Izuku vs Kuroka

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3rd person POV:

As the battle with Kuroka continued to rage on, several of class A began pushing to get the evacuation and rescue done as quickly as possible. "Please! I think my arm's broken!" A member of HUC spoke up for Momo and Kyoka to hear and run up to her.

"Are you able to walk?" The woman nodded answering Momo before making a makeshift sling for her. "For now, this is the best we can do to help ease your pain. We'll get you somewhere where we can check on it more. For now, just try to avoid putting pressure or keeping your arm in a bad position."

"Thank you! Thank you hero!" Kyoka led the woman back to the new medic area with Momo looking around again for more people to help.

'For now, there's nothing I can do to help Izuku. I'm on the opposite side of where this is happening. If I want to help, the best thing I can do is help rescue everyone as quickly as possible to avoid there being more complications for him.'

"HELP!" Another person was shouting for help with Momo stopping and going towards the area.

'Just keep going. The worst thing you can do right now is second guess yourself.'

With Izuku

Izuku began constantly trying to fight back against his sister to keep her on her toes. Thanks to this, Kuroka's entire attention was on him to allow everyone to evacuate. 'His focus with Senjutsu is stronger than before. I figured he was more capable with it than Shirone. Even during the fight at the USJ, I knew he had talent.' Izuku got low to give a solid stomp to Kuroka's stomach to send her back. She didn't expect it to phase her, but suddenly felt the wind get knocked out of her. 'A delayed reaction?'

"I've found out by some of my friends that it's not how powerful your style is, but how versatile you can make it." Izuku went back at Kuroka with his hands glowing green with Ki flowing through them. "Now, Special Move: Twin dragon Roar!" He shot the Ki out to make it look like both were spiraling and taking the form of dragons to intrigue Kuroka a bit.

In an act of defense, Kuroka sent her own Ki out to disperse the attack and have them at a standstill. "I must admit. You've come far with just the little training you had with Senjutsu and Yonjutsu. But I have a task to do, so don't blame me if this ends the way you don't want it to." Kuroka began having a purple aura around her body with her eyes glowing. Soon enough, a gas came out of her to start spreading across the field. "Miasma Screen." The has stormed at Izuku for him to activate OFA at it's max power and mix his Ki with it. He jumped right into the toxic gas and gave an upwards strike, sending the gas above everyone in hopes to protect the civilians and the other examinees. "Nicely done, but you left yourself wide open!" Kuroka appeared right behind Izuku ready to strike with him unable to put up some form of defense or evasion in time.

'Crap. I let my guard down.'

Before she could hit him, a giant pillar of ice came between them with a gust of powerful wind pulling Izuku away from the area. "Interesting. Seems the people here to assist me weren't enough of a match for the both of you. But that's to be expected of two notable heroes in training." Kuroka smiled looking over to Shouto and Inasa who helped make a defense for Izuku.

"Trust me when I say this won't be as easy of a fight as you think." Inasa smirked while saying this with Izuku getting back on his feet.

"Izuku." Shouto spoke up for the Nekomata boy to look at her. "We'll handle watching your back. You focus on keeping her busy."

"What about the other villains?"

"Taken care of!" Inasa gave a thumbs up while smiling. "I might personally be a dog person, but cats are cool to me in their own way. So show your inner cat man and give this woman your best meow!" Everyone stared at him thinking the wind quirk user said probably the dumbest thing in the world. "What? I thought it was clever."

'So many things wrong with that statement.' Everyone thought this as the group tried to return to what they were doing. Kuroka went charging for Shouto and Inasa to try and take down the immediate issue with Izuku going in front and giving a punch for the cat woman yo catch.

"Don't get confused now, sis. I'm your target, not them."

"You really are a stubborn one Izuku. Maybe I should show you what I've been holding back." Kuroka's body began releasing a menacing amount of Ki for her to be able to overpower Izuku and throw him into the air. He quickly tried to recover by using a magic circle as a step board, but was then met by Kuroka coming at him to give a punch to his face. The force was able to send Izuku into the circle and shatter it before giving even more blows to him. At this point, he was unable to defend himself with it looking as if z Kuroka might end up killing him.

"Izuku!" Shouto sent a blast of fire at Kuroka for her to slash it with one hand, dissipating it before sending a blast of Ki at her and Inasa. The half and half quirk user was able to make a pillar of ice to protect them, but it shattered immediately after with the force sending both heroes in training flying the other way.

'Dammit. I'm stuck with only one option right now.' Izuku calmed himself and began absorbing as much Ki as he could to produce his transformation.

"You think I'm going to be stupid enough to let you do that?" Kuroka came charging at Izuku with Shouto struggling to get up. However, she wasn't fast enough for an attack to go right through Izuku's chest. The image of the USJ came back to Shouto, Katsumi and Ochako watching in horror.

"IZUKU!" As they shrieked, the image of Izuku was shown to be that from a female romcom manga to confuse everyone.

"That was like, uber close there. You good babe?" Izuku stood a distance away with Nejire and Camie next to him.

"What about the rescue and evacuation?"

"Taken care of. The medic area is moved safely to another place with the area we were in having no other civilians." Nejire smiled while explaining to Izuku their situation. "Since we were free, we were able to come here and see what we could do."

"Isn't that adorable. Izuku's Rook and a Pawn helping him. Such good ideals for a house." Kuroka began activating Senjutsu to attack both with Nejire using her quirk to try and counter. However, this wasn't enough until both her and Camie used their own form of Ki manipulation they've learned to add more force to the blast and dissipate both.

"That was awesome!" Camie was so excited for this that she didn't notice Kuroka come in and kick her into Nejire and send them to the ground.

"I'll admit, you both were impressive, but not enough to beat me."


"Who said we were trying? We were just giving Izuku time." Nejire smirked as Izuku came behind his sister in his Nekomata Level 3 form, giving a solid blow to Kuroka and sending her flying.

"Now it's time to get serious." Izuku stormed back towards his sister for her to recover and begin fighting back. Blow for blow, both handled the other while trying to gain the upper hand in their own way. 

"All or nothing. I love your ideals. But what happens if you can't beat me or everyone else can't rescue everyone in time? How are you going to handle yourself then? Your form is powerful, but it does have limits." Kuroka was able to get a clear shot to send a blast of Ki at Izuku's face and smirk. "Even now, you're no match for your big sister-"

Kuroka was cut off by a kick to her jaw sending her upwards with Izuku jumping up to repeatedly punch her with Ki and OFA infused punches. "Who gives a damn if I have a limit to how long I can do this? WHO GIVES A DAMN IF I'M STILL NO MATCH FOR YOU! Heroes never give up, even if the odds are stacked against them. You know why?" Izuku grabbed Kuroka's kimono and threw her towards the ground before divebombing with his knees into her stomach. "BECAUSE A HERO IS SOMEONE THAT STANDS TALL NO MATTER HIS OR HER OPPONENT!"

'He used the force of gravity along with his powers combined to increase momentum and force. He's truly getting to the same level of control as me.'

"Now, I think it's time for you to hear these words spoken to you sister. These are the words that me and my classmates had ingrained into our skulls since day one. Go Beyond." Izuku gave one final fist full of all the Ki he was able to accumulate before slamming it into his sister's face. "PLUS ULTRA!!!!" The force destroyed the area around them and sent Kuroka flying into a wall to make a massive crater in it. As she laid in it, she stared at her brother with a smirk on her face.

'You really became something worth everyone's attention, little brother.'

Izuku stood tall before shouting with every bit of his being out to the heavens. "MEEEOOOOOOOWWWWWW!!!!!"

"The final civilian has been saved. The exam is now over. All examinees please change and report back to the front where we will give you your results." The examiner for the provisional spoke through the speaker for everyone to hear. Izuku went down on a knee and deactivated Nekomata Level 3 to return to his base form. When he did, his body was dripping with sweat from his attempt for Camie and Shouto to run up and try to get him on his feet.

"You ok?" Camie asked for Izuku to nod.

"Just a little worn out. That took more out of me than I thought. *pant* I think I'm gonna need to lay down after this."

"THAT WAS AMAZING!" Inasa walked over to Izuku with a huge smile on his face. "You were able to go toe to toe with someone like Ryukyu's sidekick! From what I heard, that woman is a powerful one that could honestly go pro if she wanted, and you were able to take her on in a fight that looked like she wasn't holding anything back. The amount of pressure I felt from there was so much, it made my teeth ache. Nice job man!" He gave a thumbs up to Izuku for him to simply laugh at the larger guy's reaction. As this happened, the group went towards the changing area to get the final results for the exam.

As this occurred, Katsumi, Eri and Ochako cheered for joy at seeing Izuku finally be able to hold his own against his sister. "ALRIGHT DEKU!" Katsumi jumped up while punching the air, while Ochako held her hand up for both to give one another a high five while Eri jumped up and down for joy.

"He was amazing in handling Kuroka. I'm so proud of him."

"Damn right he was awesome! But then again, what can you expect from him?" Katsumi smirked before glancing over to glare at Shishikura.

"What do you want?"

Katsumi cracked her knuckles loud enough for everyone to hear to raise a red flag with both teachers by them. "Let me punch you once really really hard for what you did to Camie."

"Why would I allow that?"

"Cause. She's our friend and it's your dumbass that got her expelled."

"Oh, boo hoo. I gave Utsushimi the enjoyment of sex. Being mad at me for that seems a little hypocritical if you ask me."

"Says the asshole that thinks a woman's just a fucking hole for you to put your pea sized dick in. Cunt faced slanted eyes."

"MY FACE DOES NOT LOOK LIKE A WOMAN'S GENITALIA AND MY EYES ARE BEAUTIFUL!" Katsumi rolled her eyes before sitting back down. "At least I didn't get anyone pregnant, unlike you at UA who seem to have a thing for a cat. Then again, it's a filthy species that's extremely endangered that he has to get multiple women pregnant. Stupid nekomata."

"WHAT YOU CALL DEKU!?" Katsumi almost lunged at Shishikura if Ochako didn't hold her back. "SAY IT TO MY FACE, ASSHOLE! SAY IT TO MY FUCKING FACE!"

Shishikura turned to Katsumi before repeating what he said. "You let yourselves get pregnant with a slutty-*BAM*!" Katsumi had one of her arms let go of by Ochako for her to give a solid punch in the face by the ash blond. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?"


"Alright. Enough, all of you." Midnight got between the students in hopes to avoid anymore problems with Shinketsu's doing the same.

"Ms. Midnight is right, Shishikura. You're currently the one instigating it."

"And this disgusting woman isn't going to be judged for assaulting me!? How is that-"

"If we didn't see you instigate, she'd be in trouble. But none of you are in the right completely. She wouldn't have hit you if you didn't make it an effort to insult the Nekomata. You're lucky I don't report this to our administration. You're already on thin ice as is and this would give them reason to take matters that are word of mouth seriously with you. Now, head to the bus and wait for everyone there. If you try something like this again, I will report this and you won't be able to try for the Provisional again until your third year. Am I clear?" Shishikura remained silent as he walked away understanding that it's less of a hassle if he'd simply accept this and leave.

Once he was out of ear range, Midnight asked the Shinketsu teacher something. "You called my student as the species he is. How does Shinketsu know about that?"

"We have a few students that do know about the other factions. Since Shishikura's father has ties to Fallen Angels, he's known about the nekomata for a bit of time. Anyway, I'm sorry if we had any misgivings. I hope you don't hold the entire school at fault for one student's harsh attitude." The teacher bowed as an apology for Katsumi to sigh in a release of tension before agreeing.

"Yeah. Just keep that asshole away from Camie and Deku."

"Fair enough. I'll do what I can." The teacher walks off with Katsumi smirking and turning to Ochako.

"Alright. I feel better knowing I got one in for Camie. Let's go back and see if everyone passed." She walked off with a smile for Midnight to ask the brunette about it.

"Is this how she normally acts with things like this?"

"When she thinks you deserve a punch to the face, she feels better after it."

"Mommy Ocha. Can you carry me?" Eri asks for Ochako to smile and pick Eri up and hold her.

"I might send you off to your father when we see him. It's a little hard to carry you right now."

"Ok." The group heads off to the buses to prepare heading off when everyone was done.

And that finishes this chapter. See how the results go next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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