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Izuku POV:

"Why don't you come over here Deku and tell your girl Kaachan why you put a baby in the rabbit before me?" I could tell by Kaachan's expressions that she was without a doubt angry, but didn't show it. I sat down next to her and Ochako who was holding an emotionless smile that made me somewhat fear for my life. Looking around, I noticed Mina and Nejire in the kitchen listening while Momo, Kyoka, Irina, Xenovia, Tsu, Ravel, and Itsuka who I assumed came over to talk to someone hiding by the stairwell. "Well I suppose I should be going now-" "You're staying fam." Saiko tried to walk away before getting the back of her shirt grabbed by Camie. In the room, I felt like I was about to die with the only girls not actually giving me a death glare being Miruko and Sona for some reason who was sitting beside the rabbit hero with Eri. "So this is how babies are made mommy Rumi?" "That's right squirt. Your daddy gave me a magic carrot that gave me his baby." She started speaking under her voice at this moment to how this kinda went. "Granted I didn't give him much of a choice in the matter."

Kaachan finally spoke up by clearing her throat first. "Ok, so somebody wanna tell me how this actually happened before I lose a gasket in front of Eri?" "W-well it kinda started on one of my last days of the work study. I-I was uh...called to Miruko's apartment for some reason for something I was as-suming was part of training. And well...." "I jumped his bones and let's just say he gave one to me." "I thought it was a magic carrot?" "Eri. I think it's best you go upstairs before your rage mommy has a fit." Sona states this to have the little girl understand. She gets down and gives me, Kaachan, and Ochako a kiss before walking upstairs past the girls that were obviously not good at hiding they were there. When we heard a door shut upstairs, I heard Kaachan crack her knuckles to turn and see the mask of an Oni behind her with an aura more menacing than before. "You've got 5 seconds before I pound the shit out of you to explain exactly why you knocked up the rabbit bitch here before me or Ochako." "ROOOOWWWW!" My fur started to stand on edge with Miruko speaking up.

"To be fair, this is kinda my fault. I was in heat when he showed up and I kinda get more aggressive when that happens. I also wasn't taking no for an answer to shove him on the bed and juice him till his balls were dry. Kinda realized I got knocked up in the days that followed since my heat wasn't effecting me anymore." A silence was in the room with Kaachan looking at me. "Ok, then that makes sense." She seemed to be a lot calmer for some reason before Mina shouted in agitation. "LIKE HELL THAT MAKES SENSE! HE CHEATED ON US!" "To be fair, I kinda made him cheat on you, so it's kinda hard to say if he willingly cheated on you-" "HE FUCKED YOU!" "A normal reaction that men have. It's like when you blink while sneezing. It isn't something to hel-" "WHY ARE YOU DEFENDING HIM SONA!? YOU SHOULD BE JUST AS MAD AS KATSUMI! HE'S YOUR FIANCE!" Sona and Kaachan shouted in unison with the agitation getting to them. "BECAUSE WE KNOW OF HEAT CYCLES FOR ANIMAL BEINGS LIKE THEM TO KNOW THEY AREN'T IN THEIR RIGHT STATE OF MIND!" Sona immediately shut her mouth knowing she just shouted.

"Back when we were in middle school, Deku ran into that issue before of going into heat. I came over to find out what was going on to have my bottle corked probably like 10 times that day. Trust me when I say the aggression you've seen him in is nothing compared to what it was that day. It was like Deku was a rabbid dog wanting nothing but to fill my cunt with his..." She stopped when everyone came out to listen a little more intently at this comment. "Let's just say it turns the pussy Deku into the most brutal monster you could think. Taking that as a reference, I'm not surprised he didn't exactly stress issues regarding stopping or fight back. When I did, the fur ball sorta sank his claws in me and drew blood. I thought my back would have nasty scars from that." I held my head in shame remembering seeing blood on Kaachan's back and began to cry. "Forgive me. *sniffle* I didn't want to hurt you." "See, too much of a pussy to cheat willingly." I heard some people start to laugh at me before Shouto walked in with a bottle of water.

"What's going on over here-PFFT!" She spat her water out seeing Miruko's swollen stomach to go pale. "How the hell is Miruko so fat!?" "It's pregnancy Icyhot." "....Ok then, how the hell is Miruko so pregnant!?" Everyone pointed at me for her stare to be pointed towards me. "How?" "Remember when I mentioned anatomy for Nekomata?" Shouto stopped to remember Sona's talk of this. "So you got the rabbit hero pregnant....Any chance I can get one to kinda shove it in my asshole father's face?" 'I THOUGHT SHE WAS SOMEWHAT OVER THIS!?' "Woah there flaming loins. Next kids are definitely going to me and Ochako. We're also not going into that until everyone gets a round. Counting you, there's still like seven that still need the cat sausage." "Wait, but I count six." Kyoka says this with Kaachan pointing out something I wish she didn't. "Ms. Midnight is the seventh." "WHAT!?" "WHAT TYPE OF SUGGESTIONS ARE YOU INSINUATING THAT I WOULD SLEEP WITH MY STUDENT!?" Midnight came barging out of a closed front door with a glass in her hand for all of us to stare blankly at her.

"Anyway, I'm sure you all know how nekomata pregnancies last. Just make sure you do something about making sure you don't get a bun in your oven like me." "You can stop playing the saint by your sins act and just get to the point of why you're here." Kaachan wasn't in the mood for a lecture for to make Mliruko point out the obvious right now. "Ok, I wanna join your harem." "WHAT!?" Everyone kinda shouted in surprise at this. "What? Think you can knock me up and walk away like nothing happened? Not gonna fly. I'm joining this and you'll have to deal with this." I was completely shocked while looking at both Kaachan and Ochako who were kinda frozen in place as well. "Uh, what do you both think of this?" They didn't respond. "Hello? Earth to Kaachan and Ochako. Are you there?" "...All I'm gonna say is that if you do what you did to get knocked up again, I'm making rabbit stew of you cotton tail." 'Ok, that was kinda scary.' I thought this as Miruko smirked. "Fine by me. Oh, and just so we're clear. Everyone calls me Rumi here now. Kinda feels dumb that I'm the only one you don'g call by thier first name." I slowly nodded surprised this is going with little to any bloodshed.

"Anyway, I've got another three weeks till this gremlin's born. I'll see ya around." Miruko left with all of us silent and either confused or shocked at the outcome. Before she left though, the rabbit hero poked her head in to say one last bit. "Oh and I'll keep a secret about this kids dad until you won't get into trouble for it. Bye~." 'So I won't get in trouble for having a baby in high school, that's....better.' "Midoriya." I looked over to Midnight to see her pinching the bridge of her nose. "Since this is an important thing to mention, I am obligated to tell the school of what I had learned. However, this was an accident that none of us could really fight. So I'm giving you a pass for this one. You get another person pregnant, this is going to Nezu." "Oh yeah, ya wanna join to Midnight? We could always use someone with experienc-" "I'M YOUR TEACHER KATSUMI!" "So was the rabbit for Deku and he popped that teacher." I pulled my hand down my face while Midnight attempted to say something. She stopped for some reason before walking out.

"So there will be four nekomata when Miruko gives birth? Quite the way to repopulate your species Izuku." Xenovia came over with a rather serious face for it to kinda scare me. "You know, I'm open for any practice with impregnating intercourse if you're ever up for it." "Meow!" I started to feel someone's arms around me to see it was Shouto. "You won't be one of those men that take women as trophies and has children with them just to get results, right?" She seemed a little uneasy for me to reassure her. "I'm not like that Shouto. I won't just have kids or sleep with women to further my own agenda. If I do sleep with a girl of my free will, I do it because we both want it and won't use that as a reason for it. Of course....having a baby with one of you isn't a-all that bad." She started to blush before holding me closer to her chest smiling. She bent down to my ear to whisper something. "When it's our turn, we're doing it at my house just to show my dad what it means to pleasure a woman and make her happy." The thought of going to Endeavor's home and him hearing when I would deflower his daughter with Shouto making it obvious kinda scared me. 'Holy catnip Shouto hates her dad.'

"As much as I'd love to see that face Icyhot, you're gonna have to wait until the next drawing." "I'm fine with that." She moved to whisper in my ear again. "So long as my one kitty shows my other what it feels like to breed." She nibbled my ear a bit for it to kinda spook me a bit. "So're not mad....right....Kaachan.....Ochako?" Both remained perfectly calm while answering. "I get heat enough to know it wasn't your fault." "And Tsu's talked to me about her heat to understand people having these problems can't control them." I sighed a bit of relief knowing that I wasn't going to be harmed because of an accident that led to where we are now. "But." 'Oh meow.' "You did screw rabbit without telling us or her being in the group. That means you have to be punished." "Penalty time?" "Penalty time." "Uh, what's penalty time?" Everyone looked at me kinda happy as Kaachan explained it.

"Along with the rules of the harem, we created a sorta thing for when someone breaks the rules. Now if one of the girls breaks them, they're forced to be tied to the bed stripped naked and watch as you screw four women with a vibrator in them." "That's uh....kinda messed up." Sona nodded at this while Kaachan continued. "But if you break a rule, then things get fun. Hehehe." 'I do not like that laugh.' "If you break them, then the penalty is you sleep with all the girls in your harem that you've slept with already nonstop all night and for as long in the day as it takes to sexually satisfy us. So tonight, you're fucking all the girls here except for Sona, Ravel, Irina, Xenovia, and Shouto." I know when Kaachan remembers names of people she has nicknames for, things don't go well going forward. "Punishment comes after Eri falls asleep. I wouldn't want the lovable snowball to hear when we make you squirm like a worm while filling us with jizz." "That could've been worded better Katsumi." "Whatever." 'Why do these things happen to me?'

The next day, 3rd person POV:

Izuku walked out into the common space with the guys looking at him somewhat amazed and scared for his well being. They overheard some of yesterday's conversation to understand he was given some kind of 'penalty', but that was all they knew. "Yo Midoriya, you gonna make it bro?" Kirishima asked for Izuku to fall on the sofa. looking more exhausted than Mr. Aizawa does on Mondays. "Wake me up when breakfast is ready." None of the guys really fought this as most of the girls came down looking rather content with themselves after doing what they did. "Bakugou, do you know what had happened to Midoriya? He looks as if he is extremely exhausted." "I do. But unless you wanna hear about his sex life, butt out four eyes." "How dare you insult me like that!?" The two continued to fight as Eri came down yawning with Sona. The little girl went right to her father to begin poking Izuku's cheek trying to get a respond from him. "Daddy's dead." "Fortunately, not yet sweetie." Izuku spoke up exhausted before falling back on the couch.

Not long after, the door opened to Ravel and Akeno who was walking in to go right to Irina, Xenovia, Sona, and Shouto. "Alright, final six! Who's getting cat tail next?" Katsumi had walked up holding six sticks with one being shorter than the other to tell who was next. All six grabbed them with Eri walking up to her ash blond mother curious. "Mommy Kaachan, what are you doing?" "It's a game to see who wins. The winner gets a special prize from your daddy." "...What kind of special prize?" "An adult prize sweetie. Not something you should know." She nodded before going towards Ochako who had her breakfast on the table before going over to Izuku with a plate for both of them. "Alright, next round of the sexy lottery pull is underway. Show us who wins!" The six pulled the sticks for a short one to be shown in someone's hand. "Alright. We have our winner." Izuku lifted his head up to see the person that won before placing it back down. 'Maybe if I pretend to be dead, I can skip school today and sleep.'

And that finishes this chapter. So small poll folks, who should the next lemon be? Your choices are either:


Winner will be chosen next week, so please make sure you vote. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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