Midnight's Talk

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Midnight POV:

"Finally done." The work day for me finally ended with grading a few papers that I had to finish today. "Why did this one take so long?" As I stretched out, I obtained a text on my phone. When I saw who it was, it was the online dating services saying my rendezvous with the person I was supposed to meet today canceled last minute. "Oh come on! I kept myself focused on all my work just so I can get there on time!" I began aggressively muttering to myself as I grabbed my things to leave for the day. "First I have to deal with Mt. Lady wiping the fact she has a boyfriend in my face this morning, now my meetup for the evening cancels." I make it to the door of the exit of the school while trying to calm my nerves a bit. "Can this day get any worse?" As if I said the magic word, it started to downpour with it not expected in the forecast. "OH COME ON!"

"Meowtrack! Meowtrack! Meowtrack!" I start hearing someone from the side to see it was Midoriya alone running towards me. "That was cold!" He began turning into his cat form to shake the water off before returning to his human form. For some odd reason though, his clothes didn't fall off, but remained on his body. "I thought your clothes couldn't change with you." He glanced up to notice me and smile. "Hello Ms. Midnight. Actually I can keep them on my body and just chose not to because it would require magic to do so cause of the whole I was hunted for being one of the Nekomata things." "So the main reason you didn't before was because you were scared of being found?" "Exactly." 'Just how much fear in being found did this kid have? Then again, he saw his sister murder her demon master 10 years ago and ran nonstop till hitting the human world, so I guess it makes sense.' "So why are you back here?" "Kaachan forgot her notes in her desk and needs them for that test next Tuesday. Since I had to cancel my training session with Hyoudou cause of the weather people changing the forecast like an hour before this storm, I volunteered to go." "A weatherman, the only job you can be wrong like 99% of the time and still be employed." "I know, right?"

A giant lightning bolt came down to startle us both a little and bring us out of our conversation. "MEOW!" "Why don't we head inside. Being in a massive downpour may not be the best spot to speak." "Yeah, my whiskers were on edge during that bolt." We entered inside the school and made our way to the classroom to grab what Midoriya needed before making our way to the teachers lounge to sit patiently until the storm subsided enough to leave. "So why are you here so late Ms Midnight?" "Papers I needed to grade. Never the highlight of my job." "I could see why." Midoriya seemed really nice during the conversation and making me enjoy being there a bit. The fact his ears and tails moved in unison to his emotions he felt made me think he was really cu-'DON'T THINK THOSE THOUGHTS NEMURI! HE'S YOUR STUDENT!' "W-would you like something warm to drink Izuku?" "Yes please." I began getting up to place a tea pot on a warmer in front of us to get hot. "It should take a few minutes. Green tea's ok?" "Sounds nice. Can't be picky either way though."

While sitting there, I was finally able to get the chance to talk one on one with Izuku. "So you seem to be quite the little playboy around campus." "What do you mean?" "I mean you have a harem, a child, and enough power to take on anything that comes at you. To be honest, any man would die to be in your shoes. Not only that, but I think any girl in this school would die to be under you during the evening." I winked at him to make his tail poof up in embarrassment. 'That's adorable!' "I-it's not like I try to be like this, it's just that I am." "But you seem to enjoy it, don't you?" He went red hearing this before putting his head down. "M-maybe a little." "Either way, you're doing far better than I am at having the opposite sex swoon over you. I seem to lack the ability to make them stay." He glanced at me as I realized what I said. 'Dammit. I got too calm with him around.' "What do you mean?" I took a deep sigh before explaining. "Dating with me is...not easy." "In what way?" I rolled my eyes at myself telling my student about my love life.

"You know I've been rather...eccentric in my views when I debuted, right?" "If I remember correctly, you're the main reason people created costume restrictions in the first place." "Yeah, not my crowning achievement in life. My teacher was rather bold in his ideology as well where it kinda rubbed me the wrong way and I went a little too much in too early of a time span." "But your quirk works better the less skin you hide." "I know, that's where I explained it to them. Sadly, the hero board had to clean this up and force me to revamp my outfit entirely." The tea started to whistle for me to reach for it. Before I could, Midoriya stopped me to pour us both some himself. "Still looks relatively the same to your first design. So on that note, nice job." "Thank you." I took a sip of the tea before continuing, "Because of this though, many men tend to not veer my direction when they find out I'm the R rated hero. Some look at me with a bit of disgust thinking I've done many men, while others think I'm an easy woman to get in bed with them." "That's messed up." "Worst part of that thought is....well..." Izuku started sniffing near me for a moment before answering. "You're a virgin, aren't you?" "How did-" "The nose knows."

I ignored this not wanting to know exactly how he can smell if a woman had done it before or not. "Anyway, those who think I'm an easy lay don't get a second date after and the ones that are at the very least half decent don't call back. So now I'm a 31 year old virgin woman who teaches a bunch of kids. Gotta love my life." Midoriya looked at me confused before answering. "I don't see how any man wouldn't like to be with you. From what I can tell, you're a nice person." I couldn't understand how he could just look at me and say that. "Did you forget the fact that I'm a woman that talks about profanity and sexual acts as if I'm some kind of expert to the point most people would probably believe I have an STD or something?" "I didn't. I just think judging someone on what they look like instead of calmly talking to someone is a wasted effort. Besides, have you heard what comes out of Kaminari and Hyoudou's mouth? Definitely not kid friendly." "And the fact I'm in my thirties and haven't been with anyone?" "Everyone finds who they should be with some time in their life. You just haven't found that person yet." I began getting aggravated for some reason. "I'm in my thirties! My prime is almost behind me! There's no way a man will want to be with me after hearing that!" "Well...I think you have more than enough charm with just individuality without taking in your looks which are still quite strong...at least in my opinion."

He started to blush a bit saying this with my face starting to heat up a bit. "You...you actually think I have my own c-charm?" Midoriya goes completely red with my body feeling a little heated during all this. 'Nemuri, stop it right now! He's your student and a child! But I did find out he did it with the rabbit hero-YOU'RE NOT USAGIYAMA!' I'm pulled out of my little internal struggle when a phone rang. "Sorry, I gotta take this." Midoriya answered his phone for it to be Bakugou from the shouting. "DEKU WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!?" "Sorry. I was trying to make it here and back before the storm started, but I kinda got stuck at the school right when it started to come down badly." "*sigh* At least you're somewhere dry. You want me or someone to come with an umbrella for you?" "Shouldn't be an issue for me to sit and wait. I don't want any of you catching something cause you went out of your way for me." "Alright. Guess I'll see you when it starts to lighten up a bit. Hey Eri, you want some hot chocolate?" "What's hot chocolate?" "Another reason why I wanna brutally maim Overhaul when I find him." "I'll talk to you later." "Later." Midoriya hung up to turn his attention back at me.

"How much was Eri neglected as a child?" "...A lot. She literally didn't know about cartoons when I asked her if she wanted to watch them." "Yikes." "She also has a personal phobia of doctors that we're trying to fix during her visits to Recovery Girl. It's somewhat hard, but Eri's on the right path to becoming a normal kid again." At the thought of a 'normal kid', I remembered something I wanted to talk about with Midoriya. "Now that the topic of  normal is on the table,  I wanted to ask you about the other day." I walked to my desk to take out a small recording of the match between Midoriya and Toujou to show him. I fast forwarded it to the end with his final punch to show him forcefully putting his claws into himself instead of hurting someone. "This final attack, you hesitated and would rather have your claws impale you instead of somebody else. Why is that?" Midoriya's ears went down showing he wasn't happy for the answer. "You do realize that you will face a villain that will force you to use all your strength, right?" "I know. It's just..."

Midoriya was a tad bit hesitant to answer this to a point I probably knew what it was about. "It's because of Kuroka, isn't it." He didn't reply, but nodded saying that I was on the ball. "I'm scared to use my claws in combat after seeing what Kuroka did with hers." He made his claws visible to prove a point to me. "I've seen claws like mine take lives. I've even felt them first hand as Kuroka put a set through my chest. The fact of the matter is that I'm afraid I may become drunk with power like her and unintentionally kill someone. I don't want that and I want to keep people around me from having to be afraid of that happening." He started to shake violently to prove that the nightmare he had to face when he was a child still took some major toll on him. Right in front of me was someone who is trying to help himself, but doesn't know how to. 'None of this is going to end for him until he has some closure. I can see why Eri looks at him as a father figure.' I began to get up and subconsciously sit next to Midoriya and hug him. "It's not your fault she did that. You're not Kuroka and you never will be. You've fought for the students of UA with these hands of yours. You've helped lighten the hearts of those who's needed it. But most importantly, you've given happiness to those that want or need it the most just for being in their lives. You're not like your sister and you never will be."

Midoriya started to hug me while holding his face pressed up against me. "I know your power is scary. I've seen what you can do. But that doesn't mean you have to be afraid to use it all together. Your claws are clean of blood, which means you don't have to carry your sister's mistakes on them. Keeping them inside will only weaken you. So have a little confidence in knowing you'll never become a bloodthirsty monster." He started to wrap around me to the point I heard silent sobs from him. 'He's held this in him for so long. Unlike Todoroki who just has a quirk passed down from her father, Midoriya and Kuroka are natural born predators. That killer instinct that his sister has lives in both him and Toujou. Saying that his hunters instincts are completely different would be incorrect and he knows this. This is probably what makes him scared of himself.' My hands found their way on the top of his head and the center of his back to try and console Midoriya. He began to whisper something under his sobs for me to just pick up enough to understand what he's saying. "*hic* Thank you. *sniffle* Thank you." 'Hard to believe this is probably the strongest person in my class. This hurt him, but he needed to let this out.

Two hours later

After the rain finally slowed down, me and Midoriya walked out of the school to head towards the dormitories. "Midoriya, keep in mind that you're not your sister. Your claws can help people. Whenever you think you may go on a rampage, think of those close to you that you want to protect and tell yourself these words. 'My claws will not hurt people, they will save them.' This will help you understand that you are your own person and that you're defined by your own actions, not others you are related to." He seemed to be hesitant on this before answering. "I-I'll try." I patted his head to hear a bit of purring from him. 'How adorable, he even purrs like a real cat.' "Just do your best and I'm sure things will work out for you." "Thank you Ms. Midnight. I really appreciate it." He was starting to leave before something inside me began to speak up. "Kayama." "Excuse me?" "W-when we aren't around anyone, y-you can call me Kayama. I feel a little old when you call me Ms. Midnight." "Ok, thank you Kayama." When he said this, it felt like an arrow came through my chest.

"I'll see you tomorrow in class!" He walked away with a blush growing on my face from the whole ordeal. "Get a hold of yourself Nemuri. You're his teacher." I started walking back to the dorms with the devil queen herself hanging out near a tree near where I split up from Midoriya. "So you're trying to get with him too, huh?" "It's not like that. I was helping him as his teacher progress over his personal turmoil." "And that's why you wanted him to call you Kayama when you're alone?" I stopped in my tracks when she said this. "I think it's adorable if you ask me. A teacher falling head over heels for her student to the point she'd be willing to console him as both an older female role model and a possible lover~." Serafall began laughing at me with my entire face going red from embarrassment. "WHY DO I HAVE TO DEAL WITH THESE ISSUES!? I HAVE MORE THAN ENOUGH TRYING TO FIND A DECENT MAN!" "Then date Izuku. I'm sure he'd like to have a mature woman like you in be-" "THAT'S IMMORAL!" "Not exactly. Nekomata don't fall under human restrictions and besides, you don't seem to be so against the idea." She began laughing at this for me to hit my head on a tree. 'Where is my life going? It's bad enough that one of my students gets me attracted to them, it's worse that a devil keeps giving me garbage about it being technically fine for us to date. I need to keep my morals in check before I actually do cross that boundary.'

And that finishes this chapter. So this one was more to give Midnight a gateway for Izuku to think of her more as a woman instead of just a teacher. See what Izuku's ordeals have next time. Also, who would you all like to see for the next lemon. Place you votes down below and they might be in the next. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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