Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

“No messages received”

I threw the phone aside depressingly and rolled over the soft fluffy surface of the bed. It’s been 2 days since the Ron thing and he hadn’t called nor texted. Normally I would be the first one to make up when we had a fight but this time I’ve decided not to. I just couldn’t always be the under dog in this relationship like that!

If I stayed silent he’ll eventually give up and text me. It’s just been 2 days, no big deal.


See, I told you he would text!

The sound of the phone made me almost jumped, I grabbed the small object and eagerly looked at the blinking screen. And quickly got disappointed looking at the sender.

“Shego: hey!  You’ve been glued to that house for like 2 days, it never came to my mind that you were this sobby before, cheer up! Wanna grab something to eat?”

Of all the people, why her? Why now? Why can’t it be Ron??

Ron Ron Ron... is that all you could think about now Kim? Gosh look what he had done to you! Messy hair, dark rings around the eyes which looked like that of a panda,... Think it through! Does he even deserves all that? If so then why didn’t he call you, or text you in the past 2 days?!

Right! I can’t just stick my ass here and mourn forever! And I’m absolutely not a sobby! I’m Kimberly Ann Possible, Middleton’s cheer-captain, daughter of James Timothy Possible and a proud natural redhead! No football guy could let me down, if I want I could get an even better prize than just a blonde hunk! And I mean it, I could seriously do that!

“Reply: Pick me up at 8:00”

I clicked the send button and rushed in the shower to get ready, I’m gonna show the world that life is still beautiful without Ron Stoppable.



She looked at me with amazement, her glowing emerald eyes scanned me from tip to toe.

“What? So much for a sobby? Close your mouth, you’re drooling”

I gave her a provokeful glance and could see the confusion in her eyes, she turned away with light pink on her cheeks and open the door for me, didn’t dare to glance back at all. I almost thought of that to be cute.

When I said I was gonna show the world, I really meant it, I chose the sleeveless red dress with thigh split showing all that is capable to show about my lap, I done my hair a little, permed the tail so it has natural locks that swing over my shoulder, put on some light make-up. I was pretty confident that I could bring her down, especially when she had already had a thing for me

“So...where are we heading?”

I could feel her peeking at my thigh and that left me a smirk, totally worth it. I raised my voice to ask and she quickly turned back to the road.

“An Italy’s Restaurant near the Fifth Boulevard, the owner there is my old acquaintance so he should get us a nice table, you look stunning by the way”

“Duh, I’m a Possible, I’m always stunning” I smirked

We arrived at the restaurant, she opened the door for me like a gentleman, that warmed my heart , Ron had never done that before, never, but now she’s doing that, just for me although the whole school is after her.

 The waiter walked us to our table and I couldn’t help admired at the elegant and luxury the place looked. Our table was on the balcony, the only table that was set on a balcony, guess it was VIP.

“This place is amazing, I could you even pay for this stuffs? You’re just a History teacher, no offense”

“None taken, like I’ve said, I have an old acquaintance here so there’s not much to it I must pay”

She smiled, her emerald spheres sparkled in the night.

We had dinner, drank some wine, she told jokes about history, I know I may sounds like a nerd now but I do love history after her jokes. The way she treats me, always gentle like I’m something fragile, but I came to like it that way, I felt like I was respected and cherished, not like when I’m with Ron, he always made me felt that I must grab hold to him cause I’m nobody, I could lose him any time.

We had a great time at dinner, although she was always peeking on me and I faked to let my guards down a few times, she didn’t took those chances which made me surprise and respected her even more.

She drove me home and totally blew Ron out of my head for the whole ride, for once I didn’t have to think about anything, just sat there and listen to her jokes, laugh and have fun, I’d never felt that free around anyone before, even Ron.

Right, freedom, define irony when years after that here I am, chained to that same demon I once respected.

3 months and I’ve totally forgot about him... if he didn’t just called and said how much he was missing me, that he was robbed so he couldn’t contact with me and had to worked his ass off to survive in Boston. He said I was the reason for him not to give up. He said he love me far too much. And he said... He said he’ll be back tomorrow. I couldn’t help but shivered in tears, I still love him, so much that I just couldn’t take it to let him go.

But now....

Knock! Knock!

“Who’s there?”

“It’s me, can I come in?”

Her familiar voice make me trembled, for the past 3 months we’ve been going out like a couple though nothing went further than just holding hands and I didn’t admit it to be official. Yesterday night she said she had something for me but she forgot to bring it so she set it for today, I knew what it was and couldn’t help smiling at her cuteness. But now, I’m just scared of that gift she brought, I’m scared to face her while 2 minutes ago I’ve made up with Ron. I’m just so lost.

“Come in”

I tried to keep my voice from shaking.

The door opened and there she was, the perfect goddess. Her emerald eyes sparkled  with passion, the silver moonlight cast on her pale skin that made it looked like marble stone,her juicy lips that curved to a radiant smile, her long silky black hair hung freely on her chest, for a moment, I thought the woman standing in front of me was Artemis- the beautiful goddess of the moon.

To think about it, it was quite right to say she was Artemis.... and I was Iphigenia*

“What are you hiding back there?”

I forced myself to act normal and naturally like nothing happened.

“Close your eyes”

“Ooooh, ok miss mysterious, what do you got for me?”

I closed my eyes and felt her hands putting something like a necklace around my neck.

“Okay, you could open your eyes now”

Her smile brightened like a shining sun, her emeralds filled with happiness, her lips curved to form the words I was frightened to hear most.

“Be mine?”

I felt my heart clenched thinking how much it would hurt her by saying no, but I couldn’t just say yes, I couldn’t just do that while I’ve just made up with Ron.

I looked at the heart shaped gem stone on the necklace and found myself speechless.

“What? You don’t like it?”

She made a pout that would have been so cute if the situation we’re in weren’t like that.

“No, I love it! It’s beautiful...It’s just that...”

“Just what? Too cheesy? I know I should have taken the bracelets with guns and roses”

Normally I would have laughed and give her a peck on the cheeks, but then I just choked in, she cared too much about me, I couldn’t continue this, she doesn’t deserved to be toyed with her feelings like that.

“It’s not about the necklace Shego”

“Was it about me? I look hideous today? Dammit I shouldn’t have wear make-ups since I’m suck at tha...”

“No, Shego you look gorgeous, the most gorgeous human being I’ve ever seen! It’! I don’t, and never will, deserve you”

I held her face in both of my hands, confusion started invading her eyes.

“No Kimmie, don’t think it that way, screw what people thinks, I love you more than anything, I...”

“No Shego, I can’t keep doing this anymore, I don’t love you”

“Yes you do, you just don’t admit it, the past 3 months..”

She held fast to my wrist and looked at me with panic filled in her jade green eyes.



“I’m sorry Shego, but I still love him, that’s the thing”

 “So it’s about Ron then...”

Her emerald eyes darkened, her voice lowered.

“ No, the past 3 months is just me using you, as a replacement, I’m a bitch, I know, curse me all you want but I can’t keep doing this, I just can’t keep lying to you and fooling around with your feelings anymore”

“It’s okay, you’ve already did”

She let go of my hands, her emerald spheres turned blank just like that time when I first saw her on the cliff. She gave an empty smile and turned away to the door. Before she opened it, she stopped and raised her voice loud enough so that I could hear it, her tone was dead cold and monotonous.

“I hope you’ll find happiness with the man you love, Kim Possible”

I didn’t know why but the way she said “the man I love” made me felt shiver down my spine. An uncertain fear crept up my soul as her  car drove away and disappear behind rows of trees.

She was different from the Shego I saw everyday with warmth and love, this Shego was just so cold, so unfamiliar. And the way she called me by my full name, it was so distance, like we're strangers, I didn't understand why but my heart throbbed thinking we'll be strangers after this. I kept feeling that aching agony crawled up my stomach remembering the despair in her eyes that moment when I said no, it was hauntingly painful, like a dagger through your heart. I owed her too much, her feelings, her everything, I've wrecked it all, I'm such a bitch!

*Artemis took Iphigenia away, made her immortal and forced the girl to live with her forever, own her like a possession.

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