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Izuku POV:

About a week and a half had gone by since mine and Nejire's little 'act' had happened to get her pregnant. During this time, my class was told about the Provisional License exam that was taking place by Nemuri. She told us how the license is important for us taking a new step into the world by giving the authorization to enter into situations like a pro hero and use our quirks. Adding to this, this is also how several of the other factions will add to the hero faction of our treaty. From what I was told, Sona and Gremory's Devil Houses were going to take the exam as well as Irina. I was also hearing rumors that some of Vali's faction that was formerly part of the Chaos Brigade is going to take it that are of an age they could. Those that weren't were going to be taking a more special exam that would allow them to get the Pro Hero license instead. Unfortunately due to how far along they were, Kaachan and Ochako couldn't participate in this without there being threat to them or our children. It devistated them both knowing that they couldn't take the exam and be on the same level as us with it somewhat making me feel responsible.

Right now, we're on the bus heading towards our testing sight with Eri sitting next to me watching something. "Hey, Eri. Whatcha watching?"

"The Grabbin Dragon."

'The what?' I glanced over towards the Ipad she had to see her watch a show about Hyoudou in his Balance Breaker defeating enemies while grabbing magical 'fun bags' as the show called them. Looking at the credits, I noticed that it was made possible with Sir Zechs and Azazel to confuse me a little, but not more than the song they did. 'I don't know if I should feel more pity for those two for making such a weird show, or for kids that don't understand the difference.' The bus stopped for Nemuri to stand up and motion us off.

As we stood in front of the site, our teacher turned back towards us while holding her swollen stomach. "Alright. First off, I'm sorry to Bakugou and Uraraka for not being able to take the test. I spoke to the Hero Commission and they told me that you both can partake in remedial lessons in about a month and a half. That should give you more than enough time to recover know what, and possibly get the license." Nemuri didn't want to say it out loud since it would seem extremely strange for two members of UA in particular to be pregnant out in the public. "For those of you that are taking it, this is a big step towards your ultimate goal. So I want you all to say with me, go beyond."

"PLUS ULTRA!" We all shouted with some random guy behind us with really short hair saying it with us.

"My apologies." He began straightening himself out before slamming his head into the concrete cracking it and causing his own head to bleed. "I JUST LOVE UA AND COULDN'T RESIST!"

"....This guy is a few scratches short of a post."

"Daddy, why is the weird man bleeding and not doing anything?" Eri asked me for it to confuse me as well.

"I...I honestly don't know, snowball."

"...Oh crap." I glanced at Camie who looked like she went pale.

"INASA! I HAD WARNED YOU NOT TO INTERFERE WITH OTHER CLASSES! YOU ARE HERE DUE TO YOUR TALENT ALONE! DO NOT MAKE A MOCHERY OF OUR SCHOOL!" A guy with wierdly slanted eyes came over towards us for the guy called Inasa to get back behind him next to someone that looked like a human wad of hair. The weird guy glanced at Camie with some irritation for her to stiffen up.

"H-hey, Shishikura. How ya been?"

"Utsushimi. I see you haven't changed. Still a loose canon like in Shiketsu?"

"Hey, you're the one that wanted to make a thing go on with us and I cut it off when you threw me under the bus." We all stopped for a second before I questioned what she said.

"Hey, Camie. Is this the guy you said that you know, with?"

She pinched the bridge of her nose before the guy answered. "I take it you are in a relationship with Utsushimi now? Be warned, she is quite a loose cannon and does not follow rules. She will most likely-"

"WILL YOU SHUT UP! I AM SO IN CONTROL AND DO NOT ACT LIKE A LOOSE CANNON! THE ONLY LOOSE CANNON I SEE HERE IS THE NEDDLE DICK IN FRONT OF ME!" Camie shouted in anger to surprise me as well as everyone else. She turned to me before explaining who the guy was. "This guy's Seiji Shishikura. And to answer your question from before, yes."

"Alright. Let's go in before we cause more of a scene." The giant hair guy spoke up for the other Shiketsu students to head in. As they did, the Shishikura guy bumped into me to give me a stink eye for some reason.

"Sheesh, what's up with him?"

"He's probably still pissed that I broke it off with him." I glanced at Camie to see her somewhat angered. "You wanna know the truth, don't you?" I nodded for her to groan. "Alright. We did date and I honestly thought we were doing something not technically bad, but our schools lame thing about dating got kinda more bummersville when we were know. It wasn't even my idea to do it in the school. I wanted us to do that outside of school to not get caught. But Shishikura was a friggin hard butt and told me he wanted to have dominance in school. But when we got busted, he threw me under the bus when we were told the person who's idea it was would be expelled. He said it was me and well...I didn't want it to end for both of us."

"So you didn't fight the blame game knowing it wouldn't work for either of you?" I asked for Camie to nod.

"I just...I didn't want to drag someone else down with me to have at least some moral dignity. I cut it off with him soon after and know the rest."

I felt really bad for Camie. She genuinely wasn't the bad guy in this situation and just wanted to avoid both of them getting expelled. "Shiketsu told us that you probably weren't the person who thought of it. That's why we allowed you to enroll again as a first year for our school." Nemuri spoke up for Camie to smile a little. Eri ran over to hug Camie with her hugging back. "If it means anything, I'm sorry this happened to you Utsushimi. You didn't deserve this treatment."

She gave an accepting smile before answering. "Sometimes taking the lumps yourself is better than letting everyone around you take them as well."

"Such a mature thing to say." We turned to the person saying this to see a blond woman smiling at us.

"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Nekomata."

"...Who the fuck are you, lady?" Kaachan spoke up for the blond to smile.

"Oh yeah, you don't know who's part of Vali's faction outside of Kuroka and Son Goku. My name is Le Fay Pendragon. A member of Vali's group and also a second year of a Hero Course trying to get a Provisional here."

I thought of the name before remembering it from a British legend of King Author. "Are you by any chance related to Morgan Le Fay?"

"She's one of my distant relatives. How sweet of you to know me. Good kitty." She began petting behind my ear for it to somewhat annoy me, but also put me in a state of bliss.

"Mmmrrooooowwwww." I was grabbed by Kaachan and Ochako who gave Le Fay a death glare.

"Relax. I only wanted to say hello. Also, I have a very important message from Vali to you." The magician began holding her hat down and going into a somewhat deep and edgy tone of voice. "Midoriya. I would like to see which of us is better. Once the Provisional is over, I'd want you to find me in Kyoto with the Red Dragon Emperor beside you. We shall settle our business there. Just like that." She smiled at me with the comment confusing the hell out of me. "Anway, I'll see you inside."

"....It's just one thing after the other, isn't it."

I glanced to Ochako and Kaachan who were still acting somewhat possessive. "I swear, the crazies are just drawn to us."

"What was your first clue, Ochako?" We were able to head inside with all of us partially hoping there wasn't another problem waiting for us inside. I was just more hoping Camie could manage ok with Shiketsu here well enough to succeed. I glanced back at her holding Eri with some irritation on her face.

'This is probably very hard on her to handle.'

An hour later, 3rd person POV:

After everyone was changed, Izuku and the rest of class A found themselves in a giant room with the contestants taking the exam. "Today you all will be taking the Provisional License Exam. I'll be the one monitoring the exam as allowed by the *yawn*, Hero Board." Everyone that watched the guy up front was rather worried he was going to pass out as he began explaining the rules. Each contestant was given three targets to place somewhere on their body that wasn't hidden and visible for people to see. As an example, any targets on their armpits and the soles of their feet would be an immediate no for where to place them. They were also magnetized to their costume to prevent them from falling off. Along with the targets, everyone was given a total of six balls that they would use to hit the targets. Once all three of your targets are lit, you fail the exam. The goal was to get out two people to go onto the next part of the exam. Getting the first and second target isn't important, but the third target was what dignified as your count. In addition, only the first hundred would pass the first half and go on to the next.

'So if there's over three thousand here, not even a full  ten percent of us will have a chance to pass. That's low from what Nemuri told us.' Izuku pondered this since he heard that at about half the people that take the exam pass. This was probably an attempt to get better pro heroes in his thought process.

"Alright. I think it's about time to start this exam." The walls around everyone began falling down for a giant stadium holding several different areas to fight in to be shown. "Fight in an area you feel most comfortable in and work to succeed. Good luck." Everyone ran as fast as they could away from one another with class A heading out towards some inclined rocks.

"Anyone have a plan to win?" Sero asked with Izuku going on all fours and using his senses to try and find anyone.

"Avoid being in an area you can be ambushed in. Turn left here, that way has a bunch of people setting up for a sneak attack." Everyone agreed for Camie to stop and notice something. "Camie, you're gonna fall behind."

The fawn haired girl looked Izuku's way before speaking up. "Sorry, but I gotta handle something myself." She ran off with Izuku rolling his eyes.

"Going off on your own is a bad idea! You of all people should know that!?"

"Wait, why would she know?" Shouto came over to have Izuku explain.

"What does our school have that other schools don't?" The dual haired girl wondered before coming up with an idea. "Yep. The Sports Festival was a great way for us to get our name out there, but that also is a bad move because of what that gives everyone here. For the most part, we're in the dark except for those from our school due to our quirks being on display." Izuku sensed something coming to use a little Senjutsu to punch a large boulder a distance away and shatter it to reveal a couple of contestents looking like they were ready to pee themselves from the attack. "I'm gonna go find Camie. Tell the rest of the class where I'm going."

Izuku glanced towards them to see Kyoka holding her thumb to say they've got themselves. As he was heading out, Shouto followed him from behind. Before he could answer, the half and half girl spoke up. "I want to make sure she's ok as well. My quirk should be extremely helpful in a fight like this."

"Fair enough."

With Camie

Walking down a fake city overpass, Camie glanced around to see nobody in the area. 'I knew I saw him here.' She continued to walk before she felt something get kicked under her foot. Glancing down, the fawn haired girl rolled her eyes seeing what looked like a very large potato with weird images in it. "I know you're here. Why don't you stop hiding so we can talk like two normal people."

Shishikura walked out from a corner keeping him out of Camie's vision not exactly caring for the comment. "Who said I was hiding? I knew you were coming, so I decided to find somewhere secluded with nobody to disturb us." He glanced at her while giving a smirk. "You look like you're doing well."

"Drop dead. I'm already seeing someone else. At least he won't throw me under the bus to save his own skin. Unlike someone I know." This comment irritated the purple haired boy for him to scowl.

"If you were that angry, why didn't you say anything when we were asked who's idea it was to have sex in the bathroom?"

"You know damn well that we weren't going to get out of that without one of us taking the fall and you made that point perfectly clear who was. I only came here to settle something I should've when I could've."

"While we're on the topic of the past, why do you still have a Shiketsu hat on your hero costume? Is it your way of making amends for the shame you've done to yourself, or a way for you to never forget something?"

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with Camie and Shishikura settling their past together. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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