Parental Turmoil

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Izuku POV:

As the week went by, we were told of a Provisional Exam for us. Apparently, the exam only happens two times a year with it being a step towards becoming a hero from what Nemuri told us. Apparently, the license allows us to interact with incidents where our quirk can be used without concern of legal action taken against us. This would would be mandatory for the next steps of the factions since it would make actions that would be needed to be done, capable of being handled by us. Today however, my mind was on something else entirely.

"So, let me just make certain I know exactly what you're implying." Since Nejire and I were planning on having a child together, even though it wasn't of my saying as much. We decided to tell Ryukyu since she's her legal guardian and deserves to at least know what will go on. Right now, she's glaring at me across the couch I was sitting on almost as if she was staring at the depths of my soul itself. "You decide to date my daughter, violate her purity, bring in a child to make her act as a mother and now you wish to spread your seed and impregnate her."

"...If it makes things better, I was never forced to do any of the things and it was my own opinion. I could've also waited to become a mom, but I do wanna be one to my own baby." Nejire points this out for Ryukyu to stare at her before looking back at me.

"I hope you know, my daughter is not some cheap 500 yen prostitute that you can use up and then toss away."


"I'm being serious right now, Nejire. I did not willingly become your legal guardian just to have someone waltce into your life and ruin it for you. I made an oath to become someone that would side with and support your decisions while also protecting you until you are able to make decisions yourself for the betterment of your life as a whole. Whether he is or isn't knowledgable about that, Midoriya needs to be aware I am not going to idly sit by and allow him to do as he pleases with you."

"I understand." I felt really uneasy as I spoke with Ryukyu. "You're her mother, and I respect that. That's also the reason why I wanted to call you here. Though this is something between us, we at least thought you deserved to know about what we're planning to do. I didn't get the luxury to tell Ochako and Kaachan's parents first hand. Though their mothers planned for this after they umm...saw what we had done one evening, their fathers were about to kill me. *ahem* I didn't want you to think I'm pulling Nejire away from you."

Ryukyu's stare somewhat lessened before turning to Nejire. "I still do not stand by this completely." She turned back to me before speaking. "Midoriya. You are probably already aware of my daughter's past. As such, she is 'damaged goods' as an easier way to explain it. She already has a large amount of personal troubles in her life that I have been trying to help overcome. Not only that, but there is matters that revolve around her biological father. My daughter has been through enough to the point she is without a doubt not normal. Bringing a child into this may make things even more complicated for her as well as yourself."

"I'm well aware and I wouldn't call her 'damaged goods'. I understand you though." I tried to think of the best way to reassure Ryukyu with not a lot coming to mind. "Nejire has been through a lot and I understand there may be some troubles for her, but I'm willing to help her and be patient."

Ryukyu stared at me a moment before letting out a sigh. "Fine. But I think you deserve to learn of Nejire's past to have a better understanding of how mentally fragile she truly is."

Nejire looked worried before I nodded. "Understood." I turned to her before placing my hand up. "May I?" She nodded for me to place my palm on the top of my girlfriend's head. As this happened, I shut my eyes to see her past and learn of the details through Nejire's mind.

Flashback 9 years, Nejire POV:

"Damned brat!"

"AH!" Life is never fair. For me, that took the image of having a mother that had a weak body and become hospitalized until she died when I was 6.

"Fucking cursed brat." Thanks to that, my father began forming a bad drinking habit. When he was drunk enough, he'd take his anger out on me. "It's your own fault that your mother died. What a reject you are." He began chugging a bottle of alcohol before kicking me again. "Stupid brat! WHY DON'T YOU MAKE YOURSELF WORTH SOMETHING!" On a regular basis, I had done as much cleaning and cooking as possible to avoid getting hurt. Unfortunately, this never worked.

Most nights, I would go hungry with a lot of times tasting blood. Sometimes, I'd curl up in a ball and cry from pain and misery. 'Why? *hic* Why is this happening to me? Mom. Why does this have to happen?'

I tried to handle it for years with constant abuse. A lot of times to avoid pain when I'd get, I would even try and wait until late at night to get home. This worked most of the time, but not every time if my father would drink oddly heavier some nights. When I started to develop from puberty though, I started to resemble my mother more and more. Thanks to this, my father got more enraged when he'd see me somewhat sober. It got to the point where I would regularly get slapped or hit by my father whenever he'd see me. One day, I had began coming out of my home as early as possible. This was a normal routine that was started in hopes to escape any morning injuries. I would sneak out of the house and spend a bit of time at an anime café just to get a little more sleep. This day though, he was up and already drunk.

"Oi! Where the hell do you think you're going!?" My father walked towards me with as much hate for my own being.

"I-I need to do some morning committee thing-*SLAP*"

"DON'T TALK BACK!" I was cut off by him slapping me across the face and knocking me back. When I was on the ground, I guess I resembled my mother a little too much to him for my father to start kicking me in rage. "YOU FUCKING BRAT! IT'S YOUR FAULT THAT SHE'S DEAD! IT'S YOUR FAULT FOR BEING BORN! WHY COULDN'T YOU DIE INSTEAD!?" In one of the kicks, I felt something rupture in me to start coughing up blood. The pain from this hurt so much that I inevitably threw up on the ground. "NOW LOOK WHAT YOU DID!" His next hit came right at my chest for a cracking to be heard. I guess he lost interest for him to walk away towards his bedroom. "Clean up this shit. Fucking waste of space."

The door slammed with the pain I was feeling unbearable. I knew I couldn't live this way anymore, but I didn't know where to go or even who to go to. I eventually got up off the floor and began packing what little clothes I could and some money I saved up from doing odd jobs around town. I didn't care anymore if I was out on the streets, anywhere was better than here. 'I'm sorry, mom. I just can't anymore. I can't handle being with dad anymore.'

As I walked down the streets with my belongings, it started to become harder and harder for me to breathe. Not only that, but I began coughing up more and more blood. 'What should I do now?' I glanced at the money I had to weigh my options. 'I don't have enough to go to a hospital, but..." I immediately felt the urge to vomit to throw up to the side of me and see a notable amount of blood. I panicked when I saw that to back away before anyone saw me specifically. 'If I go to a hospital, he'll be called and it'll ruin everything I'm trying to do. Should I go to a hero? A cop? DAMMIT! WHY DIDN'T I THINK THIS THROUGH MORE!?'

I eventually got to downtown with everything starting to get very fuzzy to me. I could barely hear anything for someone walking up towards me to start saying something. "....ey....ou....k" I could barely hear anything with my body going heavier and heavier. Eventually though, I started to black out and fall towards a side. All I remember after this was the sound of shouts and sirens as I was fading in and out. I genuinely thought I was gonna die this time.

'Well...he gets....what he'

The next day

I started waking up in a hospital room with what felt like things strapped to my body. Looking around, I saw a sunset to think half a day went by. "I see you're awake."

Turning to the voice, I noticed a pro hero and a few guys that looked like high schoolers to the side. "What happened?"

"You passed out after I tried to make sure you were ok. Gave me a shock since you almost hit the pavement. That could've been really messy, am I right?" A blond guy mentioned this with a bit of a chuckle coming from him. I didn't know why he was laughing to ignore it and try getting up.

"I wouldn't try moving around."

"Why?" I glanced at the woman who looked in her 20's as she pointed to her chest.

"The doctors said you had a rib puncture a lung. Not only that, but you had a rupture in a kidney and they had to pull out what was left of your appendix which had ruptured fairly recently. Adding to this, you seem to have a few stress fractures on your legs and arms, significant bruising and some malnutrition." I stared at the woman not exactly understanding where she's getting at. "To make matters simple, I believe you're a victim of abuse from what the doctors mentioned these normally are resulted by."

"....Was my family called?" I tried to avoid the topic as much as possible in hopes to avoid problems.

"Not yet. I asked the doctors to wait until you got up before doing anything if this is the case." I glanced away not wanting to talk anymore. "Forgive me. I haven't introduced myself. My name is Ryukyu the Dragon Hero. To my left is an intern called Lumillion working with a colleague of mine, Nighteye. My right is another intern called Suneater who's working with another colleague, Fat Gum. Your name is Nejire Yopparai-"


"Excuse me?"

"Nejire Hado. That's my name. Please do not call me by that last name again." I felt disgusted being called the same name as that man to look away. "So what happens now?"

"Now we can hand this information over to the police and child services are called. They'll handle the next part of this investigation and it can be out of our hands. When that happens, your father will be called and these matters will be settled." I was worried hearing my father's name before hearing a deep breath in. "Or. We postpone giving this into the police's hands and try to settle what happened quickly and hopefully reduce the amount of strain on you to hopefully place you somewhere that you can get help that you need. This second one however can only be done if you cooperate."

I was a little adamant about this to try and brush it off. "Look. I'm ok. There's nothing to worry about-"

"No. You aren't ok." Ryukyu bluntly stated this before continuing on. "The doctors said that if we found you about a minute later, the blood filling your lungs would've pooled far too much. In short, you would've died on the streets drowning in your own blood. If that wouldn't have killed you, the infection of your appendix rupturing would've. Though unnecessary to humans in this day and age, the bacteria that is stored within it is anything but harmless. You would've died from that within a matter of days with the doctors fortunate enough to handle placing you on antibiotics yesterday when you came in."

"Wait, I came in yesterday? Isn't that the sunset though?" I pointed to the window for Ryukyu to nod.

"You were asleep for a day and a half. The first few hours, you were in the ICU. The doctors were afraid of bruising on your brain as well to just make sure you wouldn't die in your sleep along with other factors. Afterwards, they had focused on filling you with nutrients that you were deprived of and going from there. Right now, you're stable. I'd rather there not be anymore trouble, so please help us so we can help you. I don't want the next time we see each other to be with you on a metal slab in a morgue."

This scared me a bit hearing. The thought of dying has crossed my mind, but this was one that kinda hit home. "...What do you need me to do?"

"Just answer a few questions, that's all. Depending on some though, that will change how we progress forwards."

I agreed for some of the questions to be somewhat generic. Some were simply what my age was, what my parents do for a living, where I live or lived in this case. After we began getting into some complicated questions for me to explain such as my personal relationship with my father as well as how I got the injuries I had. These questions eventually led to me being asked why I didn't say anything to anyone with the only thing I could say being, 'he's my dad. I didn't want him to get into trouble and my mom told me to always try and make people happy'. At this point, I started questioning if this is what she meant when she said that. But even though my father was terrible, I didn't want him to get in trouble. He's my only family and I didn't want to be alone.

Ryukyu scrunched her eyebrows before releasing a deep sigh. "Alright. That should be enough. Thank you, miss Hado."

"If you don't mind me asking, what'll happen to my dad?"

"...We'll give this to the police and keep you in protective custody. From the information you've given us, we can charge him with assault of a minor as well as some other things. When that happens, we'll try and place you in a home that isn't nearly as hostile along with giving you a life you should've had." I was still very scared of saying something.

" there any way that I can avoid going to an orphanage or something?"

"Well, there is. But in order for that to happen, child services would have to have a legal guardian for you prepared beforehand. Do you have any relatives that may be able to take you in?"

I looked down before shaking my head. "I don't. My dad is all I have."

There was a tense situation in the room before the Lumillion spoke up. "What if  you take her in, Ryukyu? She trusts you at least a little."

"That's a bad idea."

"Why would it be a bad idea?" I asked her with Ryukyu explaining.

"First off, I'm only 23. I could be a parent at my age, but I believe I'm not old enough. I cannot be your mother because I mentally do not believe I have the capabilities to be one. Second, you need stability. You need both a strong female role model to strive to be as a woman in society and a strong male in order to know what defines as a 'good man' so to speak. I have hardly enough stability for myself as well as no male figures to have you learn from and grow around. Both are needed for you to blossom into a proper member of society. Third and most importantly, you need someone that can be there. I can't guarantee that I can be a figure that can be there for you as well as the road ahead of you will be a long and agonizing one. You need a parent that may be gone late into the night facing villains or face the threat of her dying. You need a parent who can give you the help and mental support you need and deserve to grow up."

"Please, miss Ryukyu. I'm begging you." I held my head down in hopes to explain my point. "I know I'm asking a lot and I know that this isn't right to force on you, but I've heard about what the child care system is. I don't want to go into it, so please. I'm begging you to be my legal guardian. I don't care if you mess up. Anything is better than the home I was at and I can't trust that system to give me a home."

Ryukyu held her head for a moment trying to think of my request and how to answer it. Before she did, she groaned in annoyance. "I may regret this in the future, but fine. I'll watch over you as your legal guardian. Just don't blame me if I'm not the motherly figure you want me to be."


Back to present, Izuku POV:

I pulled my hand off Nejire's head with her looking down a little. "So did Nejire's father get punished?"

"He was. Not nearly as much as I'd prefer, but he was given a plea deal. He pled guilty to child abuse and was sentenced to 10 years with possibility for parole. The acts he was looking at, we were planning on going for the max sentencing believing he deserved to rot in prison, but that would require Nejire to take the stand which I do not believe she was able to handle that. As such, I ran the decision through her and we came to the agreement we did. I'd rather him never see the light of day, but Nejire can at least live the rest of her life up to adulthood without the threat of him coming back."

I turned and hugged Nejire thinking she deserved at least that from the memories she had dragged out of her. "I get what you're trying to say, Ryukyu. Probably more now that I've seen her memories. You didn't want to be her parent because you didn't think you could give her the life she needed, but she's more of an outgoing person now because of you being there for her. Just like you also, I want to be there for her. I care for Nejire and I want to show that however I can. I know that I can't prove it so easily to you, but I want you to trust in me that I have no desire to harm Nejire in the slightest and make sure she's happy."

A smile came on Ryukyu's face before she got up. "I want to believe that. From what Nejire told me about you, you're a reliable person." She walked towards the door to grab the handle before stopping. "I still don't agree with what you are planning to do, but I won't stop you. However, do not think I will not hesitate to incinerate you if you dare try to harm Nejire." Ryukyu glared at me as if she was glaring into my soul before opening the door and walking out. "Have a good day."

There was a silence between both of us before Nejire spoke up. "I guess Ryukyu can be scary when she wants to be."

"No kidding." I glanced over at Fenrir carrying Eri and Usagi on his back towards us before laying down for them to get off. I patted Eri's head before taking Usagi in my arms and hugging him. 'I wonder how this dorm will be with a bunch of baby kittens?'

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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