Phoenix and Fallen Angel

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Izuku POV:

As me and Ravel began to walk up to the shrine, we were met with Issei and Akeno waiting for us. "Nice to see you've come Izuku." "*sniff* *sniff* What's that smell? It smells like sweat and...." I held my ears down for them to somewhat understand what it was. "Did you do a girl before coming here?" "...Ravel had uh, showed up in a bad time and let's leave it at that." I didn't want to say anymore since it was kinda not appropriate to explain. "So you came from getting to bone a girl!? Aww man! At least tell me how awesome her tits were. I gotta know that at least-" I tail slapped the perv to the floor before walking over to Akeno. "So what are we doing here? Also, how can you three manage on a holy ground rather well?" "You know, I'm sorta wondering that too?" The perv got up before we were met bit a massive light from above. When it dulled down, a man came down with wings and a heavenly aura around him.

"Holy wings, halo, and an aura of an arch angel. Michel I'm guessing?" "Yes young nekomata. It's nice to meet you and the Red Dragon Emperor." Though he seemed to be completely different than what I'd expect, there was without a doubt a difference between the angel's faction leader and all the demons and fallen angels up to this point that I've seen. He was far stronger just by his presence alone. "May we enter young devil?" Akeno nodded for her to lead us into the temple to an open space for all five of us to speak. "So what are we doing here?" I asked Akeno and Ravel since I was kinda clueless on what I was supposed to do. "I have come to discuss some matters that revolve around you as well as give a gift of good will to the Gremory house for what they have done and to prove the angels are willing to support an offer that is on the table regarding the war that has been on a stalemate for quite a while." 'A while. More like over a thousand years if you want to be realistic.' I quietly listened as Michel brought out a holy sword to present to us.

"Wait, is that the holy sword Escalon?" "It is young nekomata. For reasons of good will, we have decided to give the holy dragon slaying sword to the Red Dragon Emperor. This will without a doubt make him stronger as well as make the devil race understand that we do not have any ill will against them." "Ok, but is this gonna hurt me cause of it being a holy weapon?" "It won't. I made sure it would be safe for you." Akeno reassures is for Issei to take the sword in his Boosted Gear before Michel looked at me. "Now for you young Izuku Midoriya. We must discuss a topic that is rather important." "Ok." "This revolves around both Irina Shidou and Xenovia Quarta." "What's wrong?" "First and foremost, I'd like to apologize on the church's behalf upon excommunicating Xenovia. Due to the ordeal we have, it is more than vital that we keep followers in our faction. So as such, we have unfortunately had to take chances and excommunicate her instead of risk the chances of losing more followers." I was relatively annoyed with the answer, but I was able to understand where he was coming from in a wider perspective than my own.

"When I look at the choice through my own personal view for Xenovia, I wanna punch you in the face. But if I look at it through the bigger picture and the fact she isn't as bad off as she could be, I'm not exactly as mad about what you did to Xenovia." "Forgive me. It wasn't in my interest to harm her. I did not enjoy it, but I had no other choice. Though I'm at least happy she's happy if anything." 'She's also taken to motherhood rather nicely.' I remember how much she helps Eri and acts as much of the mother figure as she could. Keeping Eri active, finding fun things for her to do, even try to act with some stability for when Eri get's a nightmare. 'Xenovia really is a great motherly figure.' I began to smile a bit before the image of a pregnant Xenovia came into my head with me behind her rubbing her swollen belly. "*ahem*" I was pulled out of my fantasy with Akeno clearing her throat. "Ok, so what did you wish to talk about regarding Irina?" Michel began to smile before explaining.

"To make a simple statement, I was able to alter the system a bit where she can sleep with you without the fear of falling. As you probably don't know, I was able to make her my Ace and make her a reborn angel." "So she's a strong member of your faction's Brave Saints, huh?" "Correct. Now back on the topic of what I had done. Basically, she is able to avoid the major setbacks if an angel and another member of another race must do if they are able to sleep together. To avoid them from falling, both must first be encased inside a barrier and pray before their act. They must also not think unpleasant thoughts as this would defile the sanctity of a saint. In a way to avoid this, I have had it so she does not need to do this with you if she happens to desire to do such acts." "Wait, so Irina can get freaky with Midoriya here and not have to worry about falling!?" Issei asked this for Michel to nod.

"Miracle children are unusual in nature, but they aren't unheard of. If you two were to have a child, it would be a nekomata with the powers of the heavens. Truly a being of unparalleled power." I let out a sigh before answering this. "If we were to have a child, it would be because we wanted a child out of love. Not because we wanted a child of power. I'm not the type of bastard that thinks I should do it with a girl for a powerful offspring or to ensure my species survival. I'm not a scumbag like that. Dogs might do that, but not this kitty." Everyone snickered a bit at this while Michel got up. "Since our job is done here, it's probably better that I take my leave. Farewell young devils, Red Dragon Emperor, and little nekomata." The angel disappeared in a flash after saying this for Issei to get up next. "Well sorry to come and go Akeno, but the prez wanted me to head back as soon as possible." "Alright. I'll see you tomorrow then."

Issei left with it just being me, Ravel, and Akeno inside the room. "Seems you're quite the likable person Izuku. But then again, you are quite adorable." "W-well umm...I don't wanna say I'm uhh, cute per say." "Oh please, those ears and tails make you look so adorable with your face." Ravel states this for me to go beet red. "W-well." Akeno starts to laugh a bit at this. "Akeno, I wanted to ask you this before but didn't get the chance to. Now that we're alone and more strange things came up regarding you, I figure this is probably as good of a time as any. Just who exactly are you?" She began to frown. "I'm sure you've already guessed that I'm a little different." She turned her back to me and began to drop her kimono a bit to reveal her bare back. "Meow!" I shut my eyes for Akeno spoke up. "It's ok. I want you to see." I opened my eyes to realize what she wanted me to see specifically. When Akeno released her wings, she revealed a rather strange pair of wings. One wing was that of a devil's, but the other looked almost as if it was that of a fallen angel's.

"Ugly, isn't it. When I was little, my mother died because of my wings. She was a shrinemaiden of this temple that nursed my father back to health. Eventually, they fell in love and well...I think you get where I came from." I started to hear her voice shake a bit while explaining this. "Because of my lineage, people came after me and my mother. I wanted nothing more than to get rid of these wings that gave me so much pain for all these years and practically jumped at the thought of becoming a devil under Rias's house. Only after did I realize that didn't make any difference, but instead made me into this freak you see today." "Akeno." "*hic* I HATE my wings! I hate myself for being this monstrosity! But worst of all, I hate the fact that my mother had to die because of-" I walked over to immediately hug her from behind.

"It's ok Akeno. You're not a bad person." "....How do you know I'm not? I could just be playing with your heart to lure you into a false sense of security. Fallen angels are known for their deceit if anything." "I know because you aren't an evil person. You're kind, sensible, rather straightforward with what you want, and also one of the most amazing people I've met by far. If you want an honest opinion, running from what you are just hurts you more. But running from yourself is never going to work. I can tell you're a good person and would never do anything to harm others. Because of that, you're truly an amazing person." Tears started to fall down Akeno's face for me to panic I said something bad. "P-please don't cry. I-I didn't try to hurt your feelings." She immediately tackled me to the ground and began to smile at me. "If you keep saying words like that, you'll easily sway my heart Izuku." Akeno looked me in the eyes before pushing her lips on mine. I started to taste something sweet almost like strawberries to kinda like it. As we parted, Akeno began to smile down at me with her chest in pure view for me to see. 'Oh meow. Don't stand up please!'

"Excuse me, but I think you both forgot that I'm here right now." We stopped to see Ravel looking at us with a red flush on her face. "S-sorry." "You know something, why don't we all have some fun." "WHAT!?" Both me and Ravel shouted this at Akeno while she laughed. "Come now Ravel, don't tell me you don't wish to see what Izuku is like in bed~." "B-but it's not like that." "M-maybe we should wait. I just slept with Shouto before coming here a1and doing it with you two is kinda insulting to you both and her." "It's ok Izuku. I don't mind and besides." She leaned close to my ear to whisper the last part. "One of us will be getting the other's leftovers anyway, so this could be fair and fun." She blew into my ear to look at her then Ravel to notice she was unzipping the back of her dress with a blush. "I-it's not that I want to, b-it I'm not just gonna stand here w-while you both d-do it." 'Why do these things happen to me?'

Lemon warning🍋

3rd person POV:

"Ok, maybe we should hold ourselves-" Akeno pushed Izuku's chest to keep him from getting up. "Shhhh, just let us have our fun Izuku." Akeno pulled Izuku's shirt up a bit before licking his abdomen and brushing her hands over the muscles on his body. "*giggle* You're quite the fit little kitty, aren't you?" "M-maybe." Looking up, Izuku found Ravel in red lingerie rather embarrassed a bit. She began to kneel down to Izuku's head to look him in the eyes. "D-don't stare so much....dummy." Ravel moved her lips to Izuku's to give him a kiss. Akeno began to laugh a bit to herself as she witnessed both of them having their first kiss together. "You truly are an easy going boy Izuku. You should be careful who you let around you~." Akeno's hands slithered down into Izuku's shorts to fiddle with his member a bit. As he noticed this, Ravel started to pull away and unhook her bra and pull it off to toss to the side. She covered her chest before moving a little near the cat boy's lower half. After she did, Akeno released Izuku's foot long beat from it's prison to make both girls somewhat surprised at what they were looking at.

"My my Izuku. You truly have quite the little one here. Why don't we have a little fun~." Akeno started to move her chest down near Izuku's dick with her pushing Ravel to join her. "Aren't you lucky, you get two pretty girls to play with you." Ravel kept a beet red face as she felt her larger than expected chest warm up from Izuku's dick between her chest. Meanwhile, Izuku felt an uncontrollable softness because of the position he was in. Where Akeno's ample breasts were as soft as being surrounded by two huge marshmallows, Ravel's were that of a more defined feeling that helped add some resistance. His body started to lose to the pleasure to start thrusting into the air. When he started to near his end, Akeno pulled away with Ravel not realizing and having Izuku release onto her face. He looked up to see the phoenix girl covered in his seed with some falling into her mouth. She started to shake violently as this happened before having Akeno move beside her.

"No worries Ravel. Izuku just showed how much he enjoyed both of our treatment." She started to lick some of the semen off Ravel's cheek to make Izuku lose to his libido and grab onto Akeno's ass. "Oh my. Seems you're ready for another round." Pushing him back to the ground, Akeno pulled the bottom half of her outfit off and pushed her black panties to the side and revealed her pussy. "Seeing you cover Ravel with your baby juice made me all hot and bothered. But before you stick it in, I have a request." "Nngh. And that is?" The half fallen angel moved to Izuku's ear to whisper into it. "I want you to tell me how much of a bad girl I am." She then moved to Izuku's shorts to grab a condom out of it and place it in her mouth to slide on his dick. "Akeno, what a dirty girl you are. Pulling a man into your home and having them call you a dirty girl while using your mouth to get them ready to fuck you silly." This comment made Akeno blush before smiling and getting on top of Izuku.

"I hope you don't mind that I'll take the lead." Akeno began to rub Izuku's tip near her entrance slowly as a way to taunt him. She then slowly lowered her hips pushing the head in with the length filling her insides up. She began to tighten as Izuku felt the fallen angel's hymen slowly tear before being placed inside to the base. Akeno bit her lip before using magic to dull the pain she was feeling to start moving. This allowed her to bounce up and down on Izuku's dick and smile at him. Meanwhile, Ravel began to pleasure herself at the sight of what they were doing. This wasn't missed by Izuku however as he went full into his instincts to wrap around the phoenix girl and place her crotch in front of his face. "WAIT!" He moved the cotton fabric from her slit before lowering Ravel down to begin eating her out. She started to shout a bit as she felt Izuku's cat tongue slither inside and scrape her inner walls. Unknown to this feeling, Ravel began to tighten her thighs to push Izuku's face deeper in. This had forced Izuku to start moving faster, being rather endowed with the scent of a woman. Unbeknownst to him at the time, Akeno was enjoying this treatment and started to lose herself to the pleasure. In the heat of the moment, she grabbed the Phoenix girl to kiss her lips. This shocked Ravel, but she began to melt into it as now both her mouth and pussy were filled with somebody's tongue.

"*pant* I feel you getting bigger. *pant* Are you gonna cum?" Akeno asked through breaths as Izuku grabbed her thighs and slammed into her pussy as if he was trying to destroy her. Eventually, Izuku's knot was pushed inside and he came inside. Akeno shouted in ecstasy as she felt the condom inside her fill with Izuku's hot fluid. Ravel wasn't that far from climaxing either as she began to covulge and spray over Izuku's face as the cat boy was finishing up in Akeno. Ravel fell to her side with Akeno falling forward onto Izuku's chest. "You were amazing Izuku." She smiled before feeling his hands on her ass. In one go, Izuku pulled his knot out for Akeno to stifle the urge to scream. The fallen angel noticed him move near Ravel with his hand pulling the condom off. She also realized that something was off with him not being in a rather sane mindset. Trying to avoid something bad from happening in the future, she grabbed another condom to place on Izuku right before the cat boy grabbed Ravel's ass to pull up near him. "Wait, what are you doing!?" Ravel asked as Izuku held himself near her entrance. "G-give me a second to be mentally prepare-" He didn't allow this as he slammed inside the devil with no restraint to make her mind go blank.

As her top half fell flat to the floor, her lower half was held up by Izuku as he plowed into her and melded her insides to his fitting.Wanting more pleasure, Izuku began to spank Ravel's ass to make her shout. "AHH!" Why did you spank meAHH!" She kept shouting before feeling Izuku lean over her and move his hands to her breasts. Her nipples were pressed between his fingers with the phoenix girl losing herself to the pleasure and now just going with everything Izuku had done to her. He moved inside her at a faster pace with his pelvis bouncing off her ass. Eventually, Izuku started to swell up a bit for Ravel to notice. "Wait, you have a condom on right? If you don't, you can't cum inside meAHH!" Izuku began to bite the side of her neck before his knot was pushed inside with his seed pouring into the condom. Ravel's eyes rolled to the back of her head before falling over and passing out. Izuku however, wasn't ready to stop as he yanked himself out of Ravel and looked back at Akeno. "Oh my, seems you're not done yet." She got on all fours before spreading her ass apart to show her lower half. "I'll just have to help our little kitty with my kitty~."

Lemon End🍋

Few hours later, Izuku POV:

I started to wake up to Ravel being on my chest sleeping without clothes on with Akeno nowhere in sight. "What did I do?" "You're awake, that's good." I glanced over to see Akeno stark naked sitting against a wall covered in my essence. "A-Akeno, are you ok?" She smiled at me before saying anything. "I never knew you had so much stamina Izuku. I thought you'd paralyze me for sure." She crawled over to my head and began to kiss my lips. "I didn't....finish....inside....did I?" "No. Luckily you didn't, but I wouldn't mind having a little you and becoming one of your baby mothers." She leaned to my ear and whispered in it. "All you have to do is ask and I'll gladly take you for a trip during the evening to our own nirvana." She blew in it for me to shake a bit at that thought. "I see your lower half is excited for that." Akeno giggled at me while I laid on the floor looking at her and Ravel. 'I don't remember much after Ravel sat on my face. Maybe it's cause of my heat cycle coming near.' I wondered this before having my head placed on Akeno's lap. "I'm sure this feels more comfortable. What do you think, my dar~ling?" I went red with my tails somewhat wagging at this. 'Great, now I'm acting more like a dog than a cat.'

And that finishes this chapter. So I'm going to touch on Izuku's heat cycle a little later with the person being around him when it happens already being decided on. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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