way to thank you for the feat you've accomplished. You may be low in numbers, but the Nekomata faction once it grows to a large amount will become extremely powerful As such, we'd like you to establish a stronger group with these. Keep in mind, this is also our groups way to restore your faction to a proper percentage in our ranks to take on more acts as well as reduce the strain you yourself must take on."

I placed the piece I was looking at back in the bag I was given and bowed my head. "I'm honored to accept this from the factions. Thank you very much and I will work hard to complete assignments going forward in just as much diligence."

"I know you will. Well, I guess I'll be off." Serafall left to leave me and Ravel in the home somewhat dumbfounded.

"I still can't believe you've been given this."

"I know. Before anything though, I should without a doubt ask Kuroka if she'd be willing to be part of my house."

This comment confused Ravel. "Why her?"

"Kuroka is right now still labeled as a 'Rouge'. Though she has helped us on numerous occasions, she's still not part of any faction in particular, which means she's unilaterally uncontrollable by everyone's standards. No faction behind her to keep rings on. No group that will give her backlash if she strays. Giving her this would be a thank you for what she's done as well as solidify her standings to avoid any strain on her status in the factions."

"You think she'll accept it?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Hopefully." Glancing at the two Bishops in the bag, I noticed two pieces that were extremely out of place. "What's up with these?" I pulled them out to show them as a deep red instead of the normal green piece color.

"Those are most likely Mutation Pieces."

"What are they?"

"To put things simple, they're an abnormal occurrence that happens from time to time when the framework of a Devil's house underachieves what the current Devil head's capable of. As such, an Evil Piece can alter and become a Mutation Piece. Let's say for example that you want to revive someone as a Devil, but all you have are a Bishop, Knight, Rook, and a few Pawns with you needing at least two Knight Pieces which would be about six Pawns worth to revive. If a Pawn was a Mutation Piece or the Knight, you could revive someone that would be the equivalence of a Queen into that rank or even more."

"So it's like a wild card in the set that can pop up."

"From what I was told, they were bugs in the creation of the Ratings Games during the 16th Century that was never fixed to keep things interesting. Only about 1 in 10 Devils can even attain such a piece in their set, but I've honestly never heard of a holder of a set having two. Consider yourself beyond lucky."

I glanced at the Mutation Pieces somewhat curious why I was able to have two. 'Is this actually a mistake, or is this some kind of ulterior motive as to why I have two?' I put one of them away before placing the other in my pocket. "Welp. I have to go find my sister. Sorry to pick your brain and leave like this." I placed the pieces in a drawer and locked it just in case someone tried to sneak in and take them without my knowledge.

"Not at all. You needed a little insight on the system, and I was more than happy to offer it. Also...umm..." Ravel began fidgeting a little for me to walk over and hug her. "Izuku."

"I know I mentioned this before, but thank you for what you've given me before the fight with Loki." She was hesitating in my arms before accepting the embrace.

When we let go, Ravel smiled before seeing me off. "I hope Kuroka agrees to your offer to join your peerage."

"I do to. Thanks." I went to the door and placed my shoes on before running on all fours trying to find her. "Meow track away!"

Half an hour later, 3rd person POV:

Laying in an opening in the forest, Kuroka looked at the sky somewhat aimless. Since she was exempt from the actions taken during her 'betrayal', she was no longer hunted and in all honesty, welcomed back to the Devil's Realm. Not only that, she was allowed to remain in the territory that Izuku was given whenever she was in it. But there was one thing that kept bugging her. She had no actual place still. Yeah, she was able to reconcile with Izuku and Koneko. But she felt like an onlooker even part of their lives again in a positive manner. "What should I do now? Maybe I should at least try and make a brat or two. If anything, that'll give Izuku some ease on his pecker nya." She laughed a bit at her comment before letting out a large sigh. 'I wonder if this aimlessness was something Izuku and Koneko felt?'

Before she could think any farther in this, Izuku bent down to have his head in front of her field of vision. "What are you doing?"

"Enjoying the sunlight. What are you doing here?" Kuroka began getting up to stretch before hearing her brother's answer.

"Looking for you."

"Nnnngh! Well, what did you wanna find me for?"

Izuku held the Neko Piece in his pocket before explaining. "When the fight with Loki ended, the factions decided to give me a special reward for my acts. In short, I was given the ability to create a house with pieces similar to the Evil Piece set."

"Nice. Good for you. Are you gonna make your harem the pieces, nya~" Izuku blushed at this to make Kuroka laugh.

"Actually...I was hoping to have you in it as well."

Hearing this, Kuroka was shocked before immediately trying to deny her brother. "Look, Izuku. I'm happy you want to bring me into your house, but you don't want me."

"Kuroka. I want you to be-"

"If you invite me into your house, that means you'll only invite trouble into it." Kuroka turned to Izuku with a stern face while explaining her reasoning. "When I was the Bishop to a Devil, I killed him when you and Shiro-I mean Koneko, were children. Aren't you afraid that will happen again?"

"It won't."

"How do you know that? I may have wanted to kill my former master because I wanted more power. What makes you think I'm not going to desire the same thing from you?"

"Because I know you. I know you won't do that."

"AND HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT!?" Kuroka began getting angry the calmness Izuku was with this. "How do you fully believe that I am not going to do any of this and stand there to tell me that what I have done in the past won't happen again!? WHAT MAKES YOU SO CONFIDENT!?"

Izuku stared at her in the eyes and calmly said his reasoning. "I have faith you won't." This confused the older Nekomata as Izuku continued to explain. "What you did in the past has brought hell into our lives, but it's because you did what you did that me and Koneko could live. We didn't do it easily growing up, but we survived and we have your willingness to take action and accept a stigma on yourself for it. I know what you did was without a doubt wrong and you'll probably never forgive yourself for. But here's the thing. You've fought and dealt with this burden all alone long enough. I dealt with the guilt of thinking it was my fault Koneko died when in reality she didn't for years. It ate me from the inside. I can only imagine what the guilt of having to force your younger siblings who you swore to protect has done to you. Please. As a way to help me help you, let me give you somewhere to belong."

Tears started to well up in Izuku's eyes to show how much he cares for his sister. Kuroka saw this to shake. She wanted to belong somewhere, but she felt guilty and didn't think she deserved it. "*inhale* You...You'd have to give up two of your Bishops to take me in. I don't want you to waste two pieces just for me."

"Then what about this?" Izuku pulled out a Bishop Piece to show it was a Mutation.

"Wait, you have a Mutation Bishop?"

"Yeah. I was told about how they work and maybe...."

Kuroka still was extremely guilty from how she's kept the truth from Koneko and Izuku. She started to have tears fall down her cheeks before responding. "Keep in mind that when I do this, you're stuck with me until one of us dies. There's no turning back."

"I'm well aware. And just like how I'm now able to see Koneko again, I'm not going to turn back."

"*sigh* As long as you won't regret this, then fine." Kuroka took the Bishop Piece for them to begin the ritual to turn her into Izuku's Bishop. The piece entered into her chest for the demonic energy inside Kuroka to suddenly disappear and a more peaceful feeling was replaced by it. One that was more at peace with the world. "Congratulations. You're now my master, Izuku."

"I thought I was your brother?" Izuku laughed at this a little for a smirk to come on Kuroka's face.

"Let's go you idiot. You have a lot of explaining to do to your girlfriends. Also, you ever find out if those girls you had a sexy foursome with on the beach are preggers yet?"

"Actually, they aren't surprisingly."

"Then I guess it's up to me to help you make sure they're knocked up right."


"What? It's a big sister's job to look after her younger siblings. Also to make sure that she spoils her nephews and nieces rotten."

"Something tells me I'll regret having you around the kids when they grow up."

"Warned you about putting me in your house. Now you live with what you get."

"Fair enough." The two began walking back with the next few days being revolved around who would become his other followers. 'I wonder if I should make Kaachan or Ochako my Queen? both are important to make that really hard of a decision.'

And that finishes this chapter. So real quick, if anyone has ideas for who should be part of the family, place it down below. The only exception is that there won't be an opening for Bishops since I have plans for the second as well as nobody from Rias' or Sona's house as well as not Irina since that would be a trade based concept. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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