Push to the Finish

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Nejire POV:

"Dang it." I found myself alone with nobody around to help. Thanks to some guy form another school separating us all with some kind of earthquake quirk, I had no clue where anyone was to start worrying. 'Should I start looking for everyone or should I cut my losses here and try to pass on my own-oh god.' "Bluegh!" I immediately tossed my breakfast up for it to kinda irritate me. "You chose now to make me toss my cookies. That was a horrible waste of chili."

"You had chili this morning before coming here?" I turned immediately back to see that Le Fay girl behind me. I jumped back and prepared to attack with her holding her hands up. "Relax. I'm on your side here."

"...You sure about that? Everyone wants us from UA right now."

"That's cause you're easy targets. More specifically, why did you take the exam pregnant? Isn't that asking for problems?"

"I was not far enough along where I was able to show signs. Izuku also said that I shouldn't, but this was my choice."

"Aww. So you have a baby Nekomata in you. How adorable. I hope it's a cutie like Kuroka's brother is." I stared at the girl blankly for a minute before she cleared her throat. "Anyway. How about we start thinking of ways to pass together. Chances are, you're gonna want the help. And maybe also him over there." She pointed towards the side for me to see Sero run as fast as he can towards a rock for cover with a bunch of balls coming at him.

"SOMEBODY HELP ME!" Kaminari came jumping from the ledge we were on to fall face first into my chest and look up at me. "...Midoriya's not here, right-*SLAP*" I immedately slapped him across the face for my hand to actually sting a lot. Kaminari on the other hand fell face first with his cheek steaming from the impact.

"Sero!" I spoke up for my classmate to see me and run as fast as he could while watching for attacks. To help as a guard, he used his tape to block before sliding over towards us.

"*pant* *pant* Hey Hado. Good to see a friendly face."

"I'm at least glad I found someone else of our class besides Kaminari over there." Sero glanced at our classmate about to ask why he's face down before I showed my red hand. "Anyway, you know where any of our classmates are?"

"Sadly, no. I lost track of everyone when that one guy made that huge earthquake."

"This could be a problem. Our best bet right now just to avoid us all failing now is just to deal with passing first before anything else."

"It seems that about half of the people we need to pass have already done so." The announcer said this for it to worry me a little.

"Don't panic. You panic. You make mistakes." Le Fay spoke up for us all to circle around her. "I think I have a plan. But for it to work, we'll need someone to act as bait to lure in as many people as possible. When that's done, we'll trap everyone and take out those we need to pass."

"Ok. So what do you need from us?" I asked for Le Fay to grab Kaminari and Sero.

"I'll need tape boy's tape and Mr. Pervert's electricity. It'll probably make him stupid, but we'll make sure he passes when all's said and done."

"Wait, but I can find a way to use my quirk without frying my braincells. Can't we use that?"

"Nope. You need to go stupid." I glanced at everyone before realizing where this was going.

"I'm bait, aren't I?"

"If anything, you make good bait for how much you stand out. How about you show us your 'Meow' face." I stared at Le Fay blankly not sure how she knows what she does.

"What's she talking about?"

"This." I let my cat ears up and showed my cat tail for both the boys to look horrified. "I'm Izuku's rook. That means I've got more firepower than I can-Bluegh!"

"GROSS!" The guys backed away for me to glare at them.

"You think I like doing this? Anyway, can you tell me what the signal is?"

"I'll say 'Nejire, here' when we're ready and enough people are here. All you have to do is cat call them." Both me and Le Fay started snickering at her little pun for it not to hit home with the guys.

"Alright. I'll be back." I flew off using my quirk to start looking for some people. "Hey boys. Wanna try and hit the cat girl?" I turned and began shaking my tail at them for it to apparently work in getting their attention.

"Since when did UA have a cat girl in their first years?"

"Who cares, get her!" I started dodging them with them not hitting me to turn and stick my tongue out while pulling my eye lid down.

"Can't catch me!" I flew around the area getting more and more people with my new cat reflexes working. Once I had a lot by me, I flew behind a rock and hid for a second.

"I got you now-what the heck's a cat doing here?"

(Pretend the cat's blue)

'No wonder Izuku could confuse people in the first Heroic's class. Not only that, this feels kinda fun.' I hopped up on all fours and began meowing at the guy.

"Aww. What's wrong, kitty? Scared."

"No. But you're just not taking me seriously." I grabbed a ball from the person to touch all his targets and transform back into my real self.


"Yeah. But the joint feeling on my legs still feel weird. I wonder if that's normal?" I shook my legs a little for the feeling of how my legs bend still not feeling right. "How does Izuku handle turning into a cat and not having problems?"

In the stands, 3rd person POV:

"...Nejire's a Neko Piece of Izuku's." Ochako stared blankly at this with Katsumi not that far off her feeling.

"Apparently she is. Surprising to say the least."

"If we're being honest right now, the rook was a good fit for her." Nemuri added for the two teenagers to look at her. "Rooks are meant to be similar to tanks. This can represent firepower or brute strength. In the case of Midoriya's sister Koneko, she represents the later of the two. Hado represents the firepower aspect to make her one of the most suitable for the rook status among you kids. Both are powerful and would charge in to enemy terrain with little problems and take on any attack to counter with brute force. In short, she was born to be a frontline tank."

As they talked about this, the Shiketsu teacher stared at them confused over what they're talking about. 'Are they talking about something important that I'm not comprehending(has no idea about the factions)?'

With Nejire

"NEJIRE! HERE!" Nejire hopped back from the area with her eyes shut for Kaminari to come out.

"Indiscriminate shot, 1.9 Million Volts!" Using her senses, Nejire evaded the area with the large flash of light stunning everyone while also shocking those that got too close. Once done, Le Fay used her magic to send large boulders with Sero's tape wrapped around them in several directions to trap the contestants and prevent them from moving.

"I think that worked like a charm, don't you think?" The blond witch asked while seeing Kaminari with his brain shortcircuited.

"Yaaay!" The three stared at their comrade and immediately busted a gut laughing at his face.

"Alright. Time for us to be serious." Nejire walked over to some of the contestants for them to look up and plead for her to not do this.

"Please. Some of us are third years. Unless we pass today, none of us will get another shot at this."

Nejire felt a little empathy for the guy saying this knowing this to let a deep sigh out. "I'm sorry. If it means anything, I'd rather not ruin your chances, but I'm not ruining mine for yours." She pressed the targets to light them up before going to another contestant and doing the same thing. Once the group had who they needed and Kaminari gain enough logic to tap out who they needed, the group began heading to the designated area they needed.

Upon arrival to the area, the group of four noticed Izuku, Camie and Shouta coming over to the area to smile. "Izuku, look. Hey! Over here!" Camie waved while showing her tail wagging to make Le Fay smile.

"Aww. Looks like there's a third kitty here." Kaminari began chanting class A for everyone to have some humor in it.

Izuku walked right up to Nejire to grab her hands and look at her. "Are you ok? You're not in any pain or anything, right?"

"Don't be a worry wort, Izuku. I'm fine. We're all fine. It's fine." Nejire said the last bit with some annoyance not wanting this type of attention. "Do you know if anyone else passed?"

"Sorry. I don't. Why, what happened?" Izuku asked and was explained of the situation as the group went inside and had the targets demagnetized off of them. When they got in, they were met by Kyoka, Momo, Tsu and Sato sitting to the side enjoying a little of the snacks offered to the contestants to keep their strength up. "So you all were separated and we have no idea where everyone else is. Sorry that happened."

"It isn't your fault, Izuku. Someone was bound to try and separate us." Momo tried to reassure Izuku with him still feeling kinda bad he left them to deal with the confusion. "This would've happened regardless of you helping or not, so don't blame yourself."


"We have officially come to the final countdown for how many slots are left. Better hurry if you haven't passed yet." The announcer spoke for everyone to watch the monitor showing everyone the field.

"How many are left now?" Tsu asked for it to worry everyone.

"If they're coming down to the final countdown, then there probably isn't that many." Izuku looked at the amount of their class that passed to see they were still missing a large sum.

"If it's less than 10, someone might not pass the first round." As he thought this, a large flash of light came from the middle of a field to show Aoyama.

"What's he thinking? He should know that's just going to attract people to him." Momo looked worried before it hit Izuku.

"He's sacrificing himself. He probably knows that there's little chance he'll pass, but he might be able to help make someone else in our class pass. I understand the purpose, but I still don't like it." Izuku clenched his fists in anger knowing their classmate is sacrificing his own chances. But as this happened, a wave of pigeons came out of nowhere with the rest of their class coming at them and protecting Aoyama. Thanks to this they were able to ensnare and trap people before pressing their targets. One by one, the announcer began calling how many slots were left.

"Eight slots left. Now seven. Six. Four. Three slots left. Two more." As he said this, Aoyama and Iida pressed the target on two people earning themselves the total number of people they had to eliminate to pas. "That's all one hundred! Thanks to a surprising push at the end by UA, we now have our total number needed for the next round! Those that are remaining, please leave the field so we may prepare for the second part of the exam."

"*sigh* My fur was in knots from that." Izuku relaxed himself with everyone else in his class happy they could move onto the next half of the exam as a group.

"I wish we didn't cut it so close though. That wasn't needed to worry about." Kyoka sat back in her seat with the fear now being gone and overwhelmed with relief. Now that they all passed, Shouto began glancing around at who passed for Inasa Yoarashi from Shiketsu to glare at her.

Not wanting there to be an issue, she walked over to talk with him. "Can I ask you a question? Why are you glaring at me? Also, weren't you at the exams for reccomended students for UA?"

"I see you remember me." He gave a serious look to Shouto for her to continue asking questions.

"Ok, but didn't you pass with the top score? Why aren't you in UA?"

"Because, I cannot stand being around you or your father." This raised an even bigger question to Shouto as Inasa continued. "When I was younger, I thought Endeavor was cool like every other hero. But when I met him in real life, I realized he wasn't the person I thought he was. Those eyes. They glared as if they were set on one goal and he didn't care who got in his way."

"Ok, but what does that have to do with me?" Shouto wasn't sure what this meant before Inasa explained.

"Though you may not show it as much anymore, I still see the same glaring hatred in your eyes as I did during the exam. The exact same that was from Endeavor himself. Knowing that you were the same, I could not accept being around the likes of you. As such, I'll prove I'm a better hero than you and him and I'll do it my own way." Inasa walked away with the fact she did this making Shouto feel like garbage.

"If it means anything, I'm sorry you feel that way." Inasa looked back to see the dual hair colored girl hold her arms in a form of self disappointment. "I was very angry when I was taking the exam. I wanted to prove something to my father and well...I caused a lot of problems for those around me. As such, I'm very sorry if you felt insulted by me in any way." Shouto bowed for this to confuse the larger man.

"Didn't expect that coming. What got into you to make you think this way?"

"His penis." Shouto pointed to Izuku who gave a spit take at what was said along with everyone else nearby. Inasa stared at Izuku and Shouto for a solid minute not even sure how to respond to what he was just told.

"Ok....Well good for you then. I hope you find satisfaction with him."

"I do. And I find satisfaction with the other girls too." The conversation was beginning to confuse Inasa more and more to simply just want it to stop before he would hear anymore awkward talks of Shouto's romantic life.

"Alright then, later." He walked somewhat quickly away with the act confusing Shouto.

"What did I say?"

"More than you should've." Izuku walked over and tried to motion Shouto to sit away from the center of the room while holding his face trying to avoid people from seeing him blush. 'One of these days I think I'm going to need to teach Shouto the important lesson of what TMI is.'

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with the Provisional going into the second part of their exam. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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