Struggles of the Felines

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So real quick for Izuku's costume in this is gonna be like Kuroka's and Koneko's nekomata costumes in design. The base color will be green with the under color black. The band around his waste will be a solid red with gold lacing. He will also have special foot braces that are green that he wears instead of shoes. These help him fight with a combat style that involves his feet and are rather durable with flexibility. He had also put in a special order for 3 different knuckle gloves made of different alloys that he had given. Since their important going forward, I'm keeping what two of the three are a secret. But the third is a refined steel that's durable and doesn't break that easily. Now that his costume is explained, lets get onto the story.

Izuku POV:

My dream started rather nicely. I began to see the girls hanging out with a picnic enjoying their time. We all were laughing, smiling, and having content with the moment. "How long will it be until you abandon them Izuku?" I look behind me to see Shirone with her head down pointing at the direction of everyone. I glance over to see the girls laying dead in a puddle of their own blood with Kuroka there. "No...NO!" Kuroka looks at me with the eyes she had before with a sickening smile. "NOOOO!" I jolt myself up to see I'm in mine, Ochako's, and Kaachan's dorm room. I began to breath a little heavy before I felt two hands on me. "Deku, what's wrong?" Kaachan asks me this in a tired voice with Ochako trying to wrap around my waste. "I-it's nothing. Just a bad dream." I started to make my way out of the covers before glancing over at the two. "I'm gonna go get a warm drink to calm my nerves, you two go back to sleep." Both nodded and went back to sleep while I went to the kitchen.

As I walked down, I saw the light to the kitchen on to indicate someone else was up. As I walk in, I see Yaoyorozu making a cup of tea. "Couldn't sleep." "EEP!" She silently shouts this while holding her hand over her heart. "Somebody should put a bell on you if your gonna do that." "Note taken, now why are you up?" She looked at her tea with a little sadness. "I kinda miss home. I thought a little tea would help calm my nerves to get some sleep. What about you?" I go into the fridge to grab some milk to put in a cup to warm. "A nightmare." "What was it about?" "...My family." She looked at me confused for a second before I took the cup out of the microwave. "The only biological family I have, or had are my older and younger twin sisters." "Why would they be in a nightmare?" "...I did something unforgivable some time ago to a point I don't deserve to be here. The nightmare was about that."

Yaoyorozu looked at me amazed before I continued. "A long time ago, I left my little sister for dead. Since that day, I've had nothing but nightmares to the point I wake up in a cold sweat and bawling my eyes out normally." "I'm sorry I touched a painful topic for you." "Not your fault." I take a sip of the hot milk before smiling at her. "You didn't know. This also isn't your burden to bear, it's mine. Because of that, I'll find my way to get some closure with this." I gulp down my drink before putting the dish in the sink. "Good night, I'll see you in the morning Yaoyorozu." "Good night."

Meanwhile ??? POV:

"Izuku!" I start to wake up from my nightmare seeing the inside of my apartment. I immediately start silently sobbing to myself having old wounds open. To try and help, I went into my kitchen to warm up some milk. While waiting for it to get heated, tears kept running down my face with my only regret haunting me again. 'I should've stopped him. I should've done more than freeze. It's my fault Izuku's dead. I shouldn't be in Rias's house living a comfy life with what happened. I should be the one that ran, not Izuku.' I began to cry again with the microwave finished for me to sit on my bed watching the steam come off my milk. 'I'm sorry Izuku. I'm so sorry.'

Time skip to the morning Izuku POV:

Once the alarm rang for us to wake up, me and the girls slowly made our way out of bed to get changed. While doing this, I began to notice the strangeness of our room. On one side, we had 13 merchandise that Ochako owned. On the other, All Might merch that Kaachan had. And in the center, we had some Wild Wild Pussycat's merch from me(Do I need to explain why he has a cat hero group merch). When we were ready, we went down from our room with us stretching to the same sides in unison. Once we were on the ground floor, we were immediately swarmed by Ida. "Midoriya! Coming down from the girls side is an indecent way to show yourself to your classmates! If you have a relationship with a fellow classmate, provide some decency and do not do indecent acts on school grounds!"

"Can it four eyes, we share a bedroom." Kaachan goes into the kitchen with everyone in the common space hearing this and freezing. "Wait, did Bakugo just say her, Uraraka, and Midoriya share a bedroom?" A guy with a lightning bolt on his hair called Kaminari stated this with a little jealousy. "I didn't know they were that close *ribbit*." "Yeah, me, Deku, and Ochako spent nights at each others houses all the time. We even bathe together." "Worst time is when that happen." I shake at this thinking on how it feels being washed. "You weren't complaining when we had a threesome in your bathroom." Kaachan states this blankly with everyone amazed at how relaxed we were with that comment. "Says the woman who submits to me easily when she's being pounded." "Ok, can we not make an image of you three doing it while we eat?" A girl with aux cords on her ears stated with us agreeing and sitting down to eat.

That afternoon

Classes were relatively normal before lunch, the normal curriculum for schools were taught during the morning. However, during the afternoon was where the heroics classes really took place. All of us are currently sitting in the classroom with us making small talk until the teacher came in. During this time, I was rather intent on playing with a ball of yarn Kaachan passed me. I was having a blast sending it back and forth with quite a crowd watching me. 'I'm gonna beat my high score of how many times I can knock it back and forth in a minute today, I can feel it.' While I'm doing this, the door opens with a booming voice coming from it. "I AM, COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A HERO!" "Yeah, heroics with All Might!" "He's also in his silver age costume." "So cool!" "Yo Deku, you excited for this?" I look up to Kaachan who is leaning back smirking at me. "You kidding? This is awesome having All Might be our teacher!"

" HERO BASIC TRAINING. THIS CLASS WILL PUT YOU TO THE TEST TO MAKE YOU INTO HEROES OF THE FUTURE! NOW FOR OUR FIRST TEST, WE HAVE!" All Might grabs a large flash card to show us what it is. "BATTLE TRAINING! AND FOR THAT, YOU NEED THESE!" All Might hits a button to show 19 suitcases come out for us. "CHANGE INTO YOUR COSTUMES AND MEET ME OUTSIDE IN GROUND BETA!" I could barely contain myself as I went to grab my costume and practically sprinted on all fours to the changing room. After we put our costumes on, we began to head out to the field with All Might waiting for us. "THIS IS YOUR FIRST REAL STEP INTO THE HERO WORLD YOU ALL! I MUST SAY, YOU ALL LOOK SUPER COOL!"

"Yo Deku." I look over to see Ochako and Kaachan walk over. "Oh, hey Kaachan, Ochako. You both look really cool." I smile at them with Ochako being a bit uneasy with hers. "You think. I kinda messed up the jumpsuit size. It's a little skin tight." She starts awkwardly laughing while I realize how right she was. 'Holy crap.' "So Deku, whatcha think of mine~?"

(Basically the costume)

"W-w-well I mean, it suits you really nicely. Both of yours do." "Hehehe! Just what I'd expect from you, hahaha!" Kaachan starts laughing at me a bit before she starts glaring me up and down. "I gotta admit though, yours is pretty interesting." She starts staring at the opening where some of my chest is shown to get a bit of a nosebleed. "I-is it weird?" I look over to Ochako who was red as a tomato while her and Kaachan both give me a thumbs up. 'Maybe I should ask for the yukata to be tightened a bit to allow me to keep my chest a little less visible.' I come out of this when All Might gets our attention.

"NOW, TODAY SHALL BE A TWO MAN TRAINING SESSION!" "But theirs 19 of us, how is that gonna work?" "Is somebody going to be expelled in this one?" "How shall we pick the teams?" "Do I look fabulous in this?" "How badly can we kill the enemy?" Me and Ochako look over to Kaachan with a deadpan look. "...Really Katsumi/Kaachan?" "TO ANSWER ALL YOUR QUESTIONS, TEAMS WILL BE IN LOTS WITH NO EXPULSIONS IN THIS! THERE WILL BE A SOLO TEAM IN THIS DUE TO THE LACK, BUT I WILL ASK IF ANYONE WISHES TO GO ALONE THIS ROUND?" I raise my hand for everyone to look at me. "Can I be that solo team? I kinda want to see how far I can get alone right now with my base strength if that's ok." "VERY WELL, NOW FOR THE SITUATION! THE VILLAINS HAVE TAKEN A BOMB AND HIDDEN IT IN THIS HIDEOUT! HEROES HAVE FIFTEEN MINUTE TO SECURE THE BOMB BY JUST TOUCHING IT OR BINDING THE VILLAINS IN THIS TAPE TO INDICATE CAPTURE TO WIN! VILLAINS CAN WIN BY CAPTURING THE HEROES OR LETTING A TIMER SET ON YOU RUN OUT! NOW THAT THAT'S SAID, LETS DRAW LOTS!

Team A: Midoriya

Team B: Uraraka and Hado

Team C: Yaoyorozu and Ida

Team D: Bakugo and Todoroki

Team E: Ayoyama and Ashido

Team F: Sato and Koda

Team G: Kaminari and Jiro

Team H: Asui and Tokoyami

Team I: Ojiro and Hagakure

Team J: Sero and Kirishima

"NOW THAT LOTS ARE CAST, THE FIRST TEAM TO GO UP WILL BE!" All Might grabs two separate balls with letters on them. "TEAM E THAT WILL BE THE HEROES AND TEAM A THAT WILL BE THE VILLAIN! VILLAIN TEAM HAS 5 MINUTES TO PREPARE BEFORE THE HERO TEAM ENTERS! GOOD LUCK!" I begin heading into the building to find the bomb. "*sniff* *sniff* paper mache. Kinda figured." I grab the bomb to put it in a top area before running down to shut off the lights. "Now lets see how you girls like playing with a kitty with the lights off."

After the 5 minutes Katsumi POV:

"5 MINUTES ARE UP, HERO TEAM CAN ENTER!" All Might gives us the go with the two of us walking in. Right when we do, Icyhot freezes the whole building with me just barely able to avoid getting my feet frozen to the ground. "YOU COULD GIVE A LITTLE WARNING NEXT TIME! YOU ALMOST FROZE MY FEET TO THE GROUND ICYHOT BITCH!" "My apologies, but now we should be able to find the weapon without the threat of Midoriya." "*snort* You don't know Deku like I know him. He'll break through your ice and make it a disadvantage for us. Shit it's cold." We start to walk around before hearing a pitter patter of feet around us. "What was that?" "Deku." "But how did he manage to avoid having his feet frozen?" "I don't know, maybe he broke the ice."

We keep walking until Icyhot looks over to a corner. "What's a cat doing here?" 'cat?' I look over to see her petting a green cat before it hit me. "GET BACK, THAT'S NOT A CAT!" She looks over to me before the cat latches on her face and starts clawing her. "GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!" The cat jumps down to begin to laugh. "Mrahahahaha! You thought I was just a cat, but I'm actually Izuku in my lovable cat form!" Deku starts standing on two legs with us looking at him confused. "So you could change into a cat?" "That's right Todoroki." She immediately sends off a barrage of ice for Deku to dodge and get into her costume.

"Can we count this as were close now?" I try to sock him with only hitting Icyhot instead. Deku jumps over to me and starts wiggling his way into my costume now. "Knock knock." Deku starts coming out of the back of my shirt before going down to pop up by my stomach. "Your definitely more toned than before." Before grabbing him, he gets into my costume again to pop out of the opening in my chest to look me in the face. "How about a little kiss?" I punch myself in the face trying to get him before popping up again in the back of my pants. "How did I get here?" I punch him again to only hit myself and for him to pop up in the front part of my pants. "You should really reconsider your choice of underwear when at school." Once again, I fail to punch him and get myself.

"Now it's time to say what the witch doctor said to me!" He immediately starts going down and popping up everywhere he was while singing. "Oh-Ei-Oh-Ah-Ah-Ting-Tang- Walla walla-Bing- Bang. Oh-Ei-Oh-Ah-Ah-Ting-Tang-Walla walla bing bang!" He finishes with headbutting me in the face to have me fall to the ground. "How are we losing to a cat?" "IT'S DEKU GENIUS! HE'S SMART ENOUGH TO KICK ASS LIKE IT'S NOTHING! ENOUGH WITH THE GAMES DEKU! FIGHT ME LIKE A MAN INSTEAD OF THE LITTLE PUSSY THAT YOUR ACTING LIKE!" "You want me to fight you like a man huh? Very well." He starts transforming into his human form before we both see one thing to make us both get knocked out by a nosebleed.

Izuku POV:

"That was easier than I thought. I don't think their getting up anytime soon All Might." "ERR, VILLAIN TEAM WINS! ALSO, YOU MAY WANT TO PUT SOME PANTS ON YOUNG MIDORIYA! YOUR CLASSMATES HERE AREN'T FARING WELL WITH WHAT THEY SEE!" I look down to realize my clothes are off my body with me practically streaking. "Hehe, whoops. Guess that explains the knockout by nosebleed." I start to laugh a bit before going to the corner to find my costume. Once in the viewing room, I notice most of the girls have their noses clogged with some traces of blood on them. 'Did I really cause that much of a scene?' "Midoriya, I didn't know you could shape shift. That's so cool!" Hado runs up to me with a smile from ear to ear. "Uhh, thanks but it isn't anything special. I can only turn into a cat." "An adorable cat though." Kaachan states this while regaining consciousness with Todoroki who watches me with a red blush. "That was a shock when you were in the nude though." "Guess I need a little more work on that." We continued on wtih the matches with everyone doing rather well.

After class

"GOOD, NO MAJOR INJURIES FOR THE FIRST LESSON! THAT'S ALWAYS A GOOD SIGN! NOW IF YOU'LL EXCUSE ME, I MUST BE OFF!" All Might leaves us with everyone confused at what just happened. "Well, guess that's all for our lesson. Kaachan, Ochako, you wanna hit up the town to see what they've got for a nice home cooked meal?" "Oh fuck yeah!" "Definitely." "Can I come too?" I look over to see Hado wrap her arms around me with my head placed in her chest. "Uh, s-sure. The more the merrier." We head to the changing room before making our way to the dorms to change into some normal clothes. The rest of the day consisted of a pleasant walk in town with a nice home cooked meal after. It kinda made me feel like I had a family again.

Meanwhile in a bar 3rd person POV:

"So He's a teacher now?" "It would appear so." Two people look at a newsletter saying All Might was teaching with a third smirking knowing what will come in the near future. "Just remember Shigaraki nya. If we find my brother, I get the liberty to do whatever I please to him nya." "Yeah, yeah. What's your brothers name anyway?" The third person who had appeared as a woman with cat ears and tails smirks at the man called Shigaraki. "Right now, he goes by the name of Izuku Midoriya nya."

And that finishes this chapter. Next two chapters will have a little more depth for Nejire and Izuku's relationship for one and a fourth member joining the girls in their relationship for the second. Who should it be? Put your opinions down below and I'll make a scenario around them. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and thanks for reading.

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